Meeting ( 4.5 )

Alright... we gotta visit the queen eventually...

First though... maybe we should stay at an inn or something, it's getting late and... oh, that meal hit the spot SO hard. I don't even wanna move... I didn't even drink Alcohol yet I feel glittery from that. Though Jotun did, she drank a few cups of... Sake? That's what it's calles right?

Whatever, anyways we are heading to an Inn... Jotun wants to stop by the Adventurer's guild first but the rest of us arent inclined to do so at the moment.

Eventually we come across a small inn, it's prices were a bit steep though... with our funds left after that hearty meal we can only afford to stay 2 days.

This is a bit of a pickle... if we can't get some funds from the queen tommorow, let alone a ride to the Demon Lord's Castle, we might just have to... work for money. Ugh, what a concept... actually doing work to make a living, gross.

Anyways... despite the protests of Dice and I, seems we are all going to be sharing a room, and while that may not seem so bad at first... there are only two beds. Eh, I'm being a bit dramatic... there is plenty of room on each bed anyways, the real problem actually lies on who is going to sleep with who.

It's miserable to be in bed with Dice or Anise, their skin is hard and almost like scales, beyond that they generate TONS of heat. Bugs usually don't have to worry much about heat due to their size, but due to their human bodies their methods of waving off heat and cold have to overclock... it's like a sauna of sweat.

Jotun on the other hand... completly undermines the purpose of blankets and whatnot, her 'aura' just naturally makes everything ice cold around her. Despite no longer being an Ice Type spirit or whatever she still holds that bitter temperature.

So, the plan is to fall asleep so fast I don't have to deal with that situation.

Ready... G-




Heh, alright then. That was smoother than I expected... I didn't even feel anything last night, I guess I just passed instantly or something... let's see, what did they decide on...



Oh, they all slept in the other bed.

I guess that fixes that problem but... surely it must of been cramped? Shit, they did that for me... well, I guess I'll get us some breakfast. We are... super poor though now, what is cheap and tasty?

System, open my Inventory and show me all food items.

| Confirmed. |

... Oh... I forgot, blind. Ha.

| Apologizes... shall I compile it? |

Yeah, sorry...

| Confirmed. |

| Your current food items are very lacking in protein and vegetable items, however you have a large storage amount of Ingredients for things such as Pancakes or Waffles. |

Eh-? When did I pick up ingredients like that?

| ... |


| ... |


Well... can you make it System?

| Yes. Crafting now, would you like to additionally add fruits to the dish? |

When did I pick up fruits?

| ... |


| ... |

Ugh... that joke is already old. Look, System, if it's such a secret as to why I have these items then why bother just not saying anything? You could literally just say ' It's a reward for the war event ' and I would literally believe you.

| I'll consider that in the future. |


Craft the pancakes... use whatever fruits I have and what ever else goes with pancakes. Huh, when is the last time I had pancakes?

Whatever. So, I'll make breakfast and leave a note for the others... then I'll head over to the Castle, see what's up with the Queen, I'll leave the others to do whatever for a bit... then we'll meet back up... at around 5-6pm?



Mission accomplished.

Those pancakes were... alright. System made food just doesn't hit as hard as you'd think, anyhow...

I am now outside of the Castle.

How did I make it here despite being blind?

Syn is escorting me. His temporary eyes are helpful in case Queenie wants to show me something and he knows the layout of this place better than most. During that scan of the entire county Syn did when I fought against Harvest guild, well... he made sure to note it down.

So. It was reasonably difficult to actually enter the place, most of the guards are probably rookies... after all it's been nearly 30 years since all of their military personal where killed.

Jeez, I think back to that battle... that entire time frame... that shit was weird. Like... I don't know.

Either way, I am now inside the castle making my way towards the throne room where Queenie is currently... doing something. I don't remember what that person said she was doing but... whatever.

I probably should of wrote down Queenie's name... I completely forgot.

Anyhow, with a * BANG * the large metal doors that preceded the throne room open with a sharp throttle, Syn valiantly makes his presence known first by basically charging through the door.

I walk around the giant hunk of metal and begin... roleplaying, with my usual flair of course.

- " A lovely morning. Isn't it? "

Guards surround Syn and I, though obviously I am only partially aware of them... their metal armor clanks as they rush forward to surround us. There seems to be... 10?

- " Sorry to intrude. I thought it would a pressing matter to see you again Queenie. "

??? - " Q-Queenie? You mock her like that? "

- " Oh, a voice I don't know... well, yes. I mock her like that, so? "

Queenie - " Hold. Crusader Cobalt I assume? "

- " Oh hey! You remember! Haha, and I thought I'd have to make a display. "

Queenie - " You are the only one that I have ever fucking met that calls me Queenie, of course I remember you. Guards, at ease. He is a... an ally. "

- " I'd put it that way too.... so, how is it going? "

Queenie - " Well, since you left our kingdom has changed quite the amount. Your Ideals sparked revolution within the country, we became a constitutional monarchy... and we got a parliament. Thanks. "

- " Tugs at your skin to not be fully in control anymore huh? "

Queenie - " Quite. So... what do you need. "

- " Pardon? I just came to see an ol- "

Queenie - " Don't finish that sentence. Shut it. I already know what's going on... or better yet, let me guess... The War of the Rusted Blade resulted in your victory and subsequent revival after being massacred along with the Gods... however you are running low on... funds? Maybe you need transportation? And what you are going to do is to look for some sort of clues on how to revive the Gods? "

??? - " What the hel- "

- " I give it a.... 70% Accuracy rate. Ya fuckin Mind Reading Bitch. Yeah, Money isn't a huge deal... we got solutions for that... but we need transportation. You probably can't tell, but I've gone blind. "

Queenie - " You... weren't already blind? "

- " No. "

Queenie - " Ah. "

??? - " Can I butt in for a moment? "

}{}{ No. }{}{

??? - " Ok. "

- " Alright. What does the peanut gallery want. "

??? - " I am... Actually... sigh... King Artix. "

- " OHOHO! You got married! "

Q - " Sorry, no. Lord Artix here is a ruler of a different kingdom. We were discussing alliances. My husband is busy dealing with Parliament. "

K - " Yes. Ahem... Ice Crusader Cobalt, Blood King, Ruler of the Umbra Ravens, Savior of Morin, Crimson, Panzer Drake. You have many names... a man of your stature is... totally overbearing. I didn't expect to meet you here. "

- " Even you know about my alter ego? Crazy, word travels fast... what about the other names... Panza Drakgoon? Umbra Ravens? "

K - " The First is what the Demon Lord called you, The Second was derived from your.... allies. The Sword of Ichor and Ice who wandered the realm and slayed countless villains and monsters, The Silken Mage who's knowledge was worth entire treasuries, The Venom of StarDuster... the monster who purified the world of corruption with her own teeth. "

- " Again with calling her a monster... what did she do exactly? "

K - " She killed, and killed, and killed. Demons, Beasts, Players, Thieves, anything she could. "

- " Fuck. I'll... have to punish her or something... so, Queen. Transportation? "

Q - " I have an extra Draking Vessel and Crew currently docked for the season, they are still operational due to their skill so... they should be able to take you wherever you need to, no payment needed... I'll contact them. Their the ' White Falcons ', look for them at the Draking docs in about a day or two. "

K - " Oh and... Sir Cobalt, did you... consider my letter? "

- " I don't remember a letter... anyhow, thanks for the port Butterscotch, see ya later-! "

With that... I leave.

Well, I guess I can go relax for today. I don't really know what I'm going to do for a bit so... whatever, I'll wing it untill that ship is ready... White Falcons huh...

What is a Draking ship?