
So, I remember what I forgot to do. It was the smog.

I gotta do something to relieve the base of this smog, from what I can tell the source of it isn't only around the base and rather it appears to be in many random spots around the entirety of Blossom Field, from a high enough position you can clearly tell that this smog isn't something originating from a single place.

I swear though, that can't be it... I know there is something else that I planned to do besides this, well... whatever. Time to play video games. Let's start with attempt 1, that being to make a huge fan and blow the smog away.

Using basic materials that just so happen to be lying around ( I swear I don't steal anything) to create a few fan blades, afterwards I realize it's probably going to be harder to make a giant fan without knowing how they actually operate than to just have a wind magic crystal blow it all away. I threw the fan blades away, no use for them now after all, and begin the creation of a device to hold the crystal. It doesn't matter what material I use, so I might as well practice making some ' Special Metal ' for the device.

Like the top of a staff, I create a big light house style holster for the crystal, around the size of a two story building the thing stands tall and as such we are going to need an equally big crystal. I don't think Crystal types get bigger than Large, but their size can definitely change considering I can make them smaller and denser. So I'm taking whatever magic crystals I can scrounge around and forming them together into a really big one. Eventually I reach the size needed and put in wind magic. Slowly and carefully I slot the crystal in...

| Empyrean of Winged Storm |

| City Wide Node Cleanser |

| List all effects? |

A thing to do with nodes... not surprisingly it sounds really cool! I'm very interested on what nodes can provide you with, but more so on something so strong! Also... I guess I used Feather Storm instead of wind on accident... well, that makes it a little better anyhow...

Lets see all those effects!

| Negates ( Storm ) ( Drought ) ( Flood ) ( Infertile Land ) weather effects inside aura |

| Cleanses the land of impurities over time |

| Curses, Poisons, and other such de-buffs get cleansed for all citizens while inside. |

| 3x Spawn rate for ' Harpies ', ' Harpies ' become friendly and will slowly grow intelligent |

| Swaps building style from basic to ' Empyrean + Wing Storm ' |

Good! This is really good! Much better than I expected! Wow!

This means... our entire base is now a city, that's pretty cool! I'm not going to use my World Seed for this, but having this here will make it a little easier on those working here... including the NPCs too! This Almost makes up for the fact I'm inadvertently getting hundreds killed!

That's a joke by the way... nothing will make up for that fact, and that bears down on me like lead weights. But that shouldn't spoil this mood, this is a great advancement for our base to give us a pretty good advantage... do I have to set everyone as a civilian?

| Anyone who has lived within the area for a total of 3 days straight become a citizen, you don't own this Node and cannot change it for now. Current Owner: Tungston |

How the hell did Tungston get a claim on this land? And moreover, how the hell did she keep it for so long? Either way, doesn't matter... this smog will hopefully clear up soon, I can already hear the whirring of the Cleanser... cleansing. That's a bit redundant. I'll head back over to Anise to tell her about the Machine I just built and that it will slowly clean away the smog, then I'll probably start mass producing some more ' Special Metal '.

THEN... I can finish making my gear. THEN... I can experiment with some more magic until Origin finally grows the balls to come over. Speaking of which, I haven't really seen any fighting besides when we ganked Quartz's group. I still sincerely don't believe he is friendly in the slightest, there just isn't any chance.

Jeez, my train of thought is really off center today. I gotta focus. So, Anise. Let's go.


Back at Anise's hold again, I enter slightly abruptly before realizing she isn't here. I completely forgot she was going to the training place... whatever, it's not that important. I'll just leave a note or something, there has to be paper around here somewhere right? I guess I'll just search around. It's quite messy in here, many different materials lacing the floor and diagrams of chalk on the walls make this place really feel like a shut in Magic student. She was always the silent type, without many people to interact with... Anise probably just shut everyone out to work and improve.

It seems that she has been living in this small area for years, I even see many many containers... lunch set boxes? A few water bottles too... I don't want to cause too much of a disparity lest I see something I shouldn't... man, why is it so hard to find paper here? I'll even do with a papyrus scroll at this point.

Nothing. I can't find a scrap of paper or anything similar on her desk or anything, the only place I haven't check is under her small bed and in her drawers. I guess I'll check under the bed then, and as I look under... there is piles of books and crumpled up... paper? Or is that tissue? I'm not going to touch it... let's see what these books are though. ' Misfit Merchant '? ' Grandest Prince'? What the hell are these...

Chapter one: A fateful meeting.

It was a morning, a morning filled with sorrow and sadness.

skip a few...

ect. ect. ect.

Wait... ' He took his shirt off and revealed his manly pex? '

' His muscles bulged and gloated over the... ' I can't...

This sounds like... one of those novels... who the fuck wrote this?

Let's see... Ani-

No... she wrote this? Oh no... my poor Anise... corrupted with this estranged ideals... oh no...

I'm going to just...put this back and pretend I never saw it.

Maybe I should... no, never mind.