
"Back then when I first joined the Adorelian force. I was just appointed as a normal mage, though not of the lowest standing, it was still not that great position. During that time most of the commoner people in the knight and the Mage battalion were secretly recruited by the nobles for their personal gains to have some influence in the army, but still there were quite a few like me who refused to take up any noble's offer. Afterall there was no profit for me since not many high ranking nobles wanted to have a commoner and I havd quite a sum of money so joining a simple noble was not important."

"And as you know most of the nobles are already siding with the prince for the succession of the throne since the prince could be easily manipulated by them. Something which was not that easy with the princess Stella who was the better of the two twins and is the king's choice to succeed him."

"The prince as the idiot he was got told something by the scum amongst the nobles who were supporting him started to openly oppose the princess and used every opportunity that he got to embarrass her, though there were not that many since the princess is quite prim and proper. but still the major nobles made a huge ruckus out of it."

"But still it had nothing to do with it, and just focused my time on gaining achievements and positions along with my knight partner Rung, who is my senior and soon both of us reached great positions because of our achievements in war. He became the general and I was the vice-captain of the second order of mages and hence I had to choose who I had to align myself with since, only the first order knights and mages are near the king. the second squad had to choose either the prince or the princess." said Damian.

"And you who got enamored by the princess chose her, huh?" asked Irene, with a 'smile' on her face.

Damian just shook his head and said, "Nope, I was not even able to choose, you see before I even got the form regarding who to choose an incident happened which led me to it. Otherwise why would I leave the opportunity to align with someone who could be easily manipulated and get done with the shit a bit sooner. Hell, if I would be the one manipulating that idiot I would have taken control over the kingdom on my own. Just 'brainstorm' and 'Grey matter' somethings and it's all over for that shit." said Damian as he moved his chair near Irene and pulled her in his embrace trying to calm her down a bit.

"Hmm, so what happened then." asked Irene who was in a comparatively better mood.

"The idiot prince got mocked by the princess in one of the evening parties held by the king and inorder to take revenge on her he got an idea from some nobles, and used his despicable magic on her to control her and led her somewhere to get violated by his underlings which consisted of both nobles and commoners."

"I, who was helping Rung calmed down on being shot down by yet another lady heard her cry for help, after which both me and Rung rushed there and dealt with the situation, though when I was trying to kill the bastard prince for trying to violate his own sister, Rung tries to stop me saying that he was a royalty but not being able to completely stop me, the direction of my sword changed and that was the day when the prince lost one of his balls." said Damian with a nostalgic expression on his face and then looked towards Irene whose brows were twitching.

"After that, I asked Rung to take care of the people who were either knocked out or were not able to move because of severe injuries while I helped the princess, to cover her body and all and took her to her room withou being noticed by others. After which she publically requested me to be under to which I was not able to refuse, since it would have been rude, and soon I got promoted to the Mage head position by the princess's recommendation and the 'mysterious dissapearance' of the previous mage head."

"....What do you mean by 'mysterious dissapearance'?" asked Irene with a deadpan look on her face.

"...Hmm, well the old mage promised to hand me his position in a few years, but I promised to help him with his research if he let me have the position and therefore we made a research facility somewhere and after changing his get up we holed ourselves in there and worked on his research. He got his research done and I got the position, not to mention I got the etherion spell which we were researching as well." said Damian with a slight smirk on his face and said, "What I don't kill everyone, you know. Just those that deserve it....or when it is necessary for my cause."

Hearing that Irene got slightly embarrassed and decided to change the topic and said, "A-Anyway, so the princess got a crush on you since you saved her from such a situation."

".... Probably.....but the fact that she started showing signs after she accidentally saw my naked body and my 'brother' bothers me..."

Irene blinked in surprise as he heard Damian's words and said, "...So she is just a pervert..."

Damian shrugged his shoulders and said, "Probably, who knows, she have shown various signs of her feelings during my time there."

He then kissed Irene's cheek and said, "But unfortunately for the princess I already had a queen in my sight."

Irene blushed by Damain's sudden kiss had a blush seeing which Damian chuckled and kissed her once again.

Irene, who saw that Damian was not going to stop anytime soon pushed him away feeling super embarrassed by what he was doing in a public place and said, "Don't do that here, someone could see us."

She then looked away and said in a low tone buy Damian still heard her saying, "We can do that later when we go back....maybe much more" and got beet red frkm embarrasment.

Damian who heard her clearly leaned closer to her ear and said, "Heh, you are quite the pervert yourself too, aren't you my Irene." and pulled her in his embrace which earned him weak punches on his chest from an embarrased and a slightly angry Irene.