Second Life

A youth who looked to be around fifteen or sixteen, was slumbering in a luxurious bed, big enough for five or six people to lie down in. His softened facial features were exquisite and flawless, with a tranquil and relaxed air. His hair was curled around his face, which had long curled eyelashes, a cute button nose, and thin pursed lips, like the white halo of an angel.

Beep, Beep, Beep

An alarm went off when the time became 5:00. Deimos' hand pressed the switch to stop it. Waking up, his light blue eyes were bleary and dazed, like an innocent child. Blinking to clear away his drowsiness, he dejectedly got up and pinched the spot between his brows. He silently sat on the edge of the bed, an unshakable gloominess plaguing his features.

 He put on the slippers which were on the floor and rose up. Dressing himself in clothes suitable to workout in, he ran out of his mansion to jog around. At 5:30, he came back and took a shower for fifteen minutes. He changed into a white shirt and black slacks, before going to the dining area to eat breakfast the chef prepared for him. When he finished, he waited patiently for the alarm on his phone to go off at 6:00.

Deimos went to the piano room, where he devoted most of his time. He looked at the music sheets filled with handwritten notes stacked on his desk or set in a shelf and strode over to the exquisitely made instrument. He played until the alarm went off at 8:00. Methodically, like he had done this thousands of times, he sealed the piano and organized all the pieces he had played.

If someone else were there, they would notice that every single decoration and every single item was placed in a designated spot. The servants who cleaned and cooked walked cautiously and in fear, trying to act like they weren't there. It was silent enough to hear a pin drop when he ceased moving.

Deimos left the piano room and passed by a maid cleaning the paintings on the wall. She froze in place, eyes wide in panic and alarm, and desperately kept silent to avoid disturbing the young boy. He stared straight ahead and didn't even glance in her direction, like she didn't exist. When he was no longer seen, she breathed a sigh in relief and unclenched her teeth that almost chattered.

Entering his study, he started to do his homework his tutor assigned to him on the wide desk. Sitting straight and trying to focus on the paper, he thought of the girl who used to help him. The face that held little expression outside of seriousness and attentiveness to what he was doing, shifted into another emotion. A morbidly obsessive possessiveness was extremely concentrated in his normally pure eyes.

Deimos remembered meeting her when he was eleven. His parents, who never paid him any attention, had ordered for him to come to the drawing room. He followed the servant after dressing appropriately and met her, his favorite belonging. His parents introduced the twelve-year-old as his fiancé and that he should be nice to her.

She would seek to please him, which he knew was one of her parents' orders. They were business partners, vying for more benefits by being related to the Vilentiles, renown throughout the entire business circle as the wealthiest and most influential family in the world.

He lived in luxury and splendor; basically, no matter what he wanted, he could have it by opening his mouth.

Deimos always knew that it was hard for her. When something was slightly out of place or something didn't go the way he wanted it to, he would go into a rage. During these times she always desperately tried to calm him down, even if she was accidentally injured during his tantrum.

When he calmed down, he would hug her for a few minutes. She would patiently comb her fingers through his hair to placate him. He had never felt so satisfied except during these times of comfort.

When she came to play with him, he would ignore her while playing his beloved piano and she would listen to the music with a pleasant smile on her face. The piano was the only thing he had in the past, but now he felt that she belonged completely to himself. She was his belonging that he would never share.

These leisurely days all ended five years later, when she found out his one year older brother, Damien, was her classmate. Whenever she was hurt by him, he would comfort her and bandage her wounds. Whenever she would cry and run away from Deimos, he would play with her to cheer her up

He meticulously carried out his plot to take away another thing that belonged to him. Just like when he took away all our parents' attention, their praises and toys! When Damien got to go to school while he was hidden away for his "shameful disease"!

Deimos' eyes were filled with jealousy and betrayal. He couldn't believe at that time that his thing he kept by his side all these years would go away by herself. She should have been obediently by his side right now, not with that detestable person.

When he walked next to Damien's door the next day, he heard her voice. Stopping instantly, he turned around in shock. Deimos didn't know she was here today. Why did no one tell him!?

