So uh... yeah, turns out the nobles of this kingdom like to eat demi human children... I don't know when, where, why, or how this came to be... but, surprisingly they taste...
No, that's plain wrong. They are children for fuck sake! If it weren't for that little entourage I had with me I wouldn't even give a second thought to burning that place down. Especially when they had the audacity to serve me Insectoid meat!
So, Morin... its uh... kind of a mixed bag, the lower class places are reasonable to their setting and seems like alright places to live all around, the high class areas... no. Just... no.
I'll have to give my word about this to Eurilla eventually... right now, I'm in the mood to test some stuff out.
So, Chimera race huh?
Show me the benefits system
| Confirmed |
| + Race Slot
| + Race Slot
| + Race Slot
| Allows for the fusion of 3 different races into one. |
| Increased chance to be mistaken for a monster. |
Alright, whatever... what races to I have?
| Base
| Ice Demon
I guess I need two races, because hell to my soul I won't fucking mix a god with a normal dude. So, any advice in getting some good races system?
| Homunculus - Clone yourself and kill your clone.
| Demi Human ( Dragon ) - Eat a live dragons heart.
| Dark Elf - Accept the Quest available in the underdark.
| Dwarf - Accept the Quest available in any dwarven citadel.
None of these sound particularly interesting... so, fuck it... I'll make my own damn race by fusing with random shit!
So, what is the best stuff to fuse with... well, I guess I should look through the most scenic locations... the Corruption plane and Crimson field are places I think of, maybe some of the fauna there will be good for me.
So, system... can you warp me outside the Corruption first?
| Sorry, but warping is no longer functional |
}{}{ I'm detecting demonic type influence nearby, ready to engage. }{}{
| Event created: Demon Lord's tantrum |
| The current Demon Lord is very irritated recently and is hoping to take his anger out on you, survive for 2 hours or send him back with force. |
" I'm going to beat the shit out of you. "
- " Fuck you dude, I'm doing something here! "
" I don't fucking care, get over here so I can scramble your ass like an omelet! "
| Dragon transformation in progress... |
| The Demon Lord has left, event complete |
| Dragon transformation ended. |
What a pussy, literally showing up just to bother me for 15 minutes and leaving like a bitch. Not like I could of fully killed him anyways, crystals or whatever.
What did he look like?
2 Words.
Demon. Lord.
Literally, he looked like every typical demon lord ever... the first thing that popped in your head? That's it. Unless your thinking of something dirty, in that case no.
Warp me, system.
| Warp has been fully disabled. |
( Demon Lord POV )
Its frustrating being a demon lord, every army I send gets fucking destroyed instantly... the whole acting thing I have to do sucks, I just want to fucking destroy shit.
These damn crystals though, I can't do fucking anything cool with these around... and no demon can even get fucking close! So, my master plan is to get the crusaders to break them... it would help if that damn ice crusader fucking did anything!
The Light and Fire Crusader are constantly training before fighting the barriers, which I understand... but Ice? Literally just warping around doing jack fucking shit besides whatever pops up around him....
Gah, this will get him to fucking break those seals...
He instantly turned started turning into his dragon form, luckily I managed to out the warp seal on him in time... hehehehehe, now he has to come and...
What is he...
What is that?
Is it floating???
¶ - It's a car, your Majesty. One of his unique inventions.
What does it do?
¶ - Its a very fast mount.
So, is he coming here now?
¶ - Nope, looks like he is going to just drive towards his previous destination.
Fuck, I wasted a perfectly good seal then... damn it...