Egg Hunt.

While crafting is completely done, I got a few things to do now. Easter and going on a crusade. Since I got three days, I might as well do some research.






[][][][][][][][][][Three Days Later][][][][][][][][][][



Easter huh. It's today I guess, hope I didn't forget everything that's needed.

Turns out, there is a whole holiday tab in the player market if you search manually, luckily they have a bunch of Holiday food for me to claim as my own.

I got Lamb, Babka, and the works. Plenty for an Easter feast... aren't most of these foods polish though? Is that traditional?

I don't know, I never celebrated Easter...

I got some matzah, I don't think this is for Easter, but remember I ate alot of this around Easter. I don't remember why though.

We don't really know how to throw an Easter party or whatever. So, we instead did some Egg hunts and some festival type games, then at around sundown we retired to the dining room and feasted on the " Home made food ". Luckily it was good enough to pass as my own cooking.

Delightfully Devilish, Seym -

By the way, Cav won the egg hunt. I don't get how she did it though. Scarily effective searching led to a landslide victory I guess.

Anyways... after a nice long sleep, it's now the morning.

While Melody packed away the decorations, I checked the crafting menu to pick up my finished products.

| Ice dragon EXO suit |

| Ice dragon Assault Vest |

| Ice Demon's fanged mask |

| Frozen Heart Locket |

| Frozen Heart Ring |

| Ice dragon leggings and boots |

| Draconian Wings ( Ice ) |

| Magic Core ( Ice ) |

| Magic Tattoo ( Ice ) |

| Magic Body reinforcement ( Ice ) |

| Combat Lens ( Thermal ) |

| Ice Blossom revolver |

| Ice Blossom Turret upgrade |

| Icy Hair dye |

| Crafting Complete, Forge into a set? |

Sure, they are all related in a way

| Confirmed, set created. |

| Name available |

- " Would you like me bless and name this set for you? "

Sure... wait who said that?

Mordova - " I can't believe you have forgotten me so quickly, my champion... "

Oh, Mordova! ... you can read my mind?

Mordova - " Of course I can... I wouldn't be a Goddess without at least that much power. "

I don't quite understand that, but never mind. What are you here for?

Mordova - " Just here to help out with preparations... being a Goddess of something like Ice is quite boresome. Not alot of prayers or apostles to look after....

Anyways, I came her to bless this new set you have created. It's full of divine level gear, and I believe you'll find it stronger should I name it. "

I'll accept then, strength is my goal at the moment!

Mordova - " I understand... System? "

| Hello, God A.I. Mordova |

Mordova - " Please put a portion of my power into naming this set. "

| Of course, what shall it be named? |

Mordova - " Call it, Ice Paragon's Sentinel "

| Confirmed, Ice Paragon's Sentinel Complete. |

| Blood King Title Can effect this set, allow? |

Mordova - " Of course. "

| Confirmed |

| Set complete. Ice Blossom Paragon's Bloody Sentinel set |

| Equip now, user Cobalt? |

Y... yeah? Why are you talking like that system?

| Confirmed... equipping now. |

| Answer : Divine influence |

| System announcement : User Cobalt has equiped and created a Unique Set. Updating system to accommodate. |


| System fully updated, All classes now mixable. All non mixed classes reset to Level 1+. All non mixed classes given XP. Granted slight decrease in overall world temperature. |

| Player Cobalt, you have been deemed of high enough importance to become a Half deity, Confirm? |


I need some time to think real quick, I hope to don't mind.

Before we go through with everything... first show me the stats of my set please.

| Understood. |

| Ice Blossom Paragon's Bloody Sentinel. |

| Unique |

| Permanent, Bound to Cobalt |

| Passive - Ice Blossom Shroud |

| Passive - Temperature Null |

| Passive - Impervious |

| Passive - Re : Life |

| Passive : Dragon Form ( Ice ) |

| Passive : Thermal Vision |

| Passive : All Sight |

| Passive : Magic Null |

| Passive : Fear Aura ( Greater ) |

| Passive : Blizzard Aura ( Greater ) |

| Passive : Clear Body |

| Passive : Sub Zero |

| Passive : Blue Ice |

| Active : Full Dragon Transformation |

| Active : Ice manipulation ( Maximum ) |

| Desc. The true embodiment of ice, with the power of the Divine Craftsman and the Goddes of Ice it was forged to be above all else. |

| Warning : Race : Blood King Insectoid race will be removed |

| Force equip : Bloody Ice Lotus Dragonoid Race. |

| Equip? |

Woah... that's alot of ice. Yes. Equip it now!

| Confirmed, Equiping now... |

| Equipped |

Alright, this is pretty damn comfortable I must say. All in all it's a pretty damn good looking set.

To describe is... kinda hard, it's very intricate despite my simplicity in base designs.

I'll go from head to toe.

My hair color became ice blue, much lighter and even a little Crystalized.

My eyes now look like crystals too.

My lower face is covered by a white " Oni " type mask.

