Damian v/s Dragons-1

Currently Damian was riding on Belserion's back as they were going towards the direction where the dragons were reported to be coming from.

Damian looked at Belserion and asked in an annoyed tone, "So you are saying that I should try to be as much less violent as possible and refrain from killing them if it can be avoided."

Belserion then said, "Well, in simple words yeah. You see, there is a chance that someone will use the fact that you killed some Dragons or are being violent with them even if they are from the enemy group just so in order to cause a simple rebellion and the some of the dragons who are already on the edge of human having dragon slayer magic will naturally support the uprising as well, making it turn out in a very huge mess and there might be a possibility that you won't be able to be together with Irene if that were to happen. The people and minister will likely choose the stability of the Kingdom over their queen's love."

Damian just sighed and lied back and said, "I really don't like to get involved in politics."

Soon Belserion a d Damian felt sone presences and both of them immediately became vigilant and started looking around.

"A total of five settlements near the area, make sure to evacuate all of them, and don't hurry anyone check everywhere first."

"Don't worry, I have knowledge about evacuation, just hope that they don't get scared of a dragon."

"If they do get scared just roll around and lie on you back and act like a puppy asking for a belly rub."

"Yeah, I don't want to look mentally retarded in front of them. Anyway prepare yourself their smell is getting stronger."

Damian stood up and looked in front and used his enhancement magic to enhance his vision to look farther and soon saw 12 dragons resting on the ground Though they were ready to attack as most probably they sensed t

both Damian and Belserion coming towards them.

Damian looked at Belserion and asked, "How good is your aim?"

Belserion widened his eyes in confusion but still said, "Good enough to throw you at them."

Hearing that Damian smirked and said, "Then just do that."

He then rotated the dial of the omnitrix and after he chose the transformation he pressed the dial back in and immediately his body started glowing and changing.

When the light died down a chubby humanoid with white body and yellow armour like scales with black stripes in between them appeared.(Cannonbolt)

He then jumped and transformed into a ball seeing which Belserion caught him with his claws.

"Good now throw me with all you got."

Belserion scratched the ball and noticed that the armour around the ball was very sturdy and with a smirk on his face said, "I have a better idea." and began taking in large amounts of air.

Once his lungs were filled he placed Damian near his mouth and aimed towards the dragon and shouted, "Sage Dragon Roar!!!" and sent Damian flying towards the dragon along with a huge beam of energy surrounding the ball.


Belserion just ignored the cursing Damian and flew towards the nearest settlement.


The group of dragon who were somehow able to sneak into the kingdom were sitting on a barren land wife enough to house all of them and were recovering their stamina and magic they had lost from the constant battle.

But suddenly all of them felt the presence of another dragon coming towards them and immediately ball of them got on their guards and looked towards the direction they felt the dragon was coming from.

Soon enough they saw a dragon coming towards them but all of a sudden it stopped in the sky making all 12 of them confused by its actions.

But their question was answered soon enough when they saw the roar attack of the dragon coming towards them at a very high speed.

All of them got ready to battle and someone of them even started to charge their own breath attack but all of a sudden they sensed something else in the roar attack as well and were surprised for a moment which gave Damian the chance to attack.

Damian who now got close to the dragons while still being surrounded by the wave of magic Belserion fired him with sensed them and used his enchantments to change his direction a bit.

Soon the dragons saw what was happening and the one to whom Damian was heading towards tried to run away but Damian was faster than him and soon he crashed into the Dragon's head along with the roar attack making the dragons head being planted in the ground making the other dragons looked at him in surprise.

Soon they noticed a yellow ball lying motionless on top of the dragon, but all of a sudden as if the ball got alive started rolling around at high speeds making the dragons snap back and one of them shouted, "ATTACK THAT SPHERICAL THING!!!!!"

Damian who had enhanced his sensory abilities to the maximum could easily perceive where everyone was and from where the attacks were coming from. He started his hit and roll strategy while dodging their attacks which made the dragon only pissed at the yellow ball.

"Just stay still you shit covered sphere." and fired another blast towards Damian who just rolled through the attack without taking any damage and crashed into the Dragon's chest.

"Saying something shitty dragon" and started rolling once again and used enchantments to launch himself in air and attack another dragon, bit unfortunately this dragon had already perceived what the ball would do and caught it between his hands.


But then a light blue light glowed from between the Dragons hand and immediately strong vibrations started to attack the claws.

"AHHHHHHHHHH!!!" and immediately thre whatever there was in between his hands.

Damian who was thrown by the dragon used his enchantments to slow down himself while reducing his weight as well.

Soon he stopped and a yellow armour covered giant different from the one he was before appeared bin the sight of the Dragons.(Armordillo)

Damian looked around and saw one of the Dragons made out of rocks and didn't have any wings and smirked and said, "I am gonna shake your world." and jumped towards it at a fast speed thanks to his enchantments which both lightened his weight and increased his speed.

Damian changed one of his hands into drills and smacked it in the rock dragon's belly but instead of the scream he was expecting he heard, "AHHHHHHHHH~ DON'T DO THAT~ SOMETHING OS RISING~!!!"

Damian who heard the rock dragon moaning jumped away from him feeling creeped out and looked around. To his surprise the other dragons were looking at the rock dragon warily as well.

Damian looked at one of the Dragons and asked, "Why the hell did you bring a Pervert along with you on a war?"

The dragon looked towards the yellow armoured guy and said, "How the hell would I know that we had a Pervert in our ranks!!! More importantly-" The dragon opened his mouth and fired his roar at Damian who immediately formed a barrier out with his enchantments but was immediately broken by the roar attack and Damian was blown away and crashing through a lot of trees.

"Hehe my attacks negates enchantments, not a good match for you, right? And what are you all waiting for take him out!"

but just as he said that a large amount of vines started to come out of the ground and started to attack or wrap around the Dragons.

Seeing the huge vines the Dragons tried to fly away or cut through them or simply attack them, but the vines wrapped around all of them in such a manner that all of their motions were ceased, even their mouths were wrapped around by thick vines.

Soon a green humanoid creature started to emerge out of the ground with a black face surrounded by red and yellow spikes.(Swampfire)

"Oh! You all do pack a punch, heh. So are you going to surrender or should I start kicking your butt."