Chapter 22: A Formidable Duel

The lands were filled with countless of Mages at the Middle, Martial Artist at front and Support's in the very back they are also accoumpanied by Archers and a mechanisms to throw large boulders to a certain point. They were all in a straight Rectangular position to the Main Entrance of the District 6 and while Students and the Hevenly Sect people were also in the same attack formation as opposing Enemy.

Paul was just atop of the wall gazing the war that is about to happen *Blood shall be poured and countless of Soul shall go to Heaven they shall be ressurected if they are worthy to be...* Paul Said into himself. While Chun-Hei, Jin Hao and Sung Jo were scathered into the army below...

At the very back The Lord and his 6 Guardians were just floating to scout on about what would happen. The Lord was in the middle of the 6 wearing his War Uniform and also does his 6 Guardians.

"LET THE BATTLE CONTINUE! WE ARE GOING TO BE VICTORIOUS!" He screamed. And also the voices of countless members of The Rising Sun screamed in awe as they all charged forward. This alerted the Defensive forces, they were aware that they are charging..

The typical Guardians of the District 6 are not Martial Artist, they are simply swing their sword like an infant. The main defensive force of the District are The Heavenly Sect. The masters were never behind. They lead their forces to the battle while the Principal who is considered The Brain of the Fight stands back as their Triumph Card.

The second The Rising Sun Charged so does The Guardians and the Heavenly Group did, as they were close enough thousands of arrows coated with seemingly emiting a black flame on it's tip soared across the skies as they were pulled down by gravity this was noticed by all of the People as the arrows are coming down countless of people got hit into their skulls and some either dodged it or deflect it with their weapons or shields. As the two groups were close they clashed as many used swords to fight some used pure Martial Arts only.

"Fire our Bow and arrows!" The Principal screamed

They were archers also in favor of the Heavenly Sect they coated them with Pure Chi, although the numbers of the archers are smaller than the enemy and it's rather weaker than the enemy but it is still is valuable. Again they pulled their bows and released them all simultaneously as once again arrows soared into the skies above and now hitting some People into the Opposing Group.

Sung Jo which is located into the far Right also fought pushing the enemies back slicing his enemies along the way, he then drew his sword jumoed and throwed it into the ground causing a large hole and which cracked the ground he then landed into the middle where he threw and jumped onced again but this time he aimed it into much more crowded people and focused it and he his blade emits a golden firery effect as he released his sword an explosioned happend, this attack is much more stronger than before he landed with his legs and jumped again to get his sword, Rinse and Repeat.

However Chun Hei which is quite strong never did attack in the front lines she instead stayed back into the middle where there is nobody from the Rising Sun group has entered..

Sung Jo Is at the front lines howere he is swining his swords like a normal person and killing countless of people who tried to attack him or his comrades.,

As the battke is ongoing The Lord and his Gusrdians stayed back just relaxed sitting in semingly invisible chairs while floating. Then suddenly one of The Lords Servant appeared in a black mist. He bowed "My Lord the District Is now empty we have killed almost all of the people that tried to opposed us, almost all the families were exacuated and was already gone but some stayed..." He said while has his hands in his chest..

"Good, Good... Did you followed my order?" He asked while looking at him

"Yes My Lord, we didn't kill any people that showed true streangth instead we knocked them all out."

"Good! Good Job, now keeo monitoring the District As we are going to pinch them, Everyone Fire the Boulders!" He screamed as the servant bowed and dissapeared using his black mist skill..

Haha! The Lord Laughed and smirked "Alas our plan to rule over the Outer Sect shall become true! And soon we shall Conquere The Inner Sect.. Hm?" Judging for this expression The Lord has Sene something rather percular...

Someone Killed Him? That strong?...

At the almost height of the fight both The Principal and the while Defensive team of District 6 has been all along focused on the fight. Thus they have dispatched almost everybody who knows how to fight into the battlegrounds and all was left was weak Martial Artist and your typical Weak soldier...

Paul was just sitting meditating minding his own bussiness and suddenly once he opened his eyes someone is standing in his front. A Young 18 year old boy who has the uniform of the Rising Sun group appeared infront of Paul, he then pointed his spear at him.

"Kid might as well go down and surrender, we have taken over control if your District and we are planning to Kill all of the people who try to oppose us.." He said while he then lift his head to show his own arrongance to a fight.

Paul just smiled and hold his laugther, by this The Man became more mad and even point closer to the face of Paul..

"Relax my Brother relax, after all I alreadt knew we are going to be defeated I just..."

When he was cut Paul was already behind him his own quickness was so fast the man didn't even bulge inches of movement he just dissapeared...

He was suprissed but once he turned around he was already been knocked out by Paul because of the hit into the Temple of the Head that he did not even felt.

But upon this somebody was walking down and he noticed what was going on he initially threw hissl sword to Paul only to be missed and the sword went into the air but stopped and was pulled back by him..

"I hate Back attacks you know..." Paul said while even looking down at him..

