
A Battered up soldier broke through our allies ranks, attacking me with a large sword.

Scraping against the metallic fusion parts that Syn and Ice had on top of me, the blade cut around my shoulder when I attempted a poor dodge, my abilities aren't up to par compared to this soldier... so I'll have to contest against the-

Shit, I zoned out and got slashed.

Right across the cheek I bleed profusely, it was surprisingly deep... with it I started formulating magic.

Meanwhile I need to get some of this pressure off of me, I take out my trust combat kni-



What the hell is going on... I keep loosing all train of thought and get slashed!

I haven't a clue as to what this is..

But it seems to happen when he misses a strike...

I can't block an attack that always connects... so I'll just have to stop him from attacking.

I clank my small knife against his blade, the weight difference and size difference is honestly hilarious... I overcome it with leverage and the strength of Syn and Ice, their stats are technically me.

I go on the offensive while my magic continues cooking. A slash to the legs while I lower my body's profile, slowly I get faster and faster... and he continues to have to block, little does he know that this blade will do literally no Damage.

Its Human nature to fear a blade being swung around I guess, and if he's a mindless zombie controlled by Origin then this is one thing they can't tear out of a person.

My blade continues to slash and swing away at the dodging man, luckily for me blocking an attack with my blade doesn't seem to trigger his weird ability. This I take advantage of... only a minute or two... then I can kill this guy.

With a floundering arrow that struck my leg, I stagger and receive the damage... the arrow left my knee in a short burst leaving a gaping wound, and the enemies blade sunk deep into my shoulder despite Syn covering it.

The blood flew to my hands, Bubbling and Screeching with unknown amounts of fury... and as the Blood Magic circles snap into place it pops together with an alchemical circle, gathering a large shape of Blood within my hand.

: 6th Tier Spell , Sacrificial Blade :

: 2nd Tier Spell , Fusion :

| ' Blood King of Morin ' is reacting to this spell |

: Fusion + Sacrificial Blade :

: Spell Complete :

: Regal Fusion Blade :

Wish Granted, Sons of Hell!

My strength was reinvigorated with a power beyond me as the knife within my hand changed into a sword bigger than my body.

It was thick, dyed in blood, and blunt like it was just a Slab of Iron... it was heavy like one too, but gripping it with both hands it felt like it perfectly fit within my hands, the ring on my finger reacted with a soft red glow as I began my assault.

My blade strikes were heavy and fluid, striking each attempt at a parry away like a flea, I battered around the soldier with minimal movement from me apart from my blade. I spun and struck his legs sweeping him... making him fall to the ground.

The momentum from the blade carried it upward straight into the air... its full weight just above my head ready to crash down on this poor knight. With a loud slam it fell, cleaving him in two and sending him to the after life... or likely to wait for a few hours to respawn.

I set my eyes on the small arena our contenders current fought in, the Archer that shot me earlier also seemed to be dead... and it seems we are infact winning. Quartz is still somehow fucking alive though.

I guess its my duty to put him down again then, with a blistering run I jump down into the cater below falling right on top of Uranium... finishing off the low health enemy, my levels were growing rapidly but it didn't make a difference. Sword in hands, I dashed slowly across to Quartz, his battered armor stood no chance against my blade...

Or at least I though, rather it stood tough. The Blade cleaved sideways and carried him alongside the blade, Syn corrected my movements quickly and spun me around... throwing Quartz into the air with my blade, then I cleave down... slamming my blade against him, as he is slammed down into the ground by my blade.

}{}{ Cobalt! We did a link strike! }{}{

Really? That was a link strike?

Did it end up finished him off?

}{}{ I assume so! I'll record that Data into a special faculty, I'll call it ' Power Cleave '. I can't believe we can actually perform on by ourselves! }{}{

Elation huh, Syn? Its not that big of a deal is it?

}{}{ Well, Link strikes are a very important part of combat nowadays... Jotun actually started the movement to get it mainstream and in use, because it is super powerful. }{}{

Not just because the damage bonus...right?

}{}{ Its actually because usually they prevent enemy actions... when you get hit you can't really react right? }{}{

Oh I see... its like CC chaining somebody...

Yeah OK I see why that's popular... the probably want monsters to be stunned for long periods of time to prevent deaths, basically making up for loss of armor and such.

Well, I'm glad I can do this with Syn. That means I can reliably 1v1 without issue... but we just have to practise right?

}{}{ Correct! I'll be making extra sure to watch for any opportunities to do it, I hope you don't mind me moving your body for such actions right? }{}{

Yeah, its fine. You already are a part of my mind so its fine. Surprisingly I'm not scared of it anymore... did I develop emotionally from my fears? Cool!

Wait we still got a battle!

Of course I zone out like that...Well Syn, let's get cracking!

}{}{ Ready when you are! }{}{

Engaging upon another enemy, I began slicing away through any openings I could... the rouge with hammers seems to be destroying the enemy right now, I've noticed he likes stealthing and then appearing behind an enemy and distracting them for allies.

The barrier mage generates shields to prevent magic from hitting allies and such, as well as preventing chases and escapes.

I called out to the barrier user, after I got his attention I shouted " Upwards! " And it seems like he knew what I meant... platforms appeared, acting as steps for me to get a jump slash on an the enemy fighting our Tower shield user.

The rouge came in an crashed the enemies head toppling him over, perfect for a falling slash!

I jump just above the laying enemy, but I'm then stopped by the giant shield... I land upon it and focus my legs to jump even higher! The shield pulls away as I slammed down and severed the man in half, it bounces his top half upwards which was met with the fist of the tower shield user... sending the man across the crater!

Ahaha! I love this link strike shit !

Its so fun!