Are you awake yet?(18+)

The next morning when Damian woke up he found himself in a huge bed with his body covered by some sheets. He blinked his eyes for a bit trying to get accustomed to the brightness around the room and once his eyes were adjusted, he decided to sit up and stretch his body a bit.

But once he tried that he found that something was obstructing it and turned his head to the side, only to find a familiar red head sleeping peacefully with her hand tightly holding onto his own.

Seeing his lover sleeping peacefully Damian felt happy and decided to stay there for a bit so as to not disturb her sleep.

Currently both of them were in Damian's room which just beside Irene's. Last night, which turned into a pretty passionate one for the both of them, Irene didn't want to separate from Damian and hence decided to spend the night together in the same room. And even though the thoughts in Irene's mind were wilder than Damian could have imagined which inturn made her unable to sleep because of embarrasment, Damian was able to put her to sleep somehow.

Though it was not only Irene who was having wild thoughts last night, as Damian too had a very hard time hiding the tent which was pitched up in his pants from Irene since he didn't want her to lose her sleep once again.

He looked at his body which was still covered by the sheets and thought to himself, 'If she keep tempting me like that then I would not be able to hold back until we are married...which with her being the queen is really bad for her reputation.'

He sighed and then looked at her face but soon a small smile appeared on his lips and he started caressing her hair.

Soon he felt her squirming around not wanting to wake up and stopped caressing her head, but soon after that Irene who was just holding his hand clung tightly to his arm.

Damian whose arm was sandwiched between her breast stared at her chest for a while before turning his head towards the 'little Damian' who seem to have got up as well.

'...It's clearly not the morning wood.'

He then decided to wake her up before the situation gets more 'dangerous' for him.

He tapped her shoulders lightly and said, "Irene wake up its morning."

But Irene only frowned in response and shut her eyes tightly.

He continued to do that for a while and after a few minutes Irene opened her eyes slightly and noticed Damian but thought that she was still dreaming and said, "Let me sleep, I am very tired."

Seeing that she was atleast awake now Damian leaned closer to her ears and said, "Wake up now or I might do something which will not let you walk properly for a while." and bit her ear a lightly after blowing some air in them.

Irene who was a dragon slayer naturally had very sensetive ears and that coupled with the embarrassing thi gs that Damian said made her eyes wide open and stare at Damian for a while.

Soon realising that she was not dreaming her face started to turn red as she started to open and close her mouth in surprise.

"Good morning. It seems like you are awake now, so could you please release my hand." and poked her chest with his fingers which immediately got sunk in her soft breasts.

Irene who also noticed what Damian just did felt even more embarrassed and immediately let go of his hand and tried to separate herself from Damian.

But Damian whose hands were now free immediately caught Irene and pulled her near himself and hugged her and even though Irene tried to struggle her way out she knew that Damian was not going to let her go. Deciding to use her trump card Irene looked Damian with puppy eyes and said, "You are very mean."

Damian blinked in surprise seeing Irene acting cutely and just held her tightly and said, "You are making it difficult for me to let go of you."

Irene who just dug her own grave now had her head buried in Damian's chest and just for blaming herself for provoking Damian even more.

But while she was having such thoughts, suddenly her really sensetive Dragon slayer nose sniffed something.

'This's familiar...' thought Irene who took another sniff trying to identify the scent. Soon realising that the scent was similar to the shirt she secretly took from Damian before he went to the battlefield and used it to 'relive' herself, made her eyes widen in surprise. But soon the eyes narrowed down a bit and her body started to feel hot.

Unconscious she too hugged Damian back making the said mage a bit surprised by her actions.

"Irene?" said Damian who peeked at the red head and found her with her eyes closed and having a slight blush on her cheeks, but somehow Damian felt that this blush was a bit different from the one she usually had when he teased her.

'Is it just me or is she looking too erotic right now?'

As if to answer his question 'little Damian' made his entry once again feeling which Damian immediately changed his position so as to prevent it from touching Irene.

Damian who now changed his posture now had his hand near her nape. Having his body already in heat Damian was currently not thinking rationally and kissed her nape.

