Start of the battle

Damian and Irene had their alone time for a while after which Irene went to prepare to go out in the battlefield.

Damian just roamed around as he had everything in his storage and just looked around the camp.

Once Irene and the dragons slayers gathered he went near them as well allowing Irene to give some motivation to the dragons slayers and then said, "Let's go then."

Irene and the other dragon slayers nodded their heads and turned serious as they mentally prepared themselves to fight against the dragons.

"Join me there, I will head in first and clear some space for you all to use large scale attacks...and don't try to retort, it's very congested there for all of you to fight in group." said Damian sternly making the dragon slayers stop their protests.

He then looked at Irene and said, "I will see you in a while so stay safe."

Irene nodded and asked, "I will.....but what are you going to do?"

"....A small scale version of how dinosaurs die." said Damian with a smirk confusing them think what the hell was a dinosaur.

Damian transformed into Jetray and then got high up in the air.

He then focused towards the area where he would be starting and then started descending at great speed.

Once he thought that his speed was fine he pressed the Omnitrix on his chest and transformed into cannobolt and immediately transformed into the ball form.

"...I hope that it doesn't hurt me...well let's enhance the defenses a bit." said Damian while still falling down

Noticing something coming at them with great speed the dragons looked up wanting to know it was.

"CANNONBALL!!!!" yelled Damian with slight excitement in his tone.

Before anyone could have said anything Damian crashed to the ground getting a dragon caught up with him as well killing him in a snap.


A very huge and loud explosion occured once Damian crashed into the ground snatching the attention from everyone on the field as they looked at the huge cloud of dust which followed the said explosion.

"What the-"

"What was that?"

"Whose side was that attack from?"

Irene and the other dragons slayers who knew who the attacker was had their mouths opened wide and Irene thought, '.....Should we really stay near him?..."

And just then all of them remembered what he told them earlier.

"You all would not like to be anywhere near me." were the words that Damian told them.

"L-L-Lets go!" commanded Irene as there was no way that they could step back now and decided to check whether Damian was fine after the attack or not.

Damian on the other hand transformed back to his non-ball mode and looked around to see that he was in the centre of a huge and deep crater.

"Damn....I am badass." said Damian as he became a ball once again and started to get out of the crater.

Once he was out her saw that the whole area was covered in dust and debris...along with the remains of the now dead dragons.

'.....At least 200.' thought Damian as he guessed how many did he got in that attack.

Suddenly he felt a lot of presences heading towards him and immediately to get out of there...getting surrounded was not a good idea no matter how confident he was to deal with all of them.

'I should get near Irene first.' thought Damian as he increased his rolling speed.

Suddenly he felt a large amount of magic energy heading towards him and formed a barrier around him.


An explosion occured once the attack connected, but nothing much happened to Damian even though his barrier got destroyed after a while.

'....Though it was just a make shift one, that attack was strong.'

He unballed himself and looked up and found 5 dragons up in the air heading towards him.

"Are you from Dragonof?" asked Damian?

But instead of replying all five of them attacked him once again.

"Guess not." said Damian as he dodged the attack by rolling away and then pressed the Omnitrix on his chest once again.

Just as the dust cloud from the explosion started settling down a bit a brown humanoid lizard thing jumped up in the air and grabbed one of the dragons and got on his back.

"That was not so good of you." said Damian as he started punching the dragons back.

"AHH!!!" screamed the dragon in pain.

"Get away from brother!!" told another dragon and fired his dragon roar at him.

Seeing that Damian jumped off the dragons back and made a platform below him.

"Ultimate time." said Damian and pressed his chest once again.

A blue light enveloped him as his skin turned green with a dark blue armour appear around him along with some spikes.

His hands then turned to missile launchers as he pointed his hands in the dragon's direction and started firing.




The dragons which recieved the attacks started falling down while screaming in pain.

The other dragons looked towards the falling dragons and not wasting any time Damian fired on the others as well and said, "Do you know many of the humans that you killed might have been brothers just like you." and continued firing.

Once all five big them were on the ground multiple magic circles appeared in front of Damian's rocket launcher hands and he fired at the fallen dragons once again and instead of small rockets, huge magic missiles came out of the magic circle which engulfed some of the area near him in explosions.

Damian waited for a while to see if the dragons were alive or not and once he made sure that all of them were dead, he raised the platform he was standing on above in the sky to look for Irene.

Seeing a strange creature up in the air a lot of dragons surrounded him making him sigh and say, "Oh well, I signed to fight you all anyways."

He just cleared his throat and said, "Before you all attack know that I am from Dragonof, so if you are an ally as well, step back."

Hearing that a few dragons looked at him in surprise and took some distance from him. While the remaining dragons growled at him and then started attacking.

Damian took the attacks head on without even flinching, and even though he recieved some damage, it were just some scratches and all.

"Hmmm.....the five before you were stronger." said Damian as he pointed his rocket launcher hands towards the dragons and said, "Bye." and launched a lot of missiles towards the dragons.

The dragon dodges some of the missiles and tried to attack him once again but Damian just spammed his missile without any care.... though he need to wait for them to recharge from time to time, he fired magic based blasts during that period, giving no times to the dragons to regroup.

While Damian was attacking Irene and the other dragon slayers were heading towards the place where the big green armoured lizard was and were amazed by how overwhelming it was against the dragons.

They cleared some of the dragons on their way while Irene was one shoting most of them who tried to come in her way to meet Damian.

'Tch, they just don't stop coming in the way.' thought Irene as she was attacking without any care, since she still had a lot of magic in her and Damian had also given her some potions to recover her magic.

Suddenly out of no where her and the rest of the dragon slayer's senses started screaming telling them a danger was heading towards them.....which soon became true as the ground below them started shaking and cracking up a huge dragons with its mouth open wide came in front of them just a few metres away from them.