Chapter 9: Village of Rivia

As Paul's friend were in front of the house, they were preparing, checking their gears and also waiting for the while group so they could go to their original destinations

"You guy's good?" Paul asked his party members.

"Hmph! I'm now A Chi user bahahaha!" Emim laughed while his hands are on her hips, Her bragginf about being a Chi user while Paul just have this face a holding a laugther.

"I appreiciate you teaching us Master Godo" Edwin Bowed..

"It's no need to take me.. thank Ram over there.. *cough* *cough* Welp.. you know guy's know your first destination..." Godo the Old man said..

"Yes, there is a village near the Fram Cave.. I believe it's Rivia.." Edwin said shile putting some arrows into his bag

"Yes... it's Rivia it's a pretty big village so don't get lost ok..."

*Rivia? Ain't that the village where...*

"Ram! You idiot! I told you to get our stuff in the inside!" Emin Said

"Oh crap! Oh yes yes!" Paul quickly ran inside the house..


Godo laugh and smiled.. "Don't be that harsh Ms.Emin he's just a young blood after all.."

"Hmph! I'm just teaching him how to be a disciplined gentlemen be should!"

*wait wait... ain't you need my help?!* Imaginary Paul....

"Well we defienetly became strong Mr. Godo-san your books and techniques really are effective!" Komin said

"Yeah! The constant demon beast hunting is pretty efective I've learn the basic Sword arrow piercing technique because of it.." Edwin said..

"Alright, alright.. I may have teached you all the little stuff but outside this property you will be on your own so please continue cultivating and learning more techniques into the future, I'm not saying to creat your skills but to adapt from battling get moee battle experience.."

Paul suddenly came through the doors carrying bags of food and weapons " Shall we go now?" He asked

All of them weared their typical suits armour for Yomim regular clothes for edwin and Kerl while Moritoko weared a magician robes, it helps to regenerate more Magi Mercy's clothes were white robes and green with a energy boster book and Emin's clothes were A Kimono and the insides are flexible black clothing which can withstand her new Soul Power abilities...


"What are you even wearing?" Emin asked him with a grinning face

"What?! Long sleeves red clothing and I'll wear a red Robe to" while sniffing his clothes

"You sure like red" Edwin said

"Well I like it because if it get's stained by blood it ain't hard to clean because it's camoflogue in"

"Alright, alright come one save the chit chat in the road we are gonna walk through the aftrenoon until we fin a suitable resting place in the village of Rivia." Kerl said

"Oh well this is it adventurers... I hope you achive your goals it's gonna be a quite long walk to bear with it for a bit" Godo said

As they were done and ready to go now all of them turned back again into Godo and bowed exept for Paul..

Godo smiled and bowed to, as they walked through the same pathway they have come in...

*Go King Paul... Let me see you in the throne again...* Godo said into his mind..

The group came to the same pathway they have come through, they realize the bodies that they have killed were gone.. not a single bone had been left, just blood splats and the wreckage of their previous horse carriage.

"Strange.. the bodies were gone..." Emin said

"Yeah, even the Leader of those thieves which Master Godo has defeated is gone They might have picked up but the questions is why?" Kerl said while he was observing the place where he was supposedly got knocked out.

Suddenly Paul remembered the Line of the Thieves said

" I'm sorry Ram but my Master is much more stronger than me or even you and if I don't take your friends here I'm just dead meat..."

*There is deffinetly some flaws here he said his boss is way stronger than him or even me, so this group is fishsy..* Paul said into mind

Godo was the excuse of who was the man able to defeat the strong Kien, Paul said that he doesn't want to be acknowledge into it because he is hiding his true streagths after all.

Paul then sense a Observation magic and immedietly cut it with his sword, he jumped in to one of the trees and slashed one branch off...

This starled his party members " Hm? What wrong Ram?" Moritoko said

"Well I though somebody is on there, so I cut it.." while scratching his head in dismay that he was wrong about it. Because of this he was punched in the top of his head by Emin.

"You already didn't help us back then now you're doing stupid things now?! Are you reall a B ranker?!"

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry"Paul said while bowing many times, In reality someone was observing them actually and Paul destroyed their observation magic that was hard to even detect by High ranking Mages.


"Broke our trap observation magic Boss"

"What?!" he slamed his hand into the throne

"How would he know?! That thing's Magi is really low and is hard to even detect by high rankers how can somebody destroy it?!"

"I don't know boss.." while his head in looking in the ground

He then smashed his Cup in the ground and stood up "What Waste of Gold!! That bitch he's testing me huh? I'm the King of The Underground undefeated! You!.."

The thief shivers because his was called by a raging manner.

"Tell the others we'll rading The Village of Rivia! Now! Go!"

The thief exited the throne room...

"You low live! I'll kill you all and eat you up as my power grow more and more soon I'll be a Royal Knight bahahaha!"

A plate besides him has Kien Head on it with his eyes snd nose were already missing and his left ear also..

The King of the Underground.. he's probably 6 feet tall and is a wielder of of Katana he's believe to be a cannibal living of, of one's life source.. he wears his regular king like outfit with bones as his crown. He stay's very low at times but when he's got a chance he'll ganged up on some prey torture them then eat them up.

This send shivers down the spim of Emin. "Jeez so we dodge a bullet 5 days ago?!" Emin said

*what's even a bullet ._.* Kerl said into himsef as he was curious what does "Bullet" means.

"Well, we are not quote sure but it's just a possibility.. he may be the leader of all of this five days ago." Kerl said..

*King of The Underground huh.. interesting" Paul said into himself but ultimetley he was neither afraid of the said title.

As time flies by, they kept walking and walking through the dirt pathway and the trees guided them to their destination..

"Is this it?" Edwin asked while being slanted forward because of the tiredness, everybody to was tired they went to the journey mid morning and arrived at around at noon ofcourse they are some break but they didn't really lay doen at all not even once..

A wandering girl with a bag of oranges wearing a link hoodie and a scruffy hat came by them and instantly saw them and she approuched them " Visitors! Welcome to Rivia! The childhood home of Original Royal knights Best witch in the world Roxanne" while smilling and was bragging some big shot came from here.

"Oh! This is her chilhood village?!" Moritoko said. As she was intrugued on the said words by the Girl.

"Yes! Yes! She even has left a barrier here still unstopabble! Keeps the evil away. It's sad she never did visited once again after she joined King Paul, I was just a Baby back then so all I could enjoy his her stories about being good a magic"

"She aint just good! She's the only one snd only! Number one With ever!" Moritoko said she quickly ran inside the Village out of exitement she is in the village of her idol.

"Please excuse our friend she's really a fan of lady Raxanne really.." Edwin said in a apologetic way and bowed.

"Oh that's alright! Many people also go here because it is filled with breathtaking magi so many people go across some countries just to learn here"

"Oh wow!" While he was also shocked the village is not your typical small village.

"Well if why now come in? Come I'll escort you into the local house here even the House Roxanne lived and practiced.."

The group walked forward and became more happy about being welcomed like that all of the sudden as they were going inside Paul stood up in the back looking at the sign that is rundown wood arch with already withering yellow paint that says "Welcome Travelers!"

*It's been long since I accidentally Fallen here...* As Paul was left behind gazing upon the broken sign. Something quite happend here that he indeed misses.
