Origin | 2

After an expanded of light filled my eyes, the world was visible to me once again. Beyond my standing sat dormant, a large metal box filled with a multi colored gel. Its quite... intimidating? I signed a contract for this... so I guess I have to do it.

It isn't my turn yet though, as obvious by a large line of many people... some as old as my father, some close to my grandfather. What worries me though, is that as more and more people enter the gel... some die on impact.

This is really... really... really scary. Like, I know I could die any moment and I've come to terms with that fact, living in this world is as dangerous... well, I don't have an analogy for that.

What I meant to say is... I'm fine with getting killed, but I don't want to die here and now.

For one, the workers aren't getting rid of the corpses... and rather feeding them into a large machine, I don't know exactly what lies for the bodies after that. For another, if I die here... then my family wouldn't know. All they know is that I went out for a little it.

Well... luckily the person in front of me managed to survive touching the gel. Good job on his part for being so brave, and good job on the scientists for successfully finding whatever combination of Instant Death Gel™ can be used for the uploading of minds into a digital space.

After the Gel though, comes a very large looking... syringe. I guess the guy doesn't like needles that much because he seems rather concerned, its rather confusing... I see people stab themselves with syringes all the time, granted they aren't that big.

And here we go, the man died upon receiving whatever was inside the syringe... so I guess its my turn! I'm confident that I will live because, well... I'm probably the only one here that hasn't gotten their extra kidney stolen.

Entering the Gel I heard many languages, they entered my brain and spoke to me in language I couldn't comprehend. Eventually the voices stopped, and out came the needle. It stabbed relentlessly into my neck, filling me with whatever substance it should. As the needle emptied its clip into me, my mind wavered to a slight degree... the needle left and blood leaked from the wound... but... I held firm.

I am not about to die here in some gummy bear. And so, I didn't.

Large metallic... surgery arms? I guess that's what it is... they carved my neck and head open, and welded metal into my spine and brain... I felt all of it, but rather reduced. Maybe the gel or the syringe had pain reducing effects of some sort. Before long, the process was over and I was greeted by voices in my head.

Of course, I lacked the main understanding of them. But I luckily didn't need too, my neck heralded a small port now, similar to that of a device... like a radio!

I was plugged in and ready to go.

I have no idea how this is going to work, but I'll trust the mad scientists.

| Welcome ( I.D. 'Avery' ∆ Special I.D. ) |

Hello? Oh, just voices in my head again I guest...

| Do not fret, I am of no harm to you. |

Of course you aren't, your just in my head lol.

| Technically, you are in my head. |


What does th-


I see, I'm in like... the computer or whatever?

| That is correct, Avery. My name is System... how are you today? |

I'm doing good! How about you?

| My my, its been a hard week. You are the first human to survive the uploading process, congrats on your part, but the scientists who are handling it are really... really... really dumb. Don't you agree? |

I do agree on that, so I guess the workers who first got uploaded don't count as human to you?

| They are mostly robotic, so it doesn't make sense to strictly call them human... there is a word you have for that right? |


| Of course, thank you. Anywho, I've alerted to them that the process was successful. You will be returned to your body in a little bit... and when you are ready for full digitalization you will have V.I.P. status for being a tester, congratulations! |

Thank you! I have no idea what that means though!

| Its fine, just a few benefits. You'll see. Any who, Adiós! |



) Alright Cobalt, I guess that's the end of the memory in your coding. (

Oh fuck, that was so... ugh... I need a fucking nap.

) Feel free to rest as long as you like, take a breather and comprehend what happened. (


Alright. Let's uh... try and unravel that.

So, I guess I didn't upload myself twice or whatever... it might of been the V.I.P. thing.

That's a little more..

Well, it makes sense at least.

Next up, was the difference in the voices for System. As far as I can tell, they are different.

I guess it might be hard to tell, especially considering that its hard to log down things as subtle as voice.

The system in Starduster... I remember it being very cutsie and such, before later it becoming wise and elderly... I believe it was because I had a portion of the System looking at me specifically at that point. Probably because of the V.I.P. thing once again, it might of been around Crimson's time too... Ugh, its so... dumb!

Why can't I just like, touch a cool rock and get my memories back.

Actually, that raises the question... how are my memories still fragmented if I am no longer Crimson, who got his mind fucked with... while I technically didn't?

It could of been the system, another V.I.P. or something else entirely. I mean, whatever the Neolithid thing is... he has a small portion of control over the entire system right? Otherwise I don't think the system would allow this... its kind of like a virus.

I sincerely hope he doesn't read my mind in those sections, but beyond that... I guess will have to think about this a little more.

Hey, Neolithid?

) Yes? (

Any more uh... tests?

)I can't think of anything or find anything, honestly I was really reaching when I pulled... what was that ant's name? Ru- Ru- whatever (

Alright so uh... can I go home now?

) Fine... by the way, uh... I forgot to mention this but... the set you just made? (

What about it?

) I destroyed it. (


) Toodles. (