Symphony of War

( Melody POV )

Cobalt asked me to help him out with his event quest, specifically I have to heal a ton of NPCs in a war like scenario. Honestly, I'd be quite scared if I hadn't gotten the Exosuit and Mana Ring from Cobalt. The ambient Mana leaking off these items alone are enough to be channeled to heal minor wounds.

Truly, I'm not seen as a pawn like before... here I'm treated like I'm an important piece to play. No longer I'll be waiting to revive and heal whoever comes my way, I'll be able to push forwards through the battle and heal at my pleasure. Oh, it's quite lovely I imagine, the pain on the enemies faces when I heal away all the damage they worked so hard on.

Exhilarating, I must admit.

Its also reassuring that I'll be warped out of there at any time, Cobalt made sure of that. Unfortunate for me, I was planning on keeping myself healed while I beat the enemies to death one by one with my staff, but he just wants to make sure I'm not overwhelmed or anything.

Cobalt is... at the evacuation place right? He's like a last line of defence then, I assume then the armies role is to by time for the citizens or to wear them down, either way I'm like a professional when it comes to that. Te hee~

Ahem, uh. Anyways. The army is going to arrive at around 3 hours from now... I wonder why that guy is coming to attacks this kingdom, maybe for a guild house or something?


( King Babushka POV )

Gah, fucking hell. Demons couldn't even destroy one fucking kingdom ay? Worthless, how many numbers did they have? Millions? They lost without doing a single scratch to the enemies... not even worth mentioning. I was planning on taking advantage of the Demons raising hell at the kingdom so we could take over, but I guess we'll just have to invade it ourselves.

I'm the strongest player in this game since Crimson kicked the bucket, nothing can stand up to me alone besides maybe a Dragon or a Demon Lord. But... the Demon Lord is hiding like a little bitch behind barriers and I doubt that there will be a Dragon here.

I am basically impervious to whatever's thrown at me, so come at me Cobalt! I'm not afraid of you, you slimy Crimson wannabe.

- " Alright, Harvest Guild! Are you ready to get yourselves a new guild house? "

* Cheering *

- " We are going to have the largest guild house possible if this plan succeeds, you hear me?!?? "

* Cheering *

- " March out men! On the double! "