The Salvation of Morin.


Yeah uh... all the coins aren't here.

So, that begs the question, where did it all go? System?

| Event created : The Fall of Morin |

| The treasury has been robbed, and the king is dead! The kingdom will fall in time should nothing be done about it! |

| Option 1: Salvation route. |

| Option 2: Destruction route. |

| Warning, this event will have bearing on the story. |

... what are the rewards for each option.

| Option 1: High Grade Military, 14x Wyvern Riders, +max Morin Rep, + 200 world rep |

| Option 2: -500 rep with World, 200 um, Free territorial reign.|

That kind of leaves me no choice now, does it system? Rep is ridiculously nessasary!

So, how does the riders and army change the story?

| Currently 5 different story lines active. |

| 1: Slay the Demon Lord! |

| 2: Restore order to the Realm! |

| 3: War of the Underworld! |

| 4: The slaughter of Crimson! |

| 5: Bring justice to Meguninin! |

... there is 5 now?

Since when? I thought he whole story was just to kill the demon Lord? What are the others?

| 1: Kill the demon Lord. |

| 2: Align all Kingdoms for the common threat. |

| 3: Defeat the evil necromancer. |

| 4: Kill and defeat Crimson's guild permanently. |

| 5: Find the cure for Demon heart disease.|

So, what kind of benefit does the army give me exactly?

| Allows for military force as a negotiation tactic for 2, for 1 and 3 it will provide support during the final battle. |

Alright, so how does the fourth story work with, you know... me being crimson technically? I mean he's bound to a ring now but... you get the point.

| The story has been updated to accommodate, Crimson himself is to be reported as a tragic hero, ever since the interview with Arch went viral. |

What interview?


Kay, thanks.


Anyways, I guess I'll do salvation since it helps out at the story, man. I wonder what would of happened if I didn't get blacklisted by the servers at that time. I probably wouldn't been able to do anything I've done so far... I wouldn't met.


Damn.... god fucking damnit... damn crusader bullshit preventing me from getting Asi back. What the fuck honestly, is it just like that to encourage me to participate in the story this time? Wasn't it enough to get Mordova to encourage me? You had to take Asi away huh? Fuck you.

Ugh... I'm retiring right after I beat all the current stories.

Maybe... get a house on a hill or something.

Here, I'll make a list.

• Rescue Asi

• Kick the shit out of old guild

• Beat the other stories.

• Get maximum amount of Money possible

• Build a house at the Cherry Blossom tree area.

• Retire.

• Become an old mentor

• Die, because all old mentors die.

• Respawn, since I can do it.

Alright, it's a bucket list for an immortal then! Haha!

| Activating Salvation route |

Me - " So, any idea what happened to the money? "

Gaurd - " I don't know unfortunately, maybe it was stolen when we didn't notice... looking at the place there are quite the few marks of such. "

| Quest Gained: Track down the Hell Thief!|

Me - " Know anything about the Hell Thief? It seems I got a quest related to him. "

Guard - " The hell thief? Damnit, your never going to get that gold back. He eats the coins he steals. "

Me - " Isn't that like, really bad for your stomach? "

Guard - " He's a mutated HobGoblin, we caught him once before but he broke out of jail somehow. "

HobGoblin huh...

Those guys can't use magic or skills, but they have pretty good strength and the ability to turn invisible. They also don't need to actually eat.

Me - " Has the cell been left open recently?"

Guard - " No, we kept it closed even after he went missing. "

System, craft some Mana seeing goggles.

| Craft Complete |

Me - " Here, these will allow you to see Mana... therefore him since all hobgoblins have a core. Check the cell again, he might still be there. "

Guard - " Surely he would of starved, no? "

Me - " Hobs don't usually need to eat, so he might just be in there invisible somewhere. "

Guard - " Invisible? Is that possible? I've heard of rouges that practically blend into the night... but is it truly possible to turn invisible? "

Me - " Yeah, Hobs can do it on command, some rouges can do it too. "

Gaurd - " Alright! I'll check right away! "


| Quest Complete. |


no money.

I guess.. then...

System, I'm going to hold an auction at the starter town. Can you post that to the forums and pre order a small stand with the rest of the money I have? I need to accommodate thousands of players.

| Confirmed. |




My name is Ashley. I'm the greatest thief the elves have ever seen! Haha! Im not joking, usually elves don't become rouges, and at reaching level 50 I'm unstoppable... I've been pickpocketing and robbing people in broad daylight to increase my levels, and I've always gotten away with it since I was a wee lass.

Honestly, I don't know how long it's been since I managed to get myself access to the system. Apparently anyone of high enough level gets it... but it's different for everyone.

I learned fire magic as well as dagger skills so I could be quite proficent in a fight... I never killed anyone yet though.

I've been browsing the " Player " Forums, here they post quite the bit of stuff... usually helpful. Sometimes though, I see a target to good to pass up.

A divine or Unique weapon for auction at the starter town... players are so naive. I'm totally going to rob that place.