Belserion's challenge

After Damian came out from the bath he changed his clothes and then looked towards Irene and Belserion and saw then segregating the corpses.

Damian walked towards them and then asked, "Done selecting?"

Irene looked at Damian and then said, "This will take a bit of time, going through all these corpses is too much. Just how many did you bring?"

Damian shrugged his shoulders and said, "Who knows I just took everything that came in my path."

Irene sighed and then said, "Still, this is too much."

Damian just hugged her and said, "It's ok, we will leave this place soon. So you will require them for your research."

Irene just snuggled in his embrace and hid her face as a slight blush appeared on her cheeks because of embarrasment.

Seeing those two Belserion gave a fake cough making Irene immediately step away from Damian.

Damian then looked at Belserion and thought, 'Damn cockblocker lizard.'

Damian then calmed down and said, "Leave some for me as well, I need to sell some in the city."

Irene then thought for a while and then said, "Why not sell them directly to me, I will buy all of them."

But Damian shook his head and said, "I am not going to take money from you."

He then looked at Belserion and said, "Help her in segregating I will go and pack up my stuff."

Damian said and went away leaving behind the other two.

Belserion looked at Damian for a while and then said, "What should I say, he certainly is different to not get scared by a dragon standing in front him and still not being bothered by it. It's been a long time since someone other than you have treated me like this."

Irene shook her head and said, "He thinks that you are not a threat to him, and since you are my friend he have no hostility against you.

Belserion looked at Irene and then said, "Do you think that he is stronger than me, a dragon?"

Irene thought for a while and then said, "I don't know, like I said I don't know the limit of his strength."

Belserion looked at Irene for a while and then said, "Well we will find it out soon." and started segregating the corpses just like Irene told him.

Once they were done both of them went towards Damian's direction and saw him sorting and storing things.

When Damian felt their presence he turned his head and greeted the other two and said, "Done with the corpses?" to which Irene just nodded her head.

Damian nodded as well and then stood up and walked towards the corpses and immediately stored them so as to not let them rot.

He was about to go back to his work but Belserion stood in his way.

Damian looked at him and said, "Anything you want Belserion? If you want to take a leak somewhere please go in the forest."

Belserion's lips twitched and he said, "Kid, how about we have a fight? I want to see who is stronger."

Damian who heard his intentions shook his head and said, "Not interested." and then walk started walking again.

Seeing him walking away Belserion felt a bit pissed and he then said, "I will only let Irene marry you if you are able to defeat me."

Hearing that both Damian and Irene looked at Belserion with Irene having a surprised expression and Damian having a neutral look on his face.

Irene then said, "Hey Belserion don't decide such things on your own."

Belserion looked at Irene and then said, "Don't interfere Irene, I have to check whether he can protect you or not." He then thought, 'Besides he if he is not strong I dont think that he would be able to stand beside you. He needs to be strong so that no one dares to oppose him after he marries Irene.'

Damian looked at him for a while and then said, "Do you seriously want to do this?"

Belserion didn't took long and said, "Yes, so don't be a coward and fight me."

Damian sighed and then said, "Fine but after I win I want you to owe me a favour."

Belserion heard his words properly and then narrowed his eyes and said, "Didn't you mean that if you win?"

Damian smirked and said, "Nah, you heard me correct I will definitely win."

Belserion then said, "Overconfidence is not good, brat."

Damian yawned and said, "Whatever, so you agree to owe me a favour."

Belserion looked at Damian for a while trying to asses him but seeing that he have no ill intentions he nodded his head and said, "Fine, I will owe you a favour."

Damian smiled and said, "Good. Now, time to kick some dragon ass."

He then rotated the dial of his omnitrix and kept on rotating it for a whole till he found the one he was looking for.

Damian looked at Belserion and said, "So let's begin." and smashed the dial of the omnitrix and immediately his body got enveloped in blue light.

Seeing the light Belserion narrowed his eyes but soon it got blinding and he closed them.

When the light started to die down Belserion and Irene slowly opened their eyes and were completely shocked.

In front of them was a brown humanoid lizard like creature which looked almost as tall as Belserion.

The creature then grinned and said, "So shall we begin now?"