
The ground opened below me like a antlion maw, the endless lack of floor... opened... if I wasn't panicking right now I'd debate what the happened.

Temporary falls from large heights aren't something I'm new to at least, but this happened differently then last time and I can't be certain the outcome will be the same as well.

I have no idea as to what is happening, what happened, or what will happen at this point...but my eyes see motion, I AM falling... but there isn't clue as to where I'm falling too or from.

" Maybe if I close my eyes it will all go away. ", I say to myself Ironically. Of course that wouldn't work, but eventually I'll hit the ground or whatever.


Oh... uh... speaking of ground...

Well, not ground... but I guess it might be close, a black and viscous liquid flowing downwards catches my eye. After reaching on level and falling with the infinitely pouring sludge, the endless white around me is swapped out for an endless black... my base armor was swapped out for a full Black suit, but also accompanied by a spiky collared cloak that covered my back.

And... with a large thump, I fell down onto a small patch of... floating earth.

The black sludge, only visible against the endless black due to its innate shine, formed in columns around me.

I stood awaiting, not sure if this is some cool like... secret event? Dev Room maybe?

Nothing happened, as I looked around my surroundings nothing came to my attention as specifically important... like a button or a sword... anything really. But, I guess I can at least take a look at what I'm fucking wearing while not falling.

The Black sludge mirrored me, like a reflection off a glass of water. My hair was darker... the purple is nearly faded, it was dusty, spiky,but it still had small sparkly bits... and I have a very small amount of facial hair upon me now.

Around my neck was a locket of Gold, shaped like a spiral that spiked out upwards. Inside was a small photo...


My suit wasn't a three piece type you'd see in modern settings... actually, it kinda was. The suit jacket that would be normally buttoned up was instead opened to my sides revealing the waist coat that was wore over my skin, on my shoulders rested a large mantel rather than the cloak I believed it was earlier. It had a collar that stood straight up to just below my ears, the mantel fell behind me in a triangular fade. The entire set was black, with dark purple elements everywhere in the design... the mantel itself was similar to the star pattern in my hair however.

I checked pockets and the system before I anything else... in one pocket was a small gemstone, in very similar....

Its... Stygian Bronze!

The real deal! I got my hands on more of it! Oh I so dearly hope I get to keep this... ooh, with even this much I can make some crazy shit... and I can research it further with all the new techniques I studied and oh baby... the money that will come from it...

My one advantage I say I have against many players in this game, is my studious nature. I apply everything I learn, I note every idea and theory, and practise it. Not a lot of people like to deviate from their main path too hard, Swordsman will continue using swords in a way right?

Its not easy to give up what your good at... and I guess that's my advantage, cause I don't get attached to any particular thing... I try more things that give advantages... which in turn give more options... and so fourth, now... where did will rant go?

Long story short, I'm in the sludge now.

I might be crazy, but I swear I saw a glint of metal within the sludge... and as gross as it might be, if I get my hands in more Stygian bronze it will all be worth it!


Wait... Stygian Bronze?

... River...

I'm at the River Styx?

So... this sludge is...

Pure Mana