

Heh. I did it again.

With a yawn, I realized the Rifle was never put away... I slept with it by me like a stuffed toy, I put it away in my invento- * Clank *

Huh? It's not... going in my inventory? Weird, but honestly it probably doesn't matter... I simply can craft a Rifle Casing to wear around my back. Using Black Leather I alchemically create a case with no added details, but then the scales of the rifle seem to have formed on the outside of the Rifle Casing... breathing as well. Checking inside, it changed as well... amorphous black tentacles with cable like ends seem to touch and feel around inside. I place the rifle inside, and the tentacles snap into the rifle... the purple glow of the rifle seems to be transferred to the case as well...

Weird. Very, very weird.

I place the casing around my back and pay it no mind, its likely cosmetic.... I hope. So with that finished, I head out of my room to eat some quick breakfast and have some coffee... Syn awoken from his Torpor a little later then I woke up, late to bed and early to rise... I'm a mess, but I don't really feel tired.

- " Good Morning Syn, how is it go- "




- " Woah woah woah, volume down bucko. First of all, that's rude. Second of all I have no clue what you are talking about. "



}{}{ ... }{}{

- " What the hell... ok, so... slowly and quietly. What is a Carrion? "

}{}{ A Carrion is a type of organic being that doesn't classify as a monster, npc, or anything else. It consumes all manner of flesh and bone to fuel its own growth indiscriminately, it simply is a mass of the same flesh and bone, and can protrude lethal poisons. }{}{

- " Thank you, now... where do you detect it? "

}{}{ It is somewhere in this room. }{}{

- " Well, I don't see a mass of flesh anywhere here. Does it take on other forms besides fleshy? "

}{}{ There are less successful variations of them that feast on mana and metal, beyond that... there origin is from the ' H.U.B. ' which means I can't scan them for details. }{}{

- " Alright then, well let me know if you find it. I'm going to- "

}{}{ It's on your back. }{}{

- " No, that's my new rifle and it's casing. "

}{}{ Your Rifle... is the Carrion. }{}{

- " That's dumb why wou- "

}{}{ Scan Complete... yep, that's a carrion. It's organic, yet made of metal. }{}{

- " You are not destroying my rifle. "

}{}{ Creator, it is of upmost importance to get rid of it as soon as possible. }{}{

- " Until it gets to the point where it attacks me, I will use it no matter what.

}{}{ That's a really bad decision. }{}{

- " It hasn't harmed me yet, and I had it out all night. "

}{}{ It cou- }{}{

- " I'm keeping it and that's final, be it gun or alien it still shoots good. Period. "

}{}{ Tha- }{}{

- " End of conversation. "

Damn, what an annoyance! I don't care what my rifle is, all I care about is if it can remove somebody's entire torso with the pull of a trigger. Alien Flesh Gobbler? Why would I care!

I got to pass these instant summons to Edo since she hold control over most of the

' Coalition of Cobalt ' , that wouldn't be that bad of a name surprisingly ... but instead we are just unnamed for the most part, most just refer to themselves as allied with me rather then a force of mine. It makes sense, after all a large portion of them either are mercenary type players, small parties, and even small guilds. They wouldn't want to lose what makes them unique. I make my way through the base, many people running by carrying huge mats of materials or ammunition. I greet everyone who passes me with a ' Good Morning ' , it seems to keep up moral just a little bit.

Beyond that I'm casting buffs of speed and strength on those who are carrying stuff, making it just a tad easier on them. Small Blossoms float around them as the spell is activated on those who are carrying objects, I assume it's just a buff marker. Blossom Magic is really weird conceptually to me... it's just a reskinned nature magic isn't it? Well, why would I care.

After the quick walk, I made my way to a small battlement just outside our main base... there is four of these in each cardinal direction supposedly, but the one to the north is where Edo hangs out and gives orders... and such. Within the walls of the structure was Edo standing atop the ridges lining the cylindrical stone tower.

- " Yo! Edo! I got something for ya! Come down here! "

She obviously noticed me, like a lightning bolt and nearly as quick she leapt from her platform. She looks like a proper fighter as opposed to a cosplayer now, which is a plus.

" You need me, Cobalt? "

- " Yep, I got a little something for the troops. Quick Summons, they are pretty potent. "

" Q- Quick Summons? Those little charms that summon a bunch of monsters? "

- " Yeah, made them before for somebody, don't remember who though... you know what they do right? "

" I bought many of those off the guy, they are super strong... and rare, nobody has figured them out yet and it's hard to even research them. "

- " True, I guess if you break them and summon monsters it doesn't help you figure out how they do it... and most people probably don't ha- No, that's secret. "

" Secret? Tell me. "

- " Nah. Anywho, just pass these around I guess... I'll transfer them directly to your inventory. "

| Confirmed |

| Transferring Quick Summon Rods x1k |

Wow, I made a little more then I needed... this should be enough to overcome nearly anything, then again they are level 40~ monsters, it might be a lower grade too... maybe around 20~.

Well, more time for me to work on materials as Edo has already bolted off to deliver these to wherever.