Ice and Light




I must prove myself to father, it's now or never... I've been preparing my whole life for this and I shall prove it!

Me - " Jujigun! Come out from Hiding and face me once more! "

Jujigun - " Ah, did Cobalt get you a new sword after I broke your old one? Adorable. "

Me - " This is no ordinary blade, as you'll soon see. This is the blade Ledova cepel, I've heard plenty about this weapon, have you not? "


| Generating Weapon Data... |


Jujigun - " No, please do tell? "

Me - " Haha, well I guess I'll have to then. This sword was once wielded by the Ice Giant Elucidor, during his reign nothing stood to his equal. That was untill the Goddess Mordova slain the giant for his hubris over man, she casted the sword deep into the frosty tundra that is now the north... the blade rusted and turned back into the Mana it was once forged out of. "

Jujigun - " That raises a few questions of mine, if you don't mind. You see, didn't Cobalt just make that sword right now? "

Me - " Of course, you see weapons aren't just the physical blade we see... rather than each weapon that is titled Unique are saved into what the players call " Code ". Master recreated the blade out of the lost Code of the blade, improved it, and resized it for my use. "

Jujigun - " That answers the other question, but weren't you just created? "

Me - " Of course not, you see I was once a strong warrior... I never met my father, but my mother always told be stories of his strength. I admired it and attempted to reach the strength of his legend. One day, in this arena... I was executed in the winter months, and left to rot in the snow. I was then given a chance by the system to revive, and fight along side my fabled father. "

Jujigun - " Who's your father? "

Me - " The man you face today... Cobalt. I shall face you for him, I don't fear for my life as I had already died... and even then I would die with my ancestors smiling upon me. Shall we? "

Jujigun - " Alright then, on your mark. "


We both raced towards each other, our steel clashing against each other's... and our spirits kept within. It's fearsome, facing against a man who holds the same position as father... but even in the brief time I've seen either I can tell the difference...

System... activate my blades first form

| Confirmed. |

My blade started shining and growing, it's size now the length of me... about 7 feet total. With a might heave I slashed sideways aloug the icy arena we stood within, he clearly isn't in full control of his movement in here unlike me. I kept cleaving where he dodged too... but I always seemed to miss when put up against his speed! Unacceptable!

System! Activate the Second form!

| Confirmed |

My blade shrunk Back down to normal size, but now I exhaled an icy mist with my blade doing the same... My opponent kept his distance from me, his blade wouldn't be much use in the arena I plan.

Activate Blue Ice.

| Confirmed |

The icy spikes that once spread around us slightly grew to massive size, creating a jungle of ice for me to utilize... where my bound creatures are I'll have no clue for now, but it matters not!

Attempting to dodge the icicle spikes grew he had a hard time dodging my next attack, I flicked the handle of my blade and a large Icicle twisted around in direction and stabbed through the Crusader... but it wasn't enough. The Ice melted immediately from some unknown force, he was still damaged mind you! A large hole protruded his chest, Wich was slowly stitching itself back together... I checked his HP and it seems not to be recovering though.

So he can regenerate wounds but not his own HP... curious.

I didn't let him get a chance to breath, I directed many more icicles in his direction, he parries a few but his armor started getting torn off his body... no wounds from that Assault though... I guess onto the next form.

| Confirmed |

This form is a finisher, it's Cooldown is an entire year... but I guess it will have it's use now.

Me - " This is the third form of my blade, I think you'd be worthy of it... what do you say? "

Jujigun - " I'd like to see it hit! "

His body flashed between muitple forms... many clones of the heavily armored Crusader... system, analysis.

| Confirmed: Bright Clone Technique - Creates multiple illusionary forms, there isn't a visual difference between caster and clone... but the clones can't interact with the world besides climb on something. |

Ah... I'll just have to watch the foot work then, the real one will have a slippery run whereas the others won't...

So your the real one -

My blade sang through the air, straight towards his head... upon reaching the blade shattered and sliced apart the Crusader... and -


Haha, I hope I made you proud. Father.

| Deactivating Gear |

| Level 100 reached, Evolution ready. |

The ice in the arena melted away, and was turned back into the invisible Mana... I ran quickly over to father. I noticed that my bound creatures aren't here... I guess they got un summoned when they got bound.

Me - " Father, I have beaten the Crusader of Light and I'm ready for my next evolution. "

Father - " That's great, Let's see what's going on, maybe you can meet Dice and Anise. "

Me - " Are they children of yours? "

Father - " Not exactly. Dice is more or less a student of mine, Anise might technically be my daughter since I hatched her out of an egg. Dice is a Centipede turned Goddess, whereas Anise is a Spider turned Goddess. "

Me - " Ah, I see. I believe I've heard from my mother about the two Insectoids. So, where are we going? "




I got no clue.

I think we might just be -

| Warping.. |


| Warp complete |

Jujigun - "Haha, an excellent fight. Too bad I didn't get to fight you specifically Cobalt. It seems I couldn't match up to even your... son right? "

I'm back at the council... My " Kid " is now here besides me however, a little off put by the warp I guess.

Me - " Yes, I didn't even see you for the most part. Did you use some sorta magic? I'd say it's pretty cool. "

Jujigun - " Yeah! I controlled the light that was bouncing off of me and sent it straight upwards, so that you wouldn't be able to see me. It seems that your kid doesn't use normal vision though haha! "

... I feel like something is radiating off of me right now... I wond-

Dice - " Excuse me, master... but when were you going to tell us you had a kid? "

Ah, that's why I'm feeling blood lust right now. I forgot Dice was kind of a Yandere...

Me - " Ah, Dice. Well I didn't have any relations, he was created by my Mana so he is technically related to me since my DNA was copied into his, along with a bit of Mordova's so he doesn't look exactly like me. "

Dice - " You had a kid... with Mordova? "

Mordova - " No, the Mana just took my DNA for it. I haven't touched Cobalt's little guy at all... "

Me - " Say that with a little more confidence please, your scaring me... "

Dice - " Master, when we get back Anise and I are going to have a talk with you. "

Anise - " ... "

Jujigun - " Ahem! Well, uh. Should we get on with the council then? "

Mordova - " I'm pretty sure that's the last thing planned. Correct me if I'm wrong Kirigami. "

Kirigami - " Yes, that is all. I hope that Cobalt will have the time to maybe produce some items for Jujigun in the future, and that he'll participated in the upcoming raid. For now, we'll get to the party then. "


Oh God... hopefully I can get Dice and Anise wasted enough to have them forget at this party...