My shoulders are covered with giant Spiky pauldrons that lead to a draping fur cloak, complete with a hood. The design on the cloak changed too, there are now crystaline patterns throughout.

My chest was covered in white leather and chain mail with a snow flake patterned into it with ice.

I wore simularly white leather boots. Nothing too Special there.

My skin is dead white now. I was white before but now, I look completely devoid of color.

I have a white holster for my side arm and a small white strap for hanging my assault rifle on my back.

Alright system, now what are the perks of becoming a Half deity?

| Confirmed. |

| There are different options you get to pick, here are a few of the most appropriate and strong ones that you have available. |

| Ice Dragon Deity |

| Ice Demon Deity |

| Divine Craftsman Deity |

| Divine Mech Deity |

Mech? There is a mech type Deity?

| Answer : Yes, it was created in response to a user who mixed class " Mecha user " and " Priest *. |

That's kinda sick. What's the advantage of the dragon and demon ones? I suppose those are combat ones right?

| Confirmed |

| Ice dragon Deity : Allows Lesser Draconic powers and Maximum Affinity to Ice magic |

| Ice Demon Deity : Allows Lesser Demonic powers, contract strength increase, Advanced Ice magic, and Advanced Sword technique ( Demon ) |

What's Draconic and Demonic powers?

Mordova - " I'll answer that for you, Draconic powers allows the user to have a greater efficiency with magic off all sorts. Due to Magic being directly channeled from the Dragon God, you'll become unparalleled in Magic to those who aren't.

Demon powers will allow for your body to surpass it's natural limit, allowing for your physical strength be unparalleled to those who aren't.

Personally, I recommend Draconic. I myself have Draconic powers and have slaughtered countless Demons with it. "

Well, I guess demonic power is the under dog the right?

Mordova - " Yes, it's quite under powered compared to Draconic. Assuming you'd want the strength, I recommend Draconic."

l'll take Demonic then, I believe it will help out more, it will better round out my powers. I already am ridiculous strong with magic assuming I get to crafting magic. So physical strength is on the list. Besides, despite my high magic power I do have quite the bit of physical skills. Having the stats to support that will be helpful.

Mordova - " Whatever suits you best... "

| Warning : Evolution to half Deity will cause huge pain. |

Wait wh-

| Evolving... |





Aww, fucking everything is fucking sore.

I really hated that...

| Congratulations on surviving evolution. |

| Your Two Tamed creature's species have also been updated. |

I fucking condemned them to hell for a bit then... i need to make that up to them..

maybe more... skewers...

| Warning : Your Stamina is reaching critical levels. Rest is recommended |

Yeah... I'll go do that...







I've been having some family time with my new younger sister. I've decided I'll call her that, I believe master would like it.

We worked on managing her size, luckily I have been doing it for so long as not to disturb master. I know he prefers to be the bigger one. I've also been telling her stories about Master's previous acheivments and battles.

Such as the Crusade against the Ants, or the Annihilation of the Beast and Demon's armies. And specifically I told her about my fight against Crimson.

I told her about what master has told me, about his past as a Player Killer... and how the Charm that he was put under at that time still affects a part of his mind today. I also told her that his Old self might take over at any time, and we must prepare for that.

| Your master, Cobalt, is becoming a Lesser Ice Demon Deity. Your species will be upgraded as result. |

| Warning : Evolution will cause huge pain.|

Bring it. I refuse to let anything stop me from getting stronger for Master!

| Evolving... |


Fuck, that kinda stung. Is that supposed to be -

JfkdlslamddnzlzlzmzjdklnpapPOAKSKDKDFUCKDUXKDUXK -


I guess I was wrong. Actually, I believe I haven't felt that kinda pain in quite a bit. Not since the AntHill at least.

Anise doesn't seem to be affected at all however, I wonder why.

| Evolution complete |

| Half - Ice Goddess ( Insectoid [ Centipede ] ) |

| Ally : " Anise ", has evolved as well. |

| Anise ( Blood Queen Insectoid [ Spider ] ) -> Half - Ice Goddess ( Insectoid [ Spider ] )

Thank you very much, I'll go meet with Master now then system. Have a good day!

| Confirmed |

Me - " Come on Anise, shall we greet master after his new evolution? "

Anise " Of.. course... sister. "

Ahh, hopefully I'll be able convince master to make us skewers again.




Me - " Oh master? Are you out here? "

- " zzzzzzz "

Has he fallen asleep? I guess the evolution took quite the bit out of him... It hurt even me, so I imagine that Master's slightly more, human, body would be hurt a bit more.

There he is, aww... he looks so cute when he sleeps. I'll carry him to his bed. I guess he worked quite hard, he now has quite the bit of Equipment on him now. I wonder if he's finally finished staying here then. I kind of miss the days on the road.

Especially when Asi was here...





[ Chapter End ]

[ Next Chapter : Crusade of Ice and Fire ]

This announcement rang out to all players within the system... it's seemingly is time for the next Chapter in the story.

With the new updates to the system, there are more ways to play than ever, and the being that brought us that is none other than Cobalt. A few rumors circle around about this being...

