
Damian looked down at the dragon who just kicked towards the ground and said, "You like nightmares, right?...Let me show what a real nightmare is." said Damian as he pressed the omnitrix on his chest and transformed into a grey gastly creature.(Ghost freak)

"Hehehe, let's go all out, right?" said Damian in an overly chilly tone as he pressed the omnitrix once again.

The blue light enveloped him once again as his body started changing.

Soon a slightly bigger version of the gastly creature appeared with a huge mouth on its chest and a some tentacles coming out of its arms.

"We should go for the 'ultimate' nightmare there is right?" said Damian with a grin on the the mouth of his body.

He then descend towards the dragon who seeing him approaching immediately tried to run away.

Damian just raised his hand and the dragon's body got enveloped in a violet aura and stopped him(telekinesis).

"Don't run now, the fun is about to start." said Damian in a chilly tone.

He went towards the dragon and stood on top of its head and caressed it with his spiky hands.

The dragon who was unable to move gulped his saliva and tried to go intangible, but was still not able to move.

Damian then passed his hand through the dragon's head and said, "Ah.....such a lovely thing in there.....hey have you ever tried scrambled brains?" said Damian but before the dragon could answer he started screaming in pain.


Damian just looked at him with an indifferent gaze but soon a smirk appeared in his face as he increased the attack's power and said, "Fried brains are good too.....but let's not have that today. We can't have you die just like that you know." said Damian as he took his hand out of the dragon's head who just fell down on the ground lifelessly and stopped screaming.

Damian who was still floating went in front of his face making the dragon shiver in fear after seeing him.

"Now let's start the nightmare part." said Damian as the mouth on his chest opened and from inside blue flame like aura came out.

Seeing the flame dancing like that the dragon got in trance as he stopped moving.


After a while the dragon snapped out of trance and then blinked his eyes in surprise. He started looking around searching if anyone was near him and thought, 'Did he let me go?'

He then looked at his body and saw that he was totally healed.

'...My wounds are all healed up. Don't tell me that the he cannot be a human....healed me and just let me go.' thought the dragon as his eyes widened in surprise at the realisation.

He lowered his head in shame and thought, 'Even after having such kind of power.....he instead of just killing someone who tortured him like that, he healed me.....he really is not an arrogant human....rather he should be called humble and kind....and to think that I used just means to attack him.'

The dragon soon became angry at himself and thought, 'I am a real piece of use such underhanded and cruel means on such a person.....I am a coward, not a dragon.....'

Soon he looked up towards the sky and said, "....I swear on my life that you have spared...I will never use such crue- H-Huh?"

Before he could finish speaking a large amount of blood came out of his mouth and his whole body got engulfed in pain. All this made the dragon confused but soon his doubt was cleared when he heard a familiar chilly voice.

"Oh please, don't speak about me like that, I will blush."

The dragon looked up and saw a huge figure with a black skeleton engulfed in blue flames. Huge hands with sharp claws out of which one of them was piercing his whole body making the dragon once again realize about the ghost's size.

"Also.....your life is still in my hands. You have no right to swear on it." said Damian as he gripped his hand which was still piercing the dragon making him yell in pain and agony