
It was, quiet. I can... feel them outside? My senses are in such an overclock I can just just feel them outside like I was touching them with my hands or hearing them with my ears.

I guess this is the fabled " I can sense their Bloodlust " type bullshit. I guess it might not of truly of been bullshit this whole time. But that remains to be seen on wether or not this fight is successful, I have my worries but I've buckled down for this as best as possible. I'm more prepared than I ever could be unless I made traps or whatever.

Using alchemy, I drew a small line just a small bit beyond the front door and awaited on the other side.

It took another 3 Minutes after that before they finally gathered up the courage to look through the giant entrance apparently.

A small, hooded figure peered through the sides before letting out a loud * Peep * and quickly hiding back behind cover. I wonder why that could be, definitely not the 5 dragons around me right?


Another 3 Minutes later, A large man equiped with two tower shields strode forth from the entrance and stopping just before the line.

" Surrender now, and I'll give you a peaceful death. "

- " Hehe, I'm not too scared of death really. I mean look at these babies beside me? It wouldn't of been possible had they been alive. "

" Are you not a NPC? "

- " What gave you the impression I am? "

" This is a NPC controlled town, assuming your not... why are you protecting the citizens here? "

- " I hate your guts Babushka. Your Babushka right? "

" That is Correct, Who are you by chance? "

- " I'm ashamed you don't recognize your old buddy Crimson, but I guess the new account doesn't help? "

" Crimson is dead. Do not tarnish his name. "

- " What name did I have before that? I was Charmed that whole time Babushka. You never met the real me, so I guess it's a good opportunity? "

" Silence! I will not have you mock his guild, all the members there are good people! "

- " Simp. "

" What? "

- " Your simping for someone in the guild huh? "

" What are yo- "

- " Aww, Little Babushka has the hots for someone. Tell me, is it Mid? Hella? Maybe even Ruby? "

" Shut up! I will not have yo- "

- " Hold it right there bucko, step over that line and die idiot. "

" You will not be able to kill me, fake! And I will not tolerate you berating those lovely girls! "

- " Totally, anyways. I've got unique and Divine equipment slathered over me like lube, I assume you got like relic? "


- " Relation? I am Cobalt. "

" DAMN YO- "

* Bang *

- " I said don't step over that line dipshit. We are just going to sit here untill you give up, or untill you try and cross it again. How much health did that take? 5% Right? That's abnormally high for your build don't you think? "

" I see, you truly must be Cobalt... I can't stand up to that equipment by myself so..."

The entire 100+ Man Raid group now showed their grubby faces around the entrance while I now started weaving my special magic and storing bullets.

- " Big fucking woop, they'll die in one hit right? Besides, usually it takes 50 men groups to take down a dragon right? "

" It's around 25 now actually. "

- " I figured, anyways. Do you have enough to take down five and a man with a unique set? "

The Dragons shifted behind me, waiting for slaughter and blood to fuel their bodies . I can't blame them, I'm on the edge of my seat... I could die here at any moment if I make one wrong move.

" My men have bested full raid parties of relic users. A single Grade up can't make much of a difference don't you think? "

- " You'd be surprised, but anyways... I said unique. Not Divine. It's a unique set. "

" So, 2 Grades higher? "

- " Yeah? You think i didn't keep the best for myself? "

Except for Dragons Maw...

" What rewards were you promised for whatever your doing? "

- " Satisfaction and a few bucks. "

No need to tell him about the army, considering they are all dead. Yeah uh, how am I going to get an army if the entire military force is dead?

" Really? That's it? Let us aside then, we will give you much more once exc- "

* Bang *

- " I said, don't go past that line. One more time and that's it. "

3% Damage this time... he's got buffs on him now it looks like.

8% Total, healing that would take 20 minutes considering health...


" Men? You ready? "

Bored. Is he really going to do the entire speech? The last time someone did an entire speech in front of me got killed really fast.

So, Should I kick it off right now or...

Nah, I'll just interrupt him by starting a speech of my own, maybe ill say a cool line or something.

" - We Are Harvest guild we sha- "

- " Let me stop you right there. Ahem. So, you truly want to murder all these people then huh? "

" They are just NPCs, It doesn't mat- "

- " Well, I guess they are just NPCs. If that's what you want to call them.

Let me tell you, the line before you is a metaphor. If you Cross that line, You are also crossing the line of what should be morally acceptable. Killing all these people, wether they were on Earth or not, they have families. I've killed many times before, the blood still leaves a smell on me... do you want the same ? "

- " I-... It doesn't matter. We are real humans, and that's all that matters. This world was created for us and we shall claim it. "

- " You hesitated there, now... will you hesitate to cut a child's throat in front of it's parents? If not, Turn back. If you believe you can do it... come on then. Prove it. "






My Passives flared against the horde of enemies, their weapons brandished with an unholy fury as they shimmered in the faint light. Icicles broken amount the ranks, shattering onto shields and blades that intercepted them, flames and lighting etched across the sky towards my direction only to fizzle upon getting near my beasts. I unleashed the Magic I stored for the occasion, the red and blue circles expanded once again to the roof of the cathedral like building.