According to player " Ruby " of the Strongest PK guild, Cobalt is the Alt account of the PK god Crimson.

According to the Divine text, recently translated by the Arch Priest Daedalus, A player of white and blue is a decendent of Crimson... however translation may be incomplete.

According to an Ally of Cobalt, Arch, Crimson is confirmed to be related to Cobalt. However their personalities seems to have converged at the point of Crimson becoming Cobalt.

Recently, Reporter " District " has interviewed Arch about the situation over a video call, here is the full conversation between them.

- You are Arch correct? -

- Yes, I'm Arch. -

- How are you related to Cobalt? -

- Me and a few friends, we were traveling through a small valley when a group of Player killers surrounded us. Including the infamous Ruby. Cobalt killed the Player killers and saved us. So far we have ran a raid together, where we PK'd his previous guild. He's also currently living at my home for a temporary time. -

- Is there any chance we can get an interview with him? -

- Unfortunately he's not exactly the type for an interview... so I doubt it. -

- Alright then, Ruby testified that Cobalt revealed himself to be Crimson, is it true that he said something along those lines?-

- Yes, I don't think he thought about it when he said so however, but Ruby did have a conversation with him. -

- Oh, Ruby never mentioned that in her interview, can you tell me what they said? -

- It was banter between them mostly, Ruby tested Cobalt's knowledge to see if he truly was Crimson, in Wich he replied perfectly. -

- So is it true? -

- Yes, beyond the evidence previously... certain things have happened that prove his identity. -

- Can you explain as such? -

- During a Raid, Cobalt transformed into his previous self... that being crimson... and attacked the group, killing me and my party. Fortunately one of his Companion's stopped him. -

- You said he attacked you? -

- Yeah, my conclusion is that because of the time spent in his Crimson account, something that happened to him in that account is affecting him in his current one, specifically mentally. -

- Do you have any idea what might of happened? -

- I think he might of had some sort of permanent charm placed on him, during the time I fought him before dieing... he was saying something about his old guild, and specifically something about his " Boss ". -

- Do you think that the guild he was in fully took control of his mind? -

- I think so, according to what I heard about him before becoming Cobalt he seemed very different. -

- Thank you very much for this interview. Would you like to keep your identity secret? -

- No, it's fine. If anything happens to me because of this I doubt that Cobalt will let that happen. Thanks for having me in the show. -

- No problem, is it fine if I contact you in the future for insider knowledge on Cobalt? -

- Of courses, but I won't give away any secrets of his. -

Crimson's guild, who will remain nameless, has issued the following statement.

- We have never altered the minds of any of our members, it would be an affront to humanity and the game as a whole. -

Authorities have yet to comment on the situation.



Level 47+

Planar Hitman


" Blood King " " Divine Craftsman "

Half - Ice Demon Deity

Stats :

| Str 60 | | Dex 160 | | Speed 370 |

| Chr 60 | | Int 200 | | Wis 60 | | Con 120 |

| Stats increased by Ice Goddess |

| Stats increased by Race |

| Stats increased by Divinity |

Learned skills : Blood King's Gunplay, Alchemical Magic, Blood King's Alchemy, Mutation Rig, Magic Affinity ( Blood ), Magic Affinity ( Blood ), Magic Affinity ( Blood ) l, War God's Gun Training, Arcane God's Magic Gun technique, Blood Magic Affinity x3, CQC ( Advanced ).

Racial Skills : Ice Magic affinity x7, Demonic Swordplay, Demon's body.

Item Skills : Ice Blossom Shroud, Temperature Null, Impervious, Re : Life, Dragon Form ( Ice ), Thermal Vision, All Sight, Magic Null, Fear Aura ( Greater ), Blizzard Aura ( Greater ), Clear Body, Sub Zero, Blue Ice, Full Dragon Transformation Ice manipulation ( Maximum ).


Level 89

Tamed Creature

Half-Ice Goddess( Insectoid [ Centipede ] )

" Blood Queen " " Disciple "

Stats :

| Str 600 | | Speed 600 | | Dex 50 |

| Cha 200 | | Int 20 | | Wis 15 | | Con 700 |

| Stats increased by Ice Goddess |

| Stats increased by Race |

| Stats Decreased by Race |

Learned Skills : Charm ( Max ), Carapace ( Max ), True Form ( Max ), Fear Aura ( Max ).

Racial Skills : Human Disguise ( Max ), Acid Fling ( Max ), Acidic Maw ( Max ), Acidic Claw ( Max ), Blood magic ( Low ), Blood affinity x1, Ice affinity x3.

Costume : Human


Level 5

Tamed Creature

Half Ice Goddess ( Insectoid [ Spider ] )

" Disciple " " Blood Queen "

Stats :

| Str 10 | | Dex 10 | | Speed 10 |

| Int 5 | | Wis 5 | | Cha 15 | | Con 10 |

| Stats Decreased by Status: Newborn |

| Stats increased by Ice Goddess |

| Stats will be increased by Race |