"Thank you for the snacks, Dami." he heard her normally cheerful tone turn sweet as syrup.

"It's nothing to mention. Don't you usually eat these at school?" said his brother, his voice sounding especially doting.

"Yes..." she answered bashfully, happy that he actually noticed.

Damien paused for a moment before he hesitatingly spoke up, "Ali, I have something I want to say to you."

Alice looked at him with curiosity brimming in her   eyes, silently questioning him and urging him to tell her.

Damien closed his deep blue eyes and took a calming breath before telling her in complete seriousness, " Ali, I wanted to tell you this for a long time, but I didn't have the courage until you started spending your time at our place. I like you. I have liked you ever since I first saw you in middle school. Please be my girlfriend."

Alice's face was filled with shock. She didn't expect he would also like her. She opened her mouth to answer him, but he hurriedly interrupted her before she could say anything.

"Please think carefully for a few days. I don't need an answer immediately." Damien said, afraid she would reject him and he would hear words that would break his heart.

Alice looked at him as he nervously stopped her from talking and smiled in understanding after thinking about it. She said before she could stop herself, "I also like you!"

Damien stared at her in pleasant surprise. The happiness came too suddenly for him to collect himself.

"I have al,also liked you since middle school. I liked you when you he,helped me with my school work and with those bullies who slandered me..." Alice stuttered out in embarrassment when she noticed she had shouted out her feelings to him.

After registering her words in his mind, Damien chuckled and reached out and lightly patted her head with his broad hand before leaning down and pressing a light kiss on her forehead—an extremely treasuring, extremely gentle kiss.

As though he was treating her like the most valuable treasure in the world.

Outside the slightly opened door Deimos watched how they confessed to each other. With every word he heard, Deimos' eyes dimmed a degree.

'How… could others touch someone who was his?' he thought, trying to not focus on the scene in front of him.

Every word and sentence that came from her caused intense emotion to billow in his eyes.

The two of them looked like a match made in heaven when they sat so closely together. When he saw this, a torrent of violent emotions began to wreak havoc inside of him.

Leaving the door, he returned to his bedroom. He kept his head down the entire way back, with his white bangs hanging in front of his baby blue eyes. His lower lip was white from the strain of him biting down on them. His clenched fists had a few blue veins that popped out and his shoulders were shaking in rage as he breathed in rough breaths from between his grinding teeth.

"You are supposed to be mine!!!" he shouted in his sound proof walls from his multiple tantrums, which his parents had installed when they didn't stop as he grew older.

"Mine, mine, mine!!!" Deimos threw anything he could grab within his reach. Shattering and breaking sounds echoed throughout the room. After he destroyed everything that could be destroyed, he dropped to his knees on the broken glass and wept bitterly. His arms were wrapped around his head and he rocked back forth in misery.

The next day, Deimos did his usual morning routine before going to his study. He kept on thinking of ways he could use to keep her from leaving him for his brother. Nothing he thought sounded plausible, so was getting frustrated. This went on, until he thought of one way.

"You think you can leave me? Never!" Deimos whispered to himself in hysteria.

Done with his reminiscing of the previous week, Deimos stopped zoning out and focused on his homework. Writing the answers in neat handwriting, he looked like a studious high school student working on an important test.

When he finished, Deimos got up to go to a book shelf at the left of his study. There were many medical books about the human body and academic textbooks for his studies. In front of the shelf was a luxurious blue carpet with golden patterns encasing a sewn on red rose.

Peeling it away from the floor, he then pulled open the hidden door built under the floorboards. There were stairs leading down to a dark unknown room that smelled of disinfectant.

Deimos stepped down and turned on the lights. What was shown was a rectangular metal table that could fit a human in the middle of the plastic wrapped room. On it, was his tied up soon to be belonging who would never run away from him again.

The girl was awake and looking around the room in panic and fear. She didn't know who knocked her out when she left the mansion. Nobody had visited her for four hours after she woke up. She didn't know how long she had been lying there, trying to escape, but the ropes tying her to the table were tight.

