Let's ditch the party

Currently inside a huge hall inside the palace a lot of people wearing fancy clothing were present and were talking to each other, among those people most of them consisted of high ranking officials and nobles from Dragonof while some of them were from Adroelia.

The people from Adroelia were busy talking to the nobles and other people from Dragonof so as to make desired connections since both the kingdoms would be forming an alliance soon.

Though amongst all of them two of the people from Adroelia stood out from the rest, because unlike the others who were trying to form connections these two on the other hand were surrounded by the people from Dragonof.

One of them being Rung, the tanned skin general from Adroelia who was considered as a major figure from the war and was thus being praises a lot by the people(A/N: Though all the ones who were near him were men) and the other person who was surrounded by a lot of people was Felix, the blond haired blue eyed prince from Adroelia, who being a royalty garnered a lot of attention from others, though most of them surrounding him were girls and their fathers who were trying to introduce themselves.

The other people from Adroelia looked at the two people and had to admit that it was quite hectic to be surrounded by these many individuals if the look on Rung's face was any indication to that, though half of it was because of the huge difference between the groups that were surrounding him and Felix.

Felix on the other hand had a smile on his face and was in absolute heaven on being surrounded by the beautiful ladies(he totally ignored their fathers that were near him). This was the first time in the two lives that he had lived that he was being surrounded by so many girls making him imagine many wild fantasies in his head.

'Oh yeah!!! This is what isekai life is!!! Thanks a lot truck-kun!!! With a face like mine, what else is to be expected!!!'

The nobles who had been helping Felix from the time he woke up looked at the scene in front of them and thought, 'Yup, that prince is still an idiotic man whore even after losing his memory, I can totally imagine him going wild in his fantasies right now.' and gave a sigh in unison. All of them then looked at each other before turning away without saying anything.

Feeling that the atmosphere around them turned a bit awkward, one of them gave a fake cough and asked, "By the way.....where is that commoner?"

"...Must be hiding his ugly face behind his mask somewhere, who knows?" said another one of them giving his shoulders a shrug.

"Oh, that commoner might not be able to come here today.....it seems like he had a lot of work." said another noble with a smile on his face.

Hearing hi the other two looked at her and asked, "..What do you mean by that Bans-sama?"

The noble by the name of Bans twirled his moustache and said, "Oh, since he arrived today and we had 'some' documents that his majesty gave us to be checked by him, I gave him those documents since they were important regarding the alliance before coming here, so I don't believe that he would be able to come here on time, afterall there were quite a lot."

Hearing that the other two nobles smirked and said, "Well, how very unfortunate."

"Well this is for the greater good for our kingdom, it can't be helped, right?"

"Ha ha ha."

The three nobles were now back in their own world and started talking to each other while also making sure that the prince do not mess something up because of his lost memories.

The Mage squad that was directly under Damian who heard their talks felt a bit pissed at them for what they did but didn't say anything.

"THE QUEEN OF DRAGONOF HER MAJESTY IRENE AND MAGE HEAD FROM ADROELIA LORD IAN HAVE ARRIVED!!!" said the person responsible for announcing the arrival of people whole bowing his head a bit.

Suddenly all the commotion that was happening inside the hall stopped as every person present in the room looked towards the door intently.

Though the three nobles who were talking I'll about Damian earlier were shocked seeing that Damian dared to come the party despite having a lot of work given to him by the king.

'How dare he not only come here and stand amongst the nobles but also leaving the work that his majesty gave him? That masked ass hole, looks like I have to humiliate him regarding it in front of the whole room to make him cower down in shame....Huh, who is that handsome dude....'

Bans who was making some plans in his head suddenly stopped once he saw Irene entering the room while being escorted by a handsome black haired blue eyes man.

It was not only him as all the others in the room were surprised to see the queen of Dragonof being escorted by the black haired man, and that the fact that there was no sign of the masked mage head from Adroelia confirmed only one thing.

"...That bastard came here without his mask...." were the words that left Rung's mouth while looking at his friend entering an event without his mask and revealing his identity to others much to his shock.

Meanwhile Damian who was escorting Irene had a small courteous smile on his face while he was looking at the nobles who were looking at him in awe.

'Heh, idiots who think that people only wear mask because they are ugly.....IN YOUR FACE ASS HOLES!!!!' were the thoughts that were inside his head because of which the smile on his face widened a bit more as almost all the ladies in the room blushed a bit seeing the him who was looking quite dashing because of his attire and the aura of mystery because of him removing his mask.

Seeing the blush on the faces of the ladies Damian felt a bit proud of his looks but soon felt a stinging pain in his arms which was being held by Irene.

Damian who understood what was happening with the red haired woman holding his arm had a wry smile on his face as he looked towards her and with a bow said, "Well then lady Irene, thank you for giving me the honour of escorting you here, it was a wonderful experience for me." and released his hand from hers and immediately using his magic to relieve the pain a bit.

Irene who saw him pulling his arm back felt a bit disappointed but still the look on her face didn't change as she too have a curt nod and said, "It was a wonderful experience for me as well to be escorted by you."

Damian, hearing that gave a sly smirk and whispered in a tone so that only Irene could hear him and said, 'I am glad that you liked it my lady, after all you are the first person I have ever escorted.'

Irene who heard that she was Damian's 'first' felt happy from the inside and was trying her best to stop the stupid grin that was threatening to come up on her face at any instant, though the blush that she had on her cheek was more than enough for Damian to know that she was happy and immediately thought, '.....Let's ditch the party and be alone with her....'