In the house

After coming back from the forest Damian and Irene took their baths separately as both of them were covered in blood of the apes got refreshed.

Later Damian was about to prepare dinner for the two of them but out of no where it started raining making both Damian and Irene curse at the weather. Both of them got inside the house and sat down facing each other on the bed and made some small talk.

Damian then asked, "Hey Irene mind if I ask you a question?"

Irene looked at him and asked, "As long it is something that I am capable to answer."

Damian nodded and asked, "What is this thing that you are researching on that you need so many materials, I mean you said at the beginning that it is for the good of your kingdom or something, right?"

Irene remained silent for a while and then asked, "Have you ever seen a dragon?"

Hearing her question Damian just shook his head and said, "No, I haven't but I have heard that they are very dangerous."

Irene nodded and then said, "Yes they are very fearsome, not only their defense is very strong but the magic power that they posses is also tremendous and very powerful. But dragons are not all bad. The dragons in my kingdom, the kingdom of Dragonof are on friendly terms with us humans and we all live peacefully together. But there are dragons out there who think of us humans nothing more than an existence for their entertainment and as a food. They spread havoc in human cities and kill everyone in sight. They are just epitome of destruction and massacre."

Both of them remained silent for a while and then Damian said, "So there is possibility that these dragons are aiming to attack your kingdom?"

Irene nodded and said, "Yes, they have destroyed almost all of the neighbouring kingdoms. It won't be long before they reach out kingdom." and clenched her hands.

Damian then said, "But didn't you just say that the dragons have a friendly relationship with your kingdom? Will not be able to convince their brethren or fight against them if they absolutely have to?"

Irene nodded once again and then said, "Yes, the dragons will help us but the fact is that the dragons who are our enemies clearly out number us. And we humans do not posses the strength that is able to beat a dragon."

Damian then said, "And you must be working on finding a way to fight against these dragons."

"Yes, I am researching on that. I am trying to make my enchantments powerful and precise, so that I am able to enchant the magic of the dragons who are our friends in us Human beings so that we can be what should be called a dragon slayer. A person who has the power of magic able to slay these dragons."

Damian's eyes widened on hearing what Irene said and he became speechless.

Seeing him completely surprised by what she said, Irene became a bit disappointed and lowered her head and said, "You must be thinking that I am crazy, right? Trying to enchant the magic of dragons on us human beings, seems a bit unrealistic to me as well...bu-"

Before she was able to continue she felt something on her head and looked up only to find Damian patting her head with a small smile on his face.

"You don't have to worry about whether it is unrealistic or not, all that matters here is whether you want to do this or not. If you believe that it is possible that and you want to do that then don't listen to anyone else. Even if the others were to mock you about thinking like that then just ignore them, they will automatically have to be silent when you will be able to do that. And if you just need help then you know who to depend on right?" and pointed at himself.

Irene looked at him for a while and then asked, "Don't you think that it is unrealistic?"

Damian shook his head and said, "There is nothing that is unrealistic if magic is involved, I mean can you think that the deep cuts on someone's body that might even take months to heal up can just be healed in a matter of minutes by my enhancement magic. Nothing is impossible if you have the drive to do it and besides if I am happy that you didn't gave up this research just thinking that it is unrealistic."

Hearing that Irene became confused and asked, "Why do you think that?"

Damian just smiled and held her hand and said, "Because if you were to just give up then you would have never come to this forest, right? It was because of this that I was able to meet you."

Irene immediately had a slight blush on her cheeks but on the I side she was completely flustered. She then immediately tried to calm herself down and then said, "I-I-I am not d-d-doing this to m-m-meet you."

But Damian just kept on smiling and then said, "Then I think that it must be fate that we met each other, don't you think?"

Irene's blush deepened and she didn't say anything. Seeing that Damian chuckled and said, "But keeping all this aside, I truly believe that you will be successful in completing those enchantments and I will help you in providing you with all the materials that you want, so don't worry about anything and just keep on doing your best."

Irene was a out to say something but suddenly a growl came from her stomach which made Damian chuckle while Irene just got embarresed.

Damian then said, "Let's eat something, though it might not be something freshly cooked as it is still raining outside."

Irene didn't say anything and just nodded her head.

Damian who saw her nodding her sheepishly just smiled.


Irene immediately got alerted and looked at Damian with a confused look on her face.

Damian just smiled and said, "Though I like the situation that we are currently in very much, but I won't be able to take out something to eat if you keep on holding my hands."

Irene then immediately looked at her hands which were holding on Damian's hand tightly and blushed and then immediately pulled her hands back.

Damian just stood up and said, "Well if you want we can hold our hands together later." and went to an empty side of the house to take out a table and some food which he had prepared for emergency.

Irene looked at her hands and then a slight blush appeared on her cheeks and she thought, 'I did something so lewd, but wasn't it Damian who took my hand first, Yeah, he was the one who took my hand I am not the person responsible for this.....But wasn't I the one who kept on holding his hand even after he tried to walk away....does that mean that my mind is getting indecent....' She then heard what Damian said and looked at him and then thought, 'wawawawawawawawa what should I do, he thinks that I want to do something so indecent with him, he must be thinking that I am a pervert.... But didn't he do the same things to me from time to time, so there must be no problem if I hold his hands right? Yeah there is no problems with it....' She then looked at her hands and then imagined holding Damian's and immediately shouted, "LIKE HELL I AM DOING SOMETHING SO INDECENT!!!!! EVEN THOUGH I REALLY LIKE IT, I AM NOT DOING SOMETHING SO LEWD!!!!!"

Damian who heard what she said looked at her with a surprised expression but soon a grin appeared on his face and he said, "Oh my, so you really like staying close to me, huh."

Irene then realized what she just did and steam started to come out of her head and she immediately his herself in a blanket which was there on the bed.

Seeing that Damian just laughed and after teasing her a bit more, he dropped the matter down as he got worried that Irene may even start crying.


Once Irene was calmed down both of them had their food and the Damian said, "Since it is raining outside, I will be in here, you don't have a problem with this, right?"

Irene didn't think too much and said, "Yeah, no problem."

Damian nodded and said, "Well let's sleep then, I am very tired." and then lied on the left side of the bed.

It was at this moment that Irene realised that she was in deep shit.

She looked at Damian who was lying on the bed and then said, "Don't try to do something funny" and lied on the bed as well, though she was very flustered by sleeping on the same bed as Damian.

Damian just turned around and said, "Oh, I will not try but you are free to do something 'naughty' if you want, I won't mind."

Irene blushed and immediately turned her head away and said, "I am not going to do anything like that!!"

Damian just chuckled for a while and then pulled up the blanked and drifted off to sleep completely ignorant about a certain red head who was having 'questionable' thoughts in her mind.