He threw another again but this time it was fast, so fast that it even manage to get close into Paul's head but he managed to drew his sword faster to be able to deflect it... it made clanking sound the man seemingly has the powers to control his blade with pure Magic. He's able to control in without even touching it.

This sure made Paul mad and felt that it was very annoying he continued deflecting the sword but this time he was prepare. At the time the sword was about to come at him he infused his Secondary sword with pure Chi it glows blue and emitted a blue aura once he got a piece of the sword he semt it flying into the man below. This was noticed by the man so once he saw it he caught it by his hands but once he looked back at the top he was gone...

Suddeny he puts his sword into his back in order to Parry another attack he jumped forward to see Paul standing behind him in a blink of an eye. "I thought you hate back attacks?" With a deep voice yet so calming

Paul just shrugged "You started it" he smiled

"You seem to like duels..." He questioned

"Like? I don't like them... I love them.." as Paul Jumped forward but this time he didn't use any Chi at but once he landed with his sword, his sword was parried by the man who wield a good looking short sword but he maybe didn't used Chi his streangth never did faded away, on the sheer force both of them was pushed back away...

*He didn't use it this time, Yet he is powerful..* The Man stargazed for a moment but once he came back to his senses he got cut into his arms. Paul probably dashed forward to sliced his dominany arm..

Because of this his arms bled and he now covered it with his left hand. "What a powerful foe..." He said, he again back off but this time stood still as he holds his sword vertical with both hads suddenly his eyes were emiting Red Flames to the sides and his sword were flaming red...

*Demonic Martial arts are so damn cool, but in the toll you'll never be ressurrected ever again. You'll stay in hell for eternity as a Demon..." Paul now prepared for the coming attack he actually now went for sword stance..

"Here I come..." He said as he charged forward While Paul just stood there he gradually closed his eyes but opened them again. He saw him coming towards him, once he is closed enough he bashed his sword unto Paul creating a like shape unto the ground besides Paul..

"Strong, Strong!" He complimented him but now he blocked the attack he then realesed it and kicked the man unti his stomach pushing him back and once he is down. Paul was already unti his face he picked his face and smashed it into the ground.

The man now has many scratched into his face, a little bit of blood poured inti his mouth as he gradually stood up again...

Paul was just there perfectly still smilling...

*He sure likes his enemies getting weaker and weaker every atack, since I decided he is worthy to kill me... he, he is fine I suppose...* He said into his mind he started the battle as unstoppable force because of his sword skill that alows his not to get injured, now the tables has been fliped upside down in favor of Paul.

*I might as well use all my Power now it's no use..m* He realized what was going on so he closed his eyes and when he opened them again he was a newly born warrior, Paul could sense he has gotten more stronger and faster you could sense the dense Demonic Aura emiting in his body. He then pointed his sword unto him..

"I'll shall you kill I the Name if The Lord!" He screamed he then dashed forward disapearing so fast but Paul was able to parry it, they soon were so fast they started appearing into random places only to be seen that their blades have met each other this happend over countless of times his sword was only to be parried by Paul he soon realized to to so now casted his final Attack.

His sword glowed dark red so red it's almost black his eyes were just black while Paul just didn't get intimidated by this they were force to backed away and while the man was casting his final attack Paul did also the same but this time not Chi but a Wushu Technique he have created.

*I might as well have fun...* Paul said into his mind

They were both ready now as they charged to each other The Man just swung his blades vertically creating a black line and Paul spun arround like he was being put in by a screwdriver, this was noticed by the man but he didn't care he thought it would never penatrate his attack.

Once their blades touched it created an explosion of the noth and they were thrown back Paul was standing while the man was sitting down on a tree...

"May I know you name?" The man asked as blood poured even more into his mouth his eyes were badly damage it revealed countless of vains besides it.

"Ram..." He bowed while he put's his sword back into his belt where he store both of his swords.

"Ram.. huh.. GoodLuck..." The man accepted his defeat as he falls into the ground and as doing so his body became water, ultimetly disappearing

Once you've made a contract your body will now become nature as your soul shall stay in Hell, that's the consiquences of having a deal with the Devil King itself...

When suddenly a bald guy appeared to be standing into the original position Paul was meditating he looked at him merciless...

"He sent someone this early?" Paul Said into himself and was also looking up to the unknown enemy

"My dear Garrdian 5 go inside the District Somebody is actually formidable there..." The Lors ordered

"Eh? My Lord this battkefiel is just starting and you want me to fight somebody inside the Sect?!" He questioned while laying down horizontally into his invisible Throne like chair

"You dare to Dissobey me?!" The Lord got mad, he even dared to looked back on The Guardians he's talking about

"Alright Lord I'll come I'm... sorry..." he stated

Now he stands to an level advantage it seems Paul's advantage has fallen off..

"Oy kid! The Lord has taken interest to you why not join him..." He said while looking to the situations of the whole district

"I might as well refused to your offer..." Paul replied calmy..

"Well then force then..." Suddenly he pulled his hand unto the top and a scythe appeared inti his hand

"Force shall it be..."


This Reached 2k Words. Wow.....