
After a quick glance over my selected individuals, Alexander did grow quite confused at why I picked a bunch of " Fan Girls ". I had to explain they had passed the test, and to that he seemed to be even more confused.

- " Is there something wrong with them being female? "

" There... well, no. But... you see, the current entirety of ArchMage Tower is male... and I'm worried should something happen to these females, they are... you know, those type of people? The... what do you call them? "

- " You mean... no, really? So many of them here? "

" Yes... you wouldn't believe how many try to make artificial humans just to... you know... "

- " Gross... aren't they like, born from your Mana? Isn't that like... incest? "

" Yes, it's very gross... luckily the closest thing to that ever made was banned, and the creator was... removed. "

- " What he do? "

" ... well, I'll keep him unnamed... but he basically, stalked a girl for years? But it turns out, she had a boyfriend... so he uh, killed them... and tried to use Necromancy to uh... you know. "

- " I assume that didn't turn out well? "

" Yeah, zombies usually don't have the personality of the origin. So uh... he... "

- " Alright, I get it... so uh, shall we get working on that metal? "

" Yeah, let's get started... Stygnian Bronze huh... "






After about 30 minutes of waiting, Alexander gathered 50 of his finest mages. Each armed with staves carved out of the highest quality wood you could probably find, and equiped with high amounts of Mana Crystals and even some blue potions... are those Mana potions? Why haven't I... damn...

After telling them the process, I took out enough metal to create the Chimera's body... the only difficulty is the nessasary bendability in the flesh, as well as the creation of it of course.

I peeled away layers of bronze at a time, folding over itself again and again to get used to the feeling Wich allowed me to not properly materialise this mother fucker... I only got a few hours before the funeral, so I got to make this quick.

Using a recreation of the Corpse shown on my Battle Lens, I began recreating the monster that I witness... down to every tentacle and razor like appendage... the Mana flowing through the metal made it as soft as Alchemy usually makes materials, and it lessened my strain as well... not to say it was easy, rather the amount of Mana being put into it was simply ridiculous... enough to even make it possible to freely manipulate.

After about an hour of working, the body was complete. To the confusion of my assistants, it wasn't something they would be able to... you know, want to know about. If I had the choice to never know about these things, or this material... I think I would die a little happier later on. To be beyond Frank, it's left quite terrifying... knowing about this creature

After giving my courtesies to the wonderful people who helped me work, now all drained of their Mana, I warped back home to where I stashed the corpse without sticking around for too long... I wouldn't want to be late for the meeting, otherwise I bet I will get an earful of complaints from miss queen... I guess i have a hard time remembering some names huh?

It's getting really close to sundown now, I need to step up the pace!




| Hyper Star Eater Chimera |

| Rank: Maximum |

| Level 1 |

| Teir 0 |

| Stats:

| Str (X+Y) ^ 3 | | Dex (X+Y) ^ 2 |

| Spd (X+Y) ^ 3 | | Con ( X+Y) ^ 10 |

| Int 20 | | Wis 10 | | Cha 0 |

| X= Number of consumed enemies in the last 24 hours |

| Y= Sacrificed NPCs |

| Desc. " Consumption, I dread it... soon the world will be consumed by our own mouths. " - ? |

Well, this has been really scary for me to do... and I believe I will have nightmares about what I see before me. The species changed somehow after I installed the skin, and it's much more...gross... Like a mixture between a squid, beetle and typical modern housing.

System, please... don't let anyone get their hands on this.

| Yeah uh, I think I'll have to limit the crafting down quite the bit... I'll be sealing this away now, thanks for the help. |

Yeah, no problem... so uh...

| Right, I'll be granting the title and Acheivment now. |


| Achievment Unlocked: Star Eater |

| Create the strongest Chimera possible. |

| Reward: Pick 4

| Star Colored Hair ( Active )

| Star Colored Eyes ( Active )

| Star Dust Dye ( Infinite )

| Star Creature skin ( Infinite )

| Flesh Colored Hair ( Re - Active )

| Morphing Flesh ( Re - Active )

| Chimera Race ( Mixable )

| Divinity ( Chimera )

Oh, that's quite the amount of options for one achievement... I get three too, so... I guess I can't waste it. Should I ditch my whole ice based loadout and swap it for a star type on? I could also go for a fleshly, blood sort of route... the Divinity is kind of not nessasary, and the race intrigues me... what does it mean by ' Mixible? '.

I guess... I'll take the star dye, hair, creature skin, and the Chimera Race?

I'll go for a star type loadout, I guess I needed a fresh new look. The eyes aren't really nessasary, you can't see them behind my combat lens anyways. Anyways, I'll take a quick peek at what I look like in the mirror... freshen up... and warp over to the funeral?


Looking through the mirror, I was ready to apply the new cosmetics and race...

- Star Hair

My hair became a purple dark enough to call black, broken up by small glittery prices of star is a long dusty strip that converged around my hair... it flowed like a river and slowly broke itself apart, coming together in a new color and shape before breaking itself again to repeat the process.

- Star dye

My once icy white cloak became a deep and dark purple, broken up with the same stary state my hair is in, but instead of being a chaotic shape... it was a formulaic pattern that stretched down the cloak, changing slowly over time like clockwork... the fur hood was now a bright yellow.

My Armor became a pure dark purple, and nothing else changed much.

I gathered Dice, Syn, Anise, and Jotun to see what the creature skin looks like... I believe it similar to the type of skin you would get in an older video game... and to that, I was correct for the most part.

Syn became a perfect purple like my armor, with a yellow insignia of a Raven on his sides.

Anise and Dice didn't change much, but... their armor did. It became a dark purple with a yellow Raven upon it, much like Syn.

Jotun changed the most, the Samurai Armor was turned purple like the rest, lined out with yellow highlights in certain areas... her face mask, once resembling an Oni mask, now was more simplistic... yellow, a purple insignia of a Raven in the center... circled by the same purple.

System, what's the deal with the Raven?

| It is designated as your mark, for now... the system uses ravens to spy on various gods, similar to how you are watching over your creatures like a parent... |

That's, a neat detail? I guess? Why?

You know what, never mind... it's probably just another of the weird details that are constantly being added for no reason other than cool factor... Can I get a Raven mark too?

| Of course. |

Looking at my armor in the mirror once again, a small yellow Raven was placed upon my cloak at around shoulder level... the pattern now revolved around it as such. After being asked how my companions looked by them, I responded with an enthusiastic " Amazing! ", of course I wouldn't tell them otherwise... and I do believe that the matching color scheme looked very nice

I'll see what the Chimera Race does later, for now I have to attend an event... Melody and Syn will be joining me, the rest supposedly have some business to finish.

| Warping... |