Irene who was suddenly kissed gave a moaned a bit, but Immediately blushed realising what she just did.

"Wai- Damian!!!"

But Damian didn't hear her and started kissing her once again.

Irene who suddenly started to recive kisses all over from him immediately pushed herself away from him and now found herself facing Damian.

Both of them noticed that the other person had slight blush and had an erratic breathing and thought at the same time, 'This is not going to end well.'

Damian then cupped her cheeks to which Irene leaned closer to his hand in response and kissed his hand.

Damian whose hands were near her waist gulped his saliva when he saw Irene not only kissing her hand but also giving his fingers a slight lick with her tongue making her look even more erotic than she already was.

His hand then start to move on instinct and started to carers her body all over her back and her waist and finally stopped at her plump ass.

"AHHHH~" moaned Irene when Damian suddenly gave her ass a squeeze.

Seeing her moaning like that Damian Damian sealed her lips with his own and soon both of them found themselves kissing each other passionately with both of them fighting each other with their tongues though Damian cheated a few times by occasionally groping her ass but none of them were going to point that out since it felt good to them none the less.

After making out for a while both of them separated from each other with a bridge of saliva forming between their tongues.

Irene then laid back on the bed taking deep breaths trying tqo calm herself down, but before she could take some rest she found Damian on top of herself looking passionately at her.

Not having clear thoughts in her mind she instinctively opened her arms wide gesturing him to come closer.

Not wanting to waste anytime Damian interlocked his fingers to that of Irene's and once again started kissing her all over.

"Ahhhh~ Ahhhh~ Ahhh~"

But once again Damian placed his lips on top of her preventing her from moaning and once he felt that she stopped he said, "Place some enchantments first, and then I will let you moan to your heart's content." and gave a kiss to her once again.

Irene nodded her head and then freed her hands from Damian's and then placed a silencing enchantment around the room.

"I am do- Ahhhhh~"

Before she could say anything Damian who found his hands free started groping her tits making her moan in pleasure once again, only this time he was not going to stop her from doing so.

Irene who felt the sudden pleasure of having her breasts groped by Damian held her embraced him tightly hurrying his face in her chest and started feeling up Damian's body as well.

Damian who had his face burried in the soft mountains rubbed his face against them and then started to outline her nipples hidden under her clothes using his fingers.

"Aghhhh~ Wai- don't do tha-"

Damian who suddenly pulled on rod her nipples made Irene grit her teeth and tried to stop him since she sudden jolt was not something she was expecting but Damian ignored her pleas and started to grope and pinch her tits and nipples very fiercely.

Irene who was suddenly attacked by intense pleasure felt that her body started to lose energy and started trembling a bit because of the pleasure.

She then clutched his head tightly who rose up a bit to look at her and saw some tears at the corner of her eyes.

Seeing that he did too much Damian stopped himself and started giving her light kisses inorder to calm her down a bit.

Irene too cupped Damian's face and started kissing him back.

"Damian...." said Ire e looking at Damian passionately.

Damian too looked back at her with a similar look to hers.

Both of them stared at each other for a while and soon gulped their salivas. Irene then moved his hand towards Damian's chiseled body and started feeling him up, bit soon her hand reached the end of his shirt and she slightly too it off.

Noticing what she was doing Damian helped her a bit in taking off his shirt and saw Irene staring at his half naked intently.

She then started tracing her fingers around his abs and chest which only made her feel hotter and hotter by the more she touched.

Damian too then decided to take off her gown and reached his hand towards the thread which was tied up and holding her night gown in place, even though it was disheveled quite a bit.

Irene who also noticed what Damian was about to do felt embarrassed thinking what might Damian's reaction be once he saw her like that.

"I will take it off then..." asked Damian looking towards Irene 'asking' for permission.

"Umm..." Irene gave a slight nod gripping her fists tightly trying to prepare herself.

Damian nodded his head and pulled the thread slightly....


Suddenly both of them heard the voice of Zena calling out to Irene trying to wake her up, and though she might be in front of Irene's room right now her voice was loud enough to be heard in Damian's room which was just beside hers.

Damian comically fell down on top of Irene who too smacked her head with a frown on her face.