Feathers and Scales


I think I know why he is bleeding so much, somehow my Blood King title is activating... most likely that increases the blood flow in my targets to increase the gained power of blood magic. Since Players and NPCs either have cool flashy lights or moderate amounts of basically just red paint the effect wasn't as pronounced.

This is real blood, at least in terms of the system or whatever I'm in right now... its either in StarDuster, or its a entirely different area... like a custom worldnot

If that is the case... then these aren't real people and rather their meant to resemble them similar to NPCs and other such things, I don't like killing innocent NPCs...but really, they are preventing me from being with my family aren't they... if the barrier between me and my family is just a few human looking bits of code... then it's no problem.

Mentally, I try to activate stealth... luckily after a few codewords I attempt uselessly, stealth activates and my body becomes see through for the most part... translucent even.

Looking through the hall appears more doors and a stair case that lends itself into what might be a bar type area. The doors are likely tenants... free experience if I wasn't a bastard, but I think I do have to kill them, right?

Supposedly, sure... but do I have to kill everyone? Really? Like, children too? That's... a little out of league for even for me.

I'll strive my hardest going forward, it won't be too long hopefully.

With stealth active I take the blade of the fallen knight and begin to ready my assault on this group, I'll look for healers first and then mages and rangers second. Luckily, oblivious to the heinousness of what shall transpire here... there isn't any healers, sure they have potions but... really now, and they call themselves elite.

I take the elaborate blade and drive it though whoever sought to be the leader, while of course they are distracted by the body. With a clank however, the blade fails to drive through and my stealth de activates.


- " Hehe uh, any chance we can work this out with a co- "

* Slash *

A similar blade tore through my left arm, my mind wavered but I readied my blade once more... fighting these guys won't be easy, what's the matter with their gear... looking at it closely its mostly pac- UHF

* Gulp *

Ick, I just swallowed my own vomit, I forgot that anime characters vomit blood the moment they are injured. Gross... my blood is, wait... my blood is moving. Blood king is truly active here somehow... my blood rises to crash upon the enemies, a sight to behold as it consumes the corpse I left earlier.

∆ Blood King Active |

System? Is that you?

| This is all I can do right now, finish the mission... you just have to kill the knights and their comrades. |

System senpai! No! Don't leave me!




∆ Blood King ∆

∆ Type: Title ∆

∆ Effects ∆

∆ Grants control over spilt blood

∆ Grants resistance to blood type magic

∆ Grants Divine level increase for Taming, Summoning, Crafting, Cooking, Building, Orality, Intimidation, Blood magic.

∆ Grants a Blood magic increase per enemy killed.

Alright then, let's rock and roll once more.

Luckily I can cast the blood magic as if I were still my old self, but the tax on the brain is too high... I need to generate a spell capable of fighting on with them and easy enough to cast despite my wound.

Curdling now on the floor, the blood leapt from it's resting state and wrapped around the decorative blade and forged in anew... well not forged, rather its level 6 magic " Sacrificial Sword " which costs half if of my HP... luckily It only applies to current HP, as otherwise I'd be dead. I'm barely standing here with about a quarter of my health... that's the lowest I've gotten since I was Crims-

* Clang *

A flash, and a clang. The leader's sword met my own and cracked in small amounts around my empowered blade, I parried and sliced at his head. Unfortunately I missed and only scratched his cheek as he side stepped, with a lunge he stabbed at me with his sword I eagerly parry once again.

The best part of this spell, is that it gives me the swordsmanship skills of a proper warrior and the speed to match it.

I only have to fight these guys? Well, their strongest is keeping up with me... dead silence from the group aside chanting for magic. With the old knife I had in my left hand, oh wait...

Nevermind, I prick my finger on the blood sword and manipulate the blood that flowed outwards to strike the magic casters. No healers but I sure as hell don't want to have to deal with himself getting buffs or me getting debuffs.

" Stay out of this! Dyn is mine to fight! "

" Ogaron! She made a contract with a Devil! You don't sta- "

" Shut it! I need you to evacuate the residents, they get stronger the more they kill!

" Oga- "

" Just go! There aren't any here, don't worry about that... just start an evacuation, I'll hold him off! "

With a sniffle, the member that discussed... or should I say the one who just witnessed their mages get their heads pierced by a blood knife, runs off with the rest of the crew... tugging away the bodies of the mages, not to let a chance to pass me by I quickly direct the blood from the bodies to me after absorbing the rest of the corpse.

I kept the blood tucked away in a little bubble as the knight squad runs away, the leader seems to have activated a taunt skills... and I can no longer target his allies with attacks as long as he is around.

- " Ogaron was it? "

" Yeah, that's the name the country gave me."

- " Really? I never heard of a country naming a kid. "

" Of course, you demons get your names by legends and tales told about you right? "

Shit, should I Roleplay?

Fuck it.

- " Of course, tell me... who is the most known demon in this world, just for reference. "

" Gluttonous Demon Geruth, you know him by chance? "

Side tangent, I think he's stalling time by talking to me. Well, it let's me recover HP naturally anywho... Assassins have very low health but a high HP5.

- " Geruth? That Clown? Seriously? I didn't know he showed up here, that guy couldn't even beat a F-Class world, what's he doing in a D-Class here? "

" So you do know him, what's the class stuff your talking about? "

- " I guess I'll tell you, you'll probably need to know this eventually right? Each world is separated into classes based on how hard it would be to take it over or destroy it. F classes are worlds that don't need much attention to a demon like me. D-Classes are where I practise swordsmanship. "

" So, your a caster? "

- " Did you see the blood magic earlier? "

" Yeah bu- "

- " Hush, now... back in topic. Let's see- "

I activated stealth now that my HP was full, and ran to the side if the knight before attempting to drive it into his arm pit... the armor there was weaker and the blood magic helped out a lot... it stabbed through his upper chest, and with a heave... he died.

I drained him if his... unnaturally high amount of blood before I started casting level 9 magic, pre boosted by the blood I have here.

You know the spell, Blood Marsh.