This was until the lights were abruptly turned on. She rapidly blinked her eyes, trying to adjust to the brightness. There were quiet footsteps walking toward her. When she looked for the origin, she saw that person. That horrible person who always bullies her and hurts her when he is upset, Deimos.

Her eyes widened in confusion, shock, and incredulity. She wanted to shout, but her mouth was taped over, so it just sounded like muffled noises. When she looked around the room to see where they were, all she saw was him, a surgeon's tray that had a decorated knife on it, and the plastic surrounding the place where she was lying.

Looking between the knife and Deimos repeatedly, understanding dawned on her that he was trying to hurt her again. Struggling to get away, she tried to scream for help even though nobody did when she screamed earlier.

Deimos looked at her with an angry smile, when he saw that she had tried to escape again. He leaned forward until her face was immediately in front of his.

"Hey, toy." he said, his voice demanding her to pay him attention, like a spoiled child asking for hugs. "Why did you try to leave me?"

Finishing what he was saying, Deimos started to stroke her hair that he liked so much. It was slightly dirty from being locked up in his hidden room for a day and a half. Even though he hated dirty things, with her, he never considered anything he had was dirty. Even if she smelt rancid, he would still think she smelt nice.

"Do you know what I'm going to do?" Deimos whispered next to her ear with gleaming blue eyes. "I'm going to make it so you can't ever escape. So that you can't ever leave."

Backing off, he walked towards the tray and lifted the beautifully ornamented, but sharp knife. Twisting it around to admire it, he thought that it was worth it to wait for this to be made before he did this. She can only be made his by the best things.

He then looked down at her, dressed in a gorgeous dress tailored for this ritual. Now that everything was ready, he brought out his phone. Dialing that number he rarely, if ever, called, he put it on speaker for her to hear and untaped her mouth.

"Dei?" Damien asked, bewildered that his introverted little brother actually called him. The last time he did, it was only to ask about his girlfriend.

Listening to the familiar voice, the girl shouted for him to help her, desperately telling him what Deimos was doing to her with hope brimming in her voice.

"Haha, are you joking Alice? Deimos would never do that to anybody. Even if he wanted to, where would he even put you." Damien laughed out, humored by her ridiculous story.

"No, I'm not jo-" interrupting her by covering her mouth with the hand holding the knife, Deimos then said to his brother.

"Damien, you should come to my room soon, I have a surprise to show you." he said curtly before hanging up.

Deimos looked down at her despairing black eyes, which were watering pitifully, and said slowly.

"Do you want to escape? The help that you hoped for… doesn't it seem like it was just within reach…? But it's too bad that it was just an illusion. In reality, you'll never be able to leave me from now on."

Deimos then taped her mouth again and went back upstairs, waiting for his brother to come. When he heard a knock and Damien's voice asking if he could come in now, he opened the door for him.

"What did you want to show me?" Damien asked, already excited that his baby brother actually got a present for him. Deimos had never liked to talk to him or their parents, so he could never get close to him. Now that he was giving him something, could this mean he wanted to get along with his big brother?

Deimos stared at him until Damien's smile turned awkward. His question lingered between them until Deimos moved away for him to walk in.

Stepping in the organized room, Damien glanced around for his gift that Deimos supposedly had. Seeing nothing interesting, he looked at Deimos questioningly.

Not understanding Damien's look at all, Deimos walked over to the secret door on the floor and pulled it open. He then stepped into it without waiting for him.

Blinking in shock, Damien stared at the door that he had never noticed was there until it was opened, and looked flabbergasted. Becoming aware that his baby brother was going down the staircase, he hurried over to follow him.

"Hey, Dei, is what you wanted to show me down here?" Damien asked, half anticipating and half curious.

Deimos ignored him until they reached the bottom. When Damien glanced around the creepy small room, he was startled. His girlfriend was tied up on a table looking at him with panic and alarm, her black hair dishevelled, her face paling in fright. Alice's covered mouth was shouting, trying to warn him about something.

