Give my sympathy back to me!!!

Currently in a net Damian along with both the generals and high ranking mages and knights were sitting looking at Jason whose face was covered with bruises and blood.

Damian looked at the soldier whi was standing nearby Jason and asked, "Is that all what he told us about the enemy?" and waved a few papers that were in his hand on which the things that Jason told them during interrogation were written.

The soldier nodded and said, "Yes, lord Damian this is all what he told us about them before he lost consciousness."

Damian looked at the papers and with a frown on his face said, "No info on the dragons that they have, does this bastard taking us lightly. Like hell someone from their side won't know about the number of dragons that they have."

He then have the papers to Rung and stood up from his seat and walked towards the unconscious Jason and said, "Everyone, please leave the tent, there are a few things that I have to get out of him."

All of them looked at them with a confused look on their faces and after a while Christopher asked, "Lord Ian, is there a reason for you asking us to go out?"

Damian looked at them and said, "This is something that i don't want others to see. I am going to use a special method to get things out of him. I hope that you can understand."

Christopher looked at Damian and thought, 'Even after such horrible 'interrogation' that man didn't gave us the info on the Dragons and him saying that he has a method to get the info out of must be so horrible sight that he don't want us to see.'

Christopher nodded and then said, "Alright then let's don't get in lord Ian's way." and then got off from his seat and left the tent followed by the other knights and mages.

Once they were gone Damian placed a silencing and locking enchantments around the tent so as to not let anyone come inside or hear what's going on here.

Rung looked at Damian with a smirk and said, "So it's time for the great Lord Ian's embarressing moment, huh."

Damian gave a stink eye to Rung and said, "Shut up Micro D virgin and get lost."

Rung got up from his seat as well and said, "Aww, won't you let ne see that epic scene once again? Hahahahahaha."

Damian got annoyed by hearing his laugh and grabbed him by the collar and said, "Fuck off bastard" and then threw him out of the tent.

Rung who was expecting Damian to do that skillfully landed outside the tent and said, "Yup, perfect as ever." but the next instant his sword which was left inside the tent was thrown at him by Damian which crashed to Rung's head making his face getting planted in the ground.

Rung got up from the ground with his face covered in dirt and looked towards the tent, and with a few tick marks on his forehead he shouted, "JUST DIE YOU BASTARD!!!" but Damian just ignored him and got to his work.

He looked at the unconcious Jason and then at his omnitrix and said, " other choice." and then rotated the dial of the omnitrix and once he chose the transformation he pressed the dial and immediately was covered in a blue light.

Soon the light started to die down and a small creature with a blue skin and dark blue hair appeared wearing a similar dark blue dress though the creature had a pair of wings and looked like some kind of fairy(Pesky dust)

"Rrrrr.....This arien is embaaaarrrrrrasing as arrrwayssssss."(And before you all say that there are typos, just know that pesky dust speaks like this in the show...or so I know. If I am wrong then do correct me.)

The fairy like creature then looked at Jason and then said, "Letsssss, see yourrrr drrrrreammmm." and then moved his hand in Jason's direction and a greenish beam came out of hand and surrounded Jason before going inside him.


Inside Jason's dream:

Damian who was still transformed looked around and found himself in some sort of field filled with flowers and greenery, a perfect picnic spot in short.

"Don't run away Mary, Big brother will catch you soon~"

Damian then heard a voice and turned around and saw Jason running in the field with a happy smile on his face while trying to catch a small girl running away from him with a smile on her face.

"Big bro Jason, catch me if you can!!!"

"Hahaha, just you wait, Big brother will catch you soon."

Damian looked at the scene in silence and thought, "What it looks like just your normal siblings playing in a park or on a picnic, is this the happiest kind of dream that he normally see...Looks like he is very loving towards his sister."

Damian looked at the scene with a smile on his face and thought, 'It seems like this man just got involved in this mess cause his family was threatened or something, *sigh* An unlucky person indeed. He could have been happy with his family, but with this kind of thing as him working as a traitor is totally unacceptable, but still I will try to lighten his punishment a bi-"

But as Damian was thinking this the scene suddenly changed as Jason caught the small girl named Mary and now instead of the field they were now in some sort of room which seemed like a bedroom to Damian.

He then focused back on Jason and saw him on top of Mary who was lying on the bed.

"Hehehe, Mary Big brother will do the usual~ Are you ready to recieve big brother's 'love'"

Damian who looked at the passionate gaze of Jason along with them being present in the bedroom immediately understood where this shit was going and said, "I will make sure that his punishment is as severe as possible. For fucks sake.....GIVE MY SYMPATHY BACK TO ME!!!" and then used his power to change the dream immediately and started gathering the information that he required.