Chapter 2:Young Monster?

As the Castle of the capital becames silent no outsiders are alowed in, deep beneath the castle to the dark dungeon..

All of Paul's knight were sleeping and staying imprisoned on the same cell which were fortified with advance magic barrier and walls of even the devil can't break metal bars so strong it could break the finest of swords.

"To all I have to say we will be executed tommorow by the fall of the sun.." one male said..

"Can we not escape My King? We could break this cell into pieces!" The lady said.

"We can break this cell and but my chains cancel my whole chi aura and magic.. I have a soul of the Excalibur I could break this and we could all escape.." Paul Replied

"So we would just died like that? Not in battle but in execution style? That's boring! Paul"

"I know Nico, It's funny to but if you die with me I'll sure you we will be together again.."

"In heaven?"

"No, back into this world again."

The knights suprised on what King Paul has said.

"What do you mean my king? Resurrect us?!"


"But how?!"

"Well your king has it's way but I'll assure you when all of you will die for me I will die to but when I will wake up to my deepest sleep I'll ressurect you all thats a promise..."

"Hey wake up" a Lady said

*oh why miss I am just sleeping* While itching his eyes

"Yeah I know but weaklings like you need some help especially your outside of the adventure hall you can get mugged"

Paul Replied *Thank your for your concerns miss but I'm just resting and will come inside to apply for a rank so I could be an adventurer..*

The lady was suprised "You? What's your name?"

Hmm will Paul will workout again? Nah I want new identity how about... *Ram*


They shook hands..

"I'll see you around when you get you're rank, our guild is ineed of someone"

Did she just recruited me?. He said to his mind.

*The door opened up*

A lady poked through the doors "uhm mister"

*Ram* He replied

"Mister Ram your test shall begin any second now you could enter the audition room"

Paul's head bowed and went inside the adventure hall..

In first glance the adventure hall is huge there are countless of adventurers walking and talking and checking out on quest to fulfill for Money.

Hmm so you need to talk to the receptionist over there so you could fulfill the quest huh back then you just hand over the paper to them . Paul said into his mind

"here we are Mister Ram" while She's pointing to the doubled door

Paul bowed and entered the room and immediently felt an ominous presence. a

As the admin of the test is a member of one of the 6 royal Knights squad because of his badge on his right chest.

"Mr. Ram my name is Fin and we will test your skills using this summoned demon beast don't worry this beast will not move if he doesn't feel a powerful attack, but even if he did no one since King Paul and his Royal Knights has the power to move the beast."

"Uhm. So it is little bit weak that last time... Might have grown tired of constant free damage everyday since alot of people want to be an adventurer.." Paul said into his mind

"I'm ready.." He spoke to the Admin

The Admin got suprised and cheecked to see Paul doesn't have a weapon which he is holding or a sword in his waist.

"Mr. Ram you will not hit him with a weapon?" He shockingly asked

"No, I have a weapon"

Then Paul suddenly pulls out a wooden stick..

"A mere Wooden Stick?!" He shouted

"Yes" Paul Calmly answered

"What nonesense is this?! Even King Paul had a weapon in him when he was tested! Yet you will fight him with a wooden stick? Mr. I know he will not move but his defense is strong no mere stick can pierce through that!"

"Your right that's why I'll coat it with Chi so powerful that he will move a little bit..."

"Chi? A normal guy like you could... hmm Interesting.." He stopped talking as the admin felt an Aura that is on par with Rank C Demon Beast. He is shooked and became sweaty and stood still while he watched as Paul is starting to do his attack...

"Who is This guy?! He's age is probably 17 yet he could release this kind of Aura?!" The Admin said into his head..

"Is he a Young Monster?..."

Paul smilled and...
