
The elusive metal, and the unwieldy corpse that lay before me struck me with an odd sense of wonder. The materials were of origin I wasn't familiar of in the slightest, river Styx? What the fuck was a Neolithid?

Ah, but what does it matter? It's time to run some experiments.

Picking up the Metal, Stygnian Bronze was not bronze like at all. It was soft to the touch and felt like butter, but trying to break or cut any piece of it seemed impossible. Using Alchemy, it gave me a large headache, and a immense mental strain just attempting to move it a little bit. Ultimately it gave way in the end, but that's not the end of my experiments.

I want to know why this metal is so strong, so I could possibly recreate it down in the future for projects later down the line. My battle lens aren't used often, but I can repurpose their primary use just for a situation like this. Using their zoom in mechanic, my sight became very close to microscope levels of ability. The metal had Honey Comb like hexagonal pieces that the entirety of the lump was made of, the flowing lights seemingly coming from the middle of such structure rather than the metal actually changing colors.

Syn, attempting to help me analyse this foreign substance began approaching it with slight caution. He stopped just outside of 5 meters from it, before reporting to me that it was emitting slightly electro magnetic pulses... just enough to completely brick his intelligence system.

I wonder what the structural design on Sys and the others might have going on inside them, they run on Mana rather than electricity as far as I know... so I wonder why a Electro Magnetic Pulse would harm such a device? It's curious, rather... it's actually a little bit tempting to pry them open to get a good look.

I attempting to use my alchemy to create a few different... shapes I guess? The only one that seemed to slightly stay put was a cylindrical prism, but it lost its height quickly. So, creating a weapon purely put of this seems to be out of reach... hell, a skin would be impossibly hard for me.

So, I decided to start just... experimenting with different magic. Clearly, this metal has magical origins and so it's probably fine to blast it with shit tons of magic right?


[ Dr. Hall, Ace Alchemist. ]

[ Report Log: Stygnian Bronze ]

[ List 1: Targets via potential harm ]

[ Test 1: Level 9 Ice Magic ]

[ Result: No effect ]

[ Test 2: Level 9 Blood magic ]

[ Result: No effect ]

[ Test 3: Combination Magic, 9i9b9a ]

[ Result: No affect ]

[ Test 4: Max Ice magic - Mordova ]

[ Result: Slight Frost appeared on surface. ]

[ Test 4: Dice's bite ]

[ Result: Slightly dented metal, Wich reformed shortly after. ]

[ Test 5: Nuclear fission via Alchemy ]

[ Result Unclear, material has gone under some physical changes. ]


( Cobalt POV )

After fucking creating a condense nuke around the metal... that's the last aggressive attack on it, after this I'll try and probe it with Mana or using my SUPER VISION to collect a visible reaction to aggression to see if something special is happening.

Proding the metal with my finger, I zoomed in onto the hexagonal shapes that seemingly forms the ingot. Suprisingly, it seems that the Combs react towards my finger almost intelligently by slightly adjusting against the area of contact, while the contacted area flattened itself for the most part... this answers a few questions of mine, but raises a few more.

I don't think I have the means to properly control this material right now, asking the forums seems to yield quite the few responses... most of them are forging related, so it's not optimal to test them due to my lack of physical strength.

So, like any good alchemist worth their salt... I bombarded it with whatever I could to see what stuck. Temparature, gravity, skills... nothing. I guess, my next best idea is to flood it with pure mana, maybe I'll be able to see some sort of change.

Concentrating only a little to create a small, uncolored magic circle... it spun around before fizziling into the air, leaving pure Mana essence tracing the air. Quickly, I used alchemy to form the gas like substance into a liquid before removing any possible impurities. What remained was an uncolored mass, similar to what would be represented as a lack of any pigmentation, neither white nor black... not red, yellow, blue... or any other colors. It was simply, there.

I slowly input the floating liquid into the surface of the metal, making sure to zoom in to see anything should it happen. What resulted was weird, the Combs formed around the liquid Mana that pressed against it... pulling it in like a single celled organism. I have no assumptions on what this could be, but I tried testing my alchemy on it. Weirdly enough, the strain on my head was lightened when forming the metal... but not nearly enough. I need way more Mana Inside to properly use it in a timely manner... now, where could I go...

I could ask Mordova, but supposedly her Mana is slightly different then normal... Melody, she's busy.

Anise might be of some help, but she isn't the best at controlling Mana due to her only recent use of it... so she might not be able to create pure Mana or manipulate it.

So, where... where could I...

Syn? System? Any ideas?


}{}{ I suggest taking it to the Arch Wizard Tower, they have lots of high class mages that recently have begun double and even triple circling. }{}{

Not a bad Idea, thanks.

So, system... warp me outside of their tower please.

| Of course. |

| Warping ... |




After quickly warping, I arrived in a very grassy field with a stone path cutting through towards a large series of pillars.

I started heading down the path, quite warm out here... but it's very nice. There seemingly stood quote the crowd of people surrounding the pillar area, nicely arranged in groups of ... I can't tell.

Deciding now might be a really good time to show off, I unfolded my wings and began walking along with Syn. I... noticed something different though, three small horns appeared in my head. Pointing upwards like a unicorn, the black horns held no bearing shape rather than

' pointy ", also... they weren't directly attached to my head. Floating just before the start of LUSCIOUS LOCKS OF HAIR.

Ahem, I'm joking by the way. My hair is constantly in bed head mode, and it would stay that way untill I die. Anyhow, I'm close enough to actually see what he crowds is really about. 5 Total crowds.

• Young Scholar looking people

• Knights

• Robed figures ( Presumed Wizards ?? )

• A group of ladies

• Me

That's because... haha. That's a funny one... too bad it's just inside my thoughts, so

nobody can see it.


Nobody would believe it anyway, that I'm some sort of

Self centered prick?


AHEM, anyways... quite the bit of attention was thrown my way, obviously due to the large pairs of bright blue wings... I wonder what's going on here anyways, I guess I'll ask while I'm the elephant in the room.

- " This it's ArchMage Tower right? "


Silence, nobody is responding...

- " Is Alexander here? I need help with a project of mine, Chimeras and stuff. "

" What the fuck is a Chimera? "

" Who are you? "

" What are those things on your back? "

" How do you know Heaven Breaker Immortal, Alexander? "

God, what a fucking troop we have here.


Ahh, fuck... uh, shit... uh system? make one real quick and send it to him.... fuck, buy whatever is nessasary

| Don't worry, that player was sent a turret as compensation. A note was also written, explaining that the turret would be of more use than a Divine set. |

Isn't that scamming though?

| He's quite happy with it though, turrets are rarely seen and quite strong |

}{}{ Thanks. }{}{

Thanks for covering me system, but... why a turret?

| They are quite the amount of extra turrets available late game in the world, you would know if you actually progressed the game.|

Understandable, my bad.

So, down to business. Let's answer a few questions.

- " Chimeras are artificially created creatures, I'm Cobalt, those are my wings, I taught Alexander how to mix magic circles via auction. "


... you can hear their brain gears turning trying to process that ...

Before general response, a large blast of air pushed beyond from the center of the pillars... wich were actually lined up in a circular position. In the very center was a small magic circle, dark purple and white mixed ... gravity and light maybe?

Oh, he's made a permanent portal.

That's a neat use, but it shouldn't be stable in case of weather errosion, moderate amounts of Mana saturation... hell, lots of things can fuck that up.

Out popped the man, Alexander... all dressed up in a stereotypical old wizard outfit, his appearance looking slightly younger in it however.

I guess things are about to get...


Haha, that's a fucking stuiped line to end it on.