The Ice hailed upon the Invaders, the knee deep Marsh beneath them drained away their life and grew as wounds were created. In the back lines healers were pumping away constantly with either chants or magic circles, trying to out heal the damage that was being inflicted.

While Charging another of my Magics, from my rifle range the loudest noise I ever heard. The loud metallic screech rang towards the crowd of enemies, it detonated far beyond the bounds of our gladitorial containment, windows shattered along the surface and bricks were flung out of place from the energy from the detonation.

- 16 Kills -

- 95 Injured -

After that, I began firing potshots at the healers and mages between the gapes of shield and blades, picking off as many as possible. My Chimeras whirled to life, engaging the enemies with their own storm of magic, magic circles of all kinds expanded out to large crashes of energy against the horde of approaching targets... it's not a battle of my health vs theirs, but rather if I can kill them before they reach me. I picked this location to defend particularly because of how the enemies will have to be close together do I can use my magic better, but this might of put me at a disadvantage...

With a Flurry beyond what I could call Natural, my gun rang out with speed above normal... Syn Started helping construct my magic while the turrets increases the power of my rifle, with a * Bang * another enemy ended up wounded or dead.

- 27 Killed -

- 85 Injured -

- All targets injured in some way. -

After showering the enemies with their magic, they rushed ahead to remove the pest with their breath weapons... the elements collided upon the enemies killing 2, and further injuring those who didn't have elemental protection. The Healing Chimera Stood back behind the others, intent on negating any wounds that spring upon them.

My magic Finished Charging, and my shots were crying with rage! The fabled description of Bullets talking, I hear their cries for blood! They demand slaughter!

I oblige, sending them straight into the enemies... Im not saving up my bullets, but I'm still using Trick Shot to make them explode.

- 34 Dead -

- 80 Injured -

The slow, Tower Shield wearing leader was slowly approaching... he wasn't even within dragon range yet, but his menace wafted beyond his range. He is about 87% Health now I believe, I got enough time to kill him I think. Hopefully.

- " Dragons, BACK UP! "


I unleashed the magic once again, my Mana now officially drained. The ambient Mana I exude was now gathering inside me to refill it quicker, I activated Blue Ice to help out just a little bit more. The icicles started to pierce through some targets as the hail and Marsh picked up again, the waves of blood now slammed against walls and opponents, refusing to calm down with enemies to kill. I heard deep within me, a chant sung by Syn.

}{}{ My Mind, Is Clear }{}{

The Bullets still were flooding from my gun, the healers were all dead now.

}{}{ My Barrel, Is Steady }{}{

My Mana Recharged, and my wings were now shown off to the world. Spells were flung my way only to be intercepted for the most part by StarDust Dragon, one fire ball slammed next to me however, 50% of my health gone like that.

}{}{ My Aim, Is true }{}{

More shots rang out from me, The dragons stopped spewing death to the enemies and started battering them around.

- 47 Dead -

- 67 Injured -

}{}{ We All Fight, Together }{}{

Arrows started landing besides me, from my side archers managed to flank us entirely and began shooting at me. I Shot back, Nailing the enemies in head head swiftly before dodging another fireball hurling towards me.

}{}{ And We all Fight, Forever }{}{

The rythem was being pushed against us, enemies were tanking our spells as we now weeded out the weak... only the strong remained, including the man striding towards me with determination to kick my ass. Unfortunately, I have no intention of that happening

But, with a crash. A Dragon Fell, then another, Then another... all my dragons now died, feeding into the remaining blood magic just enough to hold them off for a little bit more. That's when, I started to prepare my secret move... it's a special move I developed just days after starting this game, and I perfected it to this day... now it's even gotten stronger since yesterday.

My bullets paraded among the enemies, still embedding themselves into them and detonating into a large explosion.

- 77 Dead -

- 37 Injured -

}{}{ May our Metal Shine, FOREVER. }{}{

With the recently recovered Mana now flowing within my blood stream, I started preparing another dose of Magic as I shredded the remaining targets with bullets... it was hard enough to get close with their low speed, the bloody Marsh and corpses were getting in the way now too. I have to kill at least the closest 9 people in the next minute or I'll die here.

Babushka... he's maybe pushing at 60~ish % HP, he's clearly wounded, I can't produce any more Explosive bullets, so i started firing plain old bullets towards the closest to me... but making sure to put in a lead or two towards the shielder, despite the weight those things must have he isn't using them. Peculiar, but nothing worth mentioning for the most part... maybe they give passive defence better than active defence.

My Magic, Wich I casted two times before now drew upon the air once again... a resounding screech against the building rang out to all off us, and the system began popping up with a notification.

| Congratulations, You have taught a student to master 7th Teir magic and combining Magic circles. |

| Titled Gained: Fabled Magician |

| +100 Rep with Magic Beings, + 100 Rep with all Kingdoms, +500 rep with Demon Lord |

Not the time.

I got to put bullets in this guy.