God Shattering Star ( Part 1 )

Begin Test.

Subject: Soul.

Goal: Obtain the powers of a cursed item without downsides.

SubGoal: Surpass World Drop Items.

Alchemical power will be used for extraction and manipulation of the latent ' soul ' contained within a ' soul gem '.


The Gemstone screamed and sent a body numbing sensation as I pulled on it with alchemical power, the floating blue substance contained within the clear purple gemstone twisted and contorted under the non-material grasp... I pushed my grasping hand through the gemstone, my hand collided upon the blue substance which reacted like a fleeing animal. A quick snatch, and it was trapped within my hand.

I held my hand in front of my face, this small twinge of color would be the untimely undoing of many people. This is what it must of felt like when atomic power was used for creating a bomb, for the creator it was a devastating nightmare... and yet, I was excited. Even a little... drunk, Drunk off of this power I hold.

I've held many things if you catch my drift, but only this fleeting... soul... it's jus-


What the hell am I thinking?

I'm not a Megalomaniac... is this thing twisting my personality?


Twisting and pulling it apart with Alchemical power, eventually the grand desire to cause lots and lots of harm to people ceased... instead I was filled with same old me once more. This stuff might be dangerous, luckily it seems that after messing with it via Alchemy... most of the weird personality stuff disperses.

I let it go from my grip, and without even so much as a peep it hovers perfectly still.

Noticeably it turned clear.

Let's do this a few more times...




So. I've learned just a little bit from this experiment.

1. The Color of a Soul determines it's ' personality '.

2. Soul Augments Change the Color.

That's all I got so far... very good data.

What do I mean by personality though, well for starters... blue souls let out the screech, but a red soul will instead attempt to ram living beings... such is evident that each soul is different based on colors, the easiest way to deal with souls that are difficult is to change their color.

Next up is to test out crafting with souls.

First of all, for these test weapons I'll be using plain old Artificial Mithril. I don't want anything too complicated after all. You have to eliminate external factors when conducting science experiments right?

For the test weapon, it will be designed after a single flat edged carving knife. If this turns out well enough I might just keep it as my melee weapon.

Forming the metal out of Mana was simple and quick, obviously. I have gotten quite the amount of practice recently. I don't need to complicate this more, so I'll just form it directly from a single plate. Folding, Cutting, and sharpening are unnecessary.

I'll try one of the clear souls first, they are very co-operative. Unlike their colored comrades.

Pushing it into the blade was slightly difficult, it would refuse to enter for the most part... but then I gave it a big push and it slid in like butter.

| Complete item? |

I think so, Let's try it out.

| Crafting Complete |

| Soul Knife of Apathy. |

Hmm... nothing worth talking about, it's very... plain. It's a little better than a Normal Dagger of the same base materials but... the Soul doesn't make enough of a difference to matter, just some small stat changes.

Lets try the other colors...



| Soul Knife of Bravado |


| Soul Knife of Rage |


| Soul Knife of Fulfillment |


| Soul Knife of Betrayal |


| Soul Knife of Revenge |


| Soul Knife of Honor |


| Soul Knife of Agony |


| Soul Knife of Bliss |

Useless.... all... USELESS


Damn it... Damn it all...

Maybe... more souls?


| Cursed Knife of Agony. |

| Cursed Knife of Bliss. |

These... these are good.

But they have the negatives... how did Purin's ancestors get a cursed weapon without the downsides? How? What am I missing?!?!

I pace relentlessly back and forth from my small crafting area while biting my thumb, there is absolutely better options... there has to be something. I know better items exist, but how do I get there?

Let's try something else...

Maybe fusing the Knifes would provide some sort of benefit?


| Fusion Complete |

| Perfect Knife of Bliss |

Oh? Did I... did it work?

I mixed all the Soul Knifes of Bliss, it has the same amount of souls in it as a Cursed Knife... but it seems to be different... it seems...

Oh lord.

| Desc. A Knife that surpasses all other weapons, despite it's purpose for carving or skinning it has the ability to lacerate everything. |

| Atlas Class Knife |

| You have unlocked the new set of item rarities via crafting, congratulations. |

| World Announcement. User ' Cobalt ' has surpassed the Limits of items so far beyond considerably possible, the rarity system has been updated. Details will soon follow. |


| Message Received x23020195012 |

* Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding *

* Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding *

* Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding *

* Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding *

* Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding *

* Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding *

* Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding *

* Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding *

* Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding *

* Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding *

* Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding *

* Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding *

* Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding *

* Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding *

* Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding *

* Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding *

* Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding *

* Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding *

* Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding * * Ding *


| Confirmed |


Ow my head... all these notifications... I should of just... ugh. Let's Continue on.

Come on System, show me what changed...

| Confirmed. |

| Rarity system has been updated, also the limitation of item's powers have been removed. |

| Monster Strength has been raised considerably to counter-act this. |

Alright... that's good so far.

How did the Rarity system change...

| Listing... |

| Junk - Items like branches or stones or trash monster drops. |

| Common - Items that take little refining such as Wooden Staves or Stone Bricks. |

| UnCommon - Items that require dedicated work for a small period of time such as Swords. |

| Rare - Items that don't commonly appear outside of use. |

| Artifact - Items that are typically one of a kind, they are made through unique means. |

| Unique - Items that Exist due to strenuous amounts of effort. |

| Legendary - One of a kind existences that challenge the meaning of their classification. |

| Atlas - Items that Define the Classification of themselves. |

| Fenrir - Items the go beyond their quantifiable beings. |

| Earth - { Data Expunged } |

| Developer - Items that are to be only used by developers, it is impossible to craft something of this caliber. |

| Additionally, it should be mentioned that all items will be updated to this system. Your currently equipped gear measures at around Unique - Legendary Grade. |

They just had to fuck with the established system didn't they.

God this shit is going to be confusing for a while, I need to write this down...

After I finish getting all of this... shit... classified and logged, it's time to make Arch's Swords.

I'm very glad I pursued this path, it already has shown me great potential... if I can keep this a secret them I'm set, but I'm also going to already have to upgrade my own gear... dammit.