
Dinner is ready, and everyone is here. The entirety of our main group, that being everyone from Arch's group, Tungston and Edo, and my group, gathered for a large dinner.

It was decided we would talk about strategy, but nothing has really happened recently so as far as we are concerned we dont need to change anything up. It's awkward, not much to talk about besides what we did today... and for me, making a fighter jet and a giant air conditioner isn't that much of a conversation hook. So we quickly ate dinner and went to bed. I slept soundly like a baby, nobody to bother me in my sleep this time either.


Thought I was going to say ' But actually Dice/Anise came in and demanded to sleep with me ' but no, really... I slept easily. Honest.



Not completely. I had a nightmare, typical nightmare stuff but that isn't that really important.

What is important, is that today I'm testing out the Jet. I'm going to fly over the entire event area and look for Origin bases, then bomb them with magic. It's flawless, but before that I have to get a few things done. Prine came by while I was tinkering with the Jet and asked for lessons again.

I didn't decline, it would of been rude to do so especially after I offered to teach him a few days ago. This time's lesson is going to be on... nothing. I haven't an idea on what to teach him anymore, not because I'm out of things to teach him but rather because I don't want my secrets leaked to anyone. I can't trust him with much yet, he could leak information or something else. So then, what do I teach him? He learned Magic Technique from Anise and supposedly Alexander of ArchMage Tower so he should already be very well developed in that area... and close combat isn't my speciality.

I can do close combat, it's just that I'm not focusing on that... besides, I don't know any Weapon Arts or specific fighting styles. I fight like a fighting game character, that meaning I wait and poke for opportunities which I then combo off of. I could try and take some time to learn how to actually fight with melee weapons instead of relying on my opponents fucking up but I'd rather just go with instinct.

So I guess I'll teach him that way of fighting, it is a different approach to fighting altogether instead of a technique so it will still have usefulness inside an actual combat situation, especially if he happens to get in an unfavorable fight.

- " So, Prine. I'm going to show you how I fight with melee weapons, it isn't special or anything particularly cool but it's a good piece of knowledge to have. "

" That sounds great to me, should I fight with a sword or a spear? "

- " Anything will do, I'll fight with a Large Broadsword. "

: Violent Blood 7th tier, Vein Buster Sword + Feather Storm 4th tier, Claws of the Harpy + Blossom 8th tier, Blossom Moon Strike + Balance 1st tier, Din :

: Spell Complete, Empyrean Heavy Blade :

- " Are you ready? "

" G-Give me just a second... I'll be right back! "


Whatever, seeing a Heavy Blade is rare enough... that and my modifier being Empyrean seems to instill some fear into him. I think Heavy Blades used to be very popular back in the day, a lot of people used it... but it recently fell off though, it did require quite the amount of power... oh, a Heavy Blade is just a really big sword. Something you would probably use to cleave a Dragon in half, that power definitely was good in raids... but I guess it just fell off.

This thing weighs a ton though, absolutely ridiculous amounts of weight bear up my hand even when I'm resting it against the ground. I guess it's good strength training too, if you can hit something properly with this weight then you can hit something without it... the whole wrench and ball situation. Unluckily for me, I can't seem to pick the damn thing up. Doesn't matter, it will vanish eventually... all magic made weapons do after all.

I knew a guy named Ardynn or something though, he was a mage of some sort that specialized in creating temporary swords and manipulating them like you'd see a psychic do a spoon. I think he got his ass kicked a long time ago, some kid did the same thing and managed to beat him somehow.

I want to test out the plane so bad, this kid is making me wait... jeez.

Prine - " Alright! I'm back! "

- " Finally, did you forget something? "

Prine - " I brought my Ally Ryzen, I know he wanted to spar with you for a long time so I thought we could do a joint effort to fight you! "

- " I guess you can, I don't see why not. But if that's the case I wont go easy on either of you, got it? I won't be teaching through this method, but instead showing how far you can grow. "

Ryzen - " I don't expect anything else. I'll show you my skills, so show off yours! "

- " On your mark? "

Prine - " Ready! "

- " Alright then, lets fight. "

I picked up the bastard sword while buffing myself with all sorts of magic, Prine and Ryzen go for a joint attack by dashing straight forward while I activate my boot's ability to warp. With a flurry, their strikes strike against empty space as I teleported behind them... pfft.... god, that reminds me of that one old joke... either way, their strikes miss and my blade resounds towards their backs. Luckily for them I used the blunt edge instead of the sharp one, but it still likely hurts tremendously as their both launched across the small field, the sword was big enough to hit them both like a baseball even though they were nearly 3 feet apart!

- " Over already? "

Ryzen - " ... ye-yeah.... ow... "

- " What about Prine? "

Prine - " ... I ca-n... still fight. "

- " Yeah Yeah whatever, fight's over. "

: Blossom 4th tier, Luxury Heal Beam :

- " Your healed, so go and think about where you fucked up. I got stuff to do right now, sorry for being rude. "

I left the field without another word, I have to test out this plane!