But it was too late.

Before he could process what was happening, Damien felt a sharp stab in his back. Yelling out in pain, blood dripped from his wound to his clothes, soaking them red. Deimos pulled out the knife agonizingly slowly, letting the blood flow into his hands.

Alice yelled out until her voice broke, struggling to free herself and help her boyfriend. The table was shaking left and right, toppling down, and loosening the ropes which were tied to the table legs.

Deimos took this chaos all in, his smile brimming with joy. Because he was looking down the entire time he stabbed his brother, Alice couldn't see his expression underneath his fringe. Now that he was facing upwards, her face paled even more than it already was from seeing his face.

"Look, Alice, now he will never try to take you away from me. You can stay with me forever." he laughed out, his once innocent blue eyes now filled with insanity. He spread his bloody arms out like he was showing a magnificent sight to an audience, like he was showing his parents his achievements, like he was proud of his earnestly made science project.

His angel-like features twisted into something more sinister. A mixture of ecstasy and paranoia was in his eyes. All he was thinking about was that Alice won't leave him, his brother was finally going away, and all he had to next was kill her so that she will never be able to think about anyone else other than him now.

What he didn't see was his brother climbing up from the floor, his eyes brimming with determination and his face overflowing with concern and pain.

Jumping up swiftly, he quickly pushed Deimos to the floor, and tried to take away the knife in his hands. He didn't want his brother to hurt anyone again, even himself, even though Deimos did that to him, he knew it wasn't his fault. It was his sicknesses fault. He had to help his baby brother snap out of it.

"Dei, let go of the knife!" Damien growled out in frustration, after failing to grab it from him over and over again. It was between them in both of Deimos' hands, which Deimos was pulling towards himself dangerously. Damien's eyes were panicked and desperate, because if he let go, Deimos might stab himself in the chest.

"Never, I'll never give you anything of mine!" Deimos shouted, his mind delirious and hysterical, only knowing that his brother was trying to steal something away from him again.

"Dammit!" Damien yelled, horrified his grip was loosening. "Please, stop pulling Deimos, let it go-"

"No!" Deimos screamed, using all his strength one last time, and finally got it back.

The hands which were pulling the knife towards himself, plunged the sharp blade into his heart. Convulsing in pain, Deimos widened his eyes in surprise and looked down at his chest in disbelief. His hands slackened from the pommel and fell to his sides. He felt weird, like he was awake but asleep, conscious but unconscious. He looked towards his brother and his belonging and realised, 'Ah, I'm dying'.

Damien stared at his brother, desperately trying to stop the bleeding and asking his baby brother to stay awake.

"Dei, you can't fall asleep alright, listen to big brother, don't fall asleep," Damien whispered, his eyes filling with tear. "I'll go call an ambulance, you'll live, they'll fix you, don't close your eyes yet."

Alice was still trying to get out of her bindings, only before it was to escape, now it was to help Damien call for an ambulance. She bit her lip and started crying in frustration because she felt completely useless right now. She couldn't escape for herself, couldn't escape for her boyfriend, and couldn't escape to help Deimos.

Even if he usually hurt her, she didn't think he had to die for that. Nobody should die like this.

Even though he knew that it was hopeless, Damien still took out his phone and called for help. Stumbling with his words and his voice shaking from panic and the pain from his own wound, he tried to calm down to be understandable.

Deimos felt afraid. Not for his life, but because he wouldn't be able to be with his toy. She will never stay by him and comb through his hair, calm him down, and say soothing words. Just like that person did before...

'Who did that before her? Who was that reliable hug from... that comforting presence...' Deimos thought absentmindedly, trying to keep his heavy eyelids open.

'Oh... ' he realized after glancing at his brother who was crying and hugging him after the call, 'It was big brother... he was the one who did that before I started ignoring him... before I started hating him... why didn't I remember... why did I do this... '

"I'm sorry... big brother... " Deimos whispered before closing his now pure clear irises filled with unshead tears of regret. A teardrop slid down his now peaceful face.