Chapter 33: Dinner

"You don't brag here kid!" Emildia which is rediculed on how Paul talked, she stood up and points at him. But the one sitting next to her put her arms out to settle the anger of Emildia, it was none other than Claire.

Paul just ignored the lady as he continued to munch on his food. While the other three which was sitting across him was too scared to act or do something. They awere indeed hungry but the preasure was to great to lift a finger.

Although they were seated on a dinning table, nobody was eating exept Paul, the delicious food on the table were just seating there and waiting to get eaten on. The guardians just looked at each other with a glare that say's they don't want to eat.

But then Claire decided to eat and took the cloth that was on top of her plate and put in on her lap, she began eating getting the salad and some chunks of chicken.

The Lord was just unsatisfied on the way the scene was. "Might as well eat everyone." He said as he doesn't know what to say anymore, everyone just nodded and began eating but silently, the sound of the forks and spoons hitting the marble plate can only be heard.

"These food is delicious, not gonns lie." As Paul said and drank water. "It is, it was made by the best chef around here" The Lord just simply responded as he eat tiny tidy bits of Salad. He is not hungry anymore, he have eaten a proper meal in the afternood and still was full.

"How did you defeat him." Lin Pei stopped eating halfway through to questioned the kid. Paul stopped for a while as it is disrespecting to eat while talking, He shrugged. "Stronger." The only answer he said, but Lin Pei didn't acknowledge the reply.

"You must've used a trick! It's impossible for guardians to be badly beaten like that. Even if he's just above me!." Paul didn't responded as he knew the guy would just debate on the matter even more. Lin Pei, expecting a respond didn't got it, he instead ignored it and closed his eyes to hide his anger.

The dinner ended, most of the food were cleaned and was eaten but some guardians left leftovers. Paul was satisfied and had a full belly of food, it's been a long time since he eaten this grandly. "Let's get it to the point, I want you to join me." The lord suddenly said as the faces of the Guardians were just still, for they have no power to say a word just yet.

Paul was not suprised by this as he just smiled. "And what do I get in return?" This question even let some of the Guardians close to cut into the conversation because of the attitude of Paul, they saw him as a arrogant fellow and deserves nothing from the Lord.

"You'll have authority to some of my army, You'll be not bothered by them nor me or the guardians. You'll have power in my territories."

"My Lord isin't this to much?! This guy just defeated Jhin, Jhin! He's not a big shot please judge his place m..." suddenly his face plummeded to the wooded table, breaking it and making a hole.

The other guardians just ignored the scene and have a face of pride in them, as their chins were high representing their manners to the table. "Don't you make go Mad Pei!" As the lord screamed, Lin Pei lifted his head from the table and then bowed to said his sorry. Paul however just holds his laughes as he couldn't believe some of the Lord's loyal Guardians ere this disobidient.

"I don't want power, nor leadership. I don't recognize your group that is worth my leadership. I much rather be a pawn in turning tables." As Paul swiftly turned down the propossal of the Lord. The face of the lord Say's it all, he didn't knew the man he was talking to is this stubborn to go according to his plans.

"Then being a pawn is what you want, three days from now they're will be a tournament in the main capital of the Xu Empire. It will include even Emperor Xu Ling, you'll be named with the last name Domer." Instead of giving him the title Guardian, the lord plans to put Paul and his group into the incoming trounament. Originally one of his guardians will participate, and by this the guardians who were chosen frowened in disapointement that they have been replaced by a guy which is their enemy.

Suddenly Claire stood up from her chair. "I'll go to my room now, I'm already feeling sleepy" Her snow skin and blue eyes even shined more as her body figure was just to great for a lady that is to early for her age. The Lord just noodded as Claire went to the door. She is the only who the Lord absolutely respect as he know show power of a mage she is. As for the guardians they didn't reacted at all as they know Claire is the only one who can act on her own with even with the presence of the Lord.

"A tournament huh, We'll accept it then. But there's only four of us." As he looked into the faces of the group, they were dissagreing with Paul as they don't want ti fight for nothing and didn't want to get hurt themselves.

"We'll decide who'll join you in, until today you all will be freely roaming around the District. But you cannot escape as the food you ate contanied magic Essence that can attack your body if you ever didn't make an apperance every night here." But in reality the Lord was just in shock that the Kid made it easier for his plans, "You just walked into my trap voluntary!" He said to himself. Hiding his plans is his best skill as a leader.

