
After Damian and Irene were able to successfully defeat the scorpions Damian stored the corpses in his storage making Irene shocked once again.

Irene looked at Damaian and then asked, "Do you use space magic?"

Damian shook his head and said, "Nope, it's just that I am able to store things in a dimension, other than that I don't know anything related to space magic."

He then said, "By the way why are you here so deep in the forest?"

Irene looked at Damian and said, "That is something that I should be asking, how were you able to go so deep in the forest with all those creatures out there and what the hell are you doing here in the forest?"

Damian crossed his hands and said, "You should the one who should answer me first, I asked you first, not only that I saved your life twice."

Irene glared at him and said, "You are very rude, you know do you even know who I am?"

Damian looked at her with an unintrested look and said, "A very annoying person who ruined all my traps on the way and brought two monster who could have reached my base."

Hearing what Damian said Irene gritted her teeth and said, "I already apologised you didn't I, why are you bringing that up now?"

Damian snorted and said, "Yeah like apologising will make those traps come back."

Irene groan in annoyance and said, "Fine, I will help you making and setting them up again."

Damian didn't said anything and started walking towards his base and said, "Then what are we waiting for, follow me."

Irene looked at Damian for a while and then started following him.

While walking Damian looked at her and said, "So what a beautiful girl like you doing here, I mean you are strong and can protect yourself, but still what are you doing here so deep inside the forest?"

Irene looked at him and said, "I came here to gather some materials for my research, the parts of the monsters living here have a good synchronization with my enchantments, so researching on them is easier and less magic consuming."

Damian thought what she said for a while and then said, "But couldn't you have done that by slaying the beasts from the outer part of the forest, that way you wouldn't have to come deep in here and why do you specifically came to this spot?"

Irene continued to walk and said, "Beasts living in the outer part of the forest are not strong and do not provide good material also this is the spot that I have been coming for all this time, what am I confused is what you are doing in here and that too at my spot?"

Damian looked at Irene and said, "Woah Woah Woah, I have been living in this forest for two months and this is the first time that I am seeing you..... no now that I think about it, it is the first time that I have met a human here."

Irene looked at him as if he was an idiot and said, "Of course you are not going to meet any humans here this is afterall a restricted area. Since the monsters and beasts living in the forest are too dangerous the people are not allowed to come inside the forest."

After Damian heard what she said he continued to stare at her with widened eyes and mouth open wide and said, "You mean to say that people are not even allowed to enter this forest!"

Irene then looked at him with a surprised expression and said, "What? Don't tell me you didn't even know that?"

Damian continued to stare at her and then said, "If I would have to know that why the hell do you think I will continue to stay in the forest."

Irene stared at him for a while and then gave an annoyed sigh, "Forget it, you are a lost cause. Staying in the forest without even knowing about its dangers, I think I should praise you to be able to stay alive for two months."

Damian suddenly realised something and said, "Hey you didn't answer my question you said that this was your spot but why I haven't seen you for the past two months and most importantly didn't you say that this forest is restricted for people, how were you able to enter this forest if it's restricted."

Hearing his question Irene thought, 'I don't think telling him that I am the queen of the kingdom will be a good idea.'

She then turned her head and said, "Like I told you earlier I come to this forest to collect materials for my research so after collecting enough materials I go back and regarding how am I able to enter this forest, it is simple I have the permission to enter the forest."

Damian looked at her with a confused expression and said, "And how do you have the permission?"

Irene looked at him for a while and then said, "I don't think that it is necessary to tell you but well whatever, I am a court magician and I have the permission from the queen herself to enter the forest and collect materials for the research, afterall this research is for the safety of the kingdom."

Damian thought about her answer for a while and then said, "So you are some big shot huh, Then can't you send some knights in here to hunt for the monsters, i mean of your research is so important for the kingdom then Isn't it important for you to stay out of danger?"

Irene then said, "You know, you think too much, I don't like others putting their life on the line for something like this, Those Knights are important to maintain the order in the cities and protect the kingdom from enemies. I don't want to make them do this work as this is but a selfish request of me. Also I get to relax and travel around a bit like this, it gets quite boring if you get holed up in a place for a long time."

Damian stared at her for a while and seeing that Irene said, "Why the hell are you starting at me? It's creeping me out."

Damian suddenly came out of his trance and said, "Ah, sorry sorry, I just thought that your personality is very good. Thinking about others even before your own selfishness is something that people don't usually do. I think that's quite admirable."

Hearing that Irene smiled and said, "Of course I will think about them first, they are my subordinates afterall."

Damian who saw her smile blushed a bit and then said, "You look very beautiful while you smile you know?"

Hearing that a slight blush appeared on her face but she soon calmed down. Damian then placed his hands behind his head and looked at the sky and kept on walking, suddenly an idea came to his mind and he said, "Hey Irene, since you are a court magician then that means that you are quite good at magic, right?"

Irene looked at him and nodded her head. Damian looked at his expectant gaze and said, "Then can you help me improve my magic and teach me the theories related to magic?"

Irene shrugged her shoulder and said, "No problem I will be staying in the forest for a while, I can teach you in my free time."

Hearing that Damian smiled and said, "You are quite the nice person, my opinion of you have changed a lot, now."

Irene perked up a bit and said, "Ho, then what was your opinion of mine earlier?"

Damian didn't even wait for a while and then said, "A rude an annoying person who destroyed my dear traps."

Irene's lips twitched and she said, "You do know how to hold a grudge against someone, don't you."

Damian looked at her and said, "Now don't be like that I am only stating the truth."

Irene looked at him and said, "Whatever, I will help you with your magic and knowledge while you help me gathering the materials."

Damian shrugged his shoulders and said, "Fine by me, there are lot of parts that are left after the hunt anyways, you can have them of you want. Oh We are here, at my base."

Irene looked towards Damian and said, "Like I told you it's m....y.....base." Irene slowly turned her head and looked around the area and observed the facilities that Damian built.

She pointed towards the area and said, "You built all this?"

Damian nodded with a smile and said, "Impressive isn't it."

Irene nodded her head and said, "Yeah, it certainly is impressive." and both of them walked towards Damian's camp.

Damian looked at Irene and said, "Rest up a bit I will start making dinner."

Irene nodded and put the leather bag she had on the ground and then took off the cloak she was wearing.

When she took of her cloak the sight that welcomed Damian left him completely frozen on his spot.

The clothes that Irene was wearing underneath her cloak were a tad bit too revealing and considering how curvaceous her body was left Damian completely enchanted.

Damian immediately snapped back to reality and placed his hands on her shoulder and said, "Irene I really appreciate that you have no problem in showing off your beautiful body to me. I am very grateful that you put so much trust in me but please show a bit modesty, you should not show your body to others that easily." and took out the cloak that he made from the hide of th monster that he hunted over the time he lived in the forest, from his storage and wrapped it around her.

He inspected Irene's body once again and once he confirmed that her attire was better than the one she was wearing earlier, he nodded and then went away to prepare for dinner leaving behind a blushing and embarresed Irene who only realised what she was wearing earlier after Damian told her.