Paul just nodded while the rest were relieved they would not be taken as prisoners anymore. "I could escape what ever I want to. I already knew there was dome magic thampering in your food I ate them all and they we're all melted because of my Chi." Paul said into himself as he wanted to play around more with the Lord, Paul stood up first. "We'll be housed in our prisons anyway right? Then if we can't escape why bother handcuffed me? I'll be going through my cell by my own. You guys, see me tommorow." As he walked out and went to the door, the other that were left were just shooked Paul even have the courage to act on his own as for them, even though they were indeed strong they knew they have no chance at all to fight the Guardians of the Lord.

"Such arrogance!" As Emildia which was holding his anger this now finally released his grunges for the kid. All of them semmingly nooded in agreement as they also didn't like the attidude of the Kid.

"He's interesting, I'll say you that." Butch said as he was the type of dude to not show emotions, he's even dubbed Claire the Male as both don't show any fear im battle nor emotion in real life.

The Lord just didn't knew how to resct as he knew already the kid was arrogant and because of this he knew there is a power bscking up that arrogance. "I'll see you in your battles, then I'll totally create weaknesses for you so you better not show your limits in your upcoming battles" The lord said into himself as he is also pissed and mad and it was even a miracle to hold hid anger when they were talking...

"You're actually waited for me..." As soon as Paul entered the Long hallway he saw Claire which is patiently waiting and was leaned back unto the wall.

"I knew you'd walk out yourself, you didn't bother to even waited for to Lord to announce that the dinner has ended." Claire was wearing gown beautiful sky blue dress, she valued the dinner like a important meeting or something. She barely goes to these dinners as she would rather eat alone with just quietness around.

"Why would I wait for that?! And why were you here?." As Psul questioned he didn't got amaze on the beauty of Claire as he only stared at his dress like it's a nornal looking clothes. Claire which was expecting compliment about her clothing just was in disbelief a man could ever ignore this type of beauty around. Instead she just go with the flow and ignore that fact that she was just ignored.

"You've shown us that we were indeed defeatable, and my only question is how did you manage do it. Did you have trickery involve? Because if you do I'll kill you right now as you don't deserves the spot in the tournament if that so."

Paul which was tired on all of the questioning, it's the same question as Lin Pei asked a while ago, He just sighed "There were no trickery involve nor an Item nor a rune or treasure to beat Jhin. It's just pure power and Martial arts"

Claire was satisfied about his answer but she wanted more from him. "When I saw you there standing fresh like you've never went into a fight, you indeed looked like you have some recovery Martial arts."

As she said this, in Paul's mind were that he doesn't want to say anything anymore, because they were his enemies after all. "I'm sorry Miss but I do not need to say everything to you, I'll never let my opponents know me." As he continued to walked forward. He didn't want the conversation to lst anymore longer he went past through Claire but suddenly he stopped.

"We're not don.." suddenly Paul began moving again and could even walked forward. Claire was shocked, she have casted stun magic through him but her magic were immediately were cancelled. "Wh-ha?... only people shoud could've broke that spell could be high ranking mages or Fifth Realm of the Chi aura Martisl Arts. Don tell me...."

"I'm indeed some what of a guy who is intetested to the world, I study any forms of techniques through my life time. But the one that interested me to go to this path was yes. Chi, but aside from that every Technqiues I do have know." As he continued to walked and turned right to anogher hallway leading to the exit on where they came from when he was being escorted to the dinning room.

Still shocked Claire just stood there baffeled and still in Disbelief. "I didn't knew my magic could be broken like that, he must've been strong. No, he might as well be stronger than me in that age..." As she grew more worry, she didn't knew everything about him and Claire soon plans preparations to her head in order to became more stronger.

In reality these past free time Paul was busy cultivating, even though he was not in a lotus position he was able to improve his martial arts Skill and was able to make a breakthrough of countless of Layers. He originally broke through beast realm when he was in the House of The Oldman, when they stayed for couple of days. Now Paul is in thr middle of The Beast Realm and is fifty percent inorder to go another realm.

"Considering I haven't used ant Cultivating pills. Yet Achive to this far by channeling every energy from my surroundings to my body is insane! But my cultivation will be more harder these coming days. I have to be atlesst somewhat seventy-five percent before I go to that tournament and atleast Go to Demigod realm when I enter Hell." Now Paul was able to evade the guards which supposed to guard entrance and was heading back to his prison.

He felt the breez of the day and also the peaceful sounds of the crikets and the waving leaves of the trees. He loved the night since the begging he conluded the night as a sacrade time as this is the only time where quieteness rules over the lands, it's to bad times like this only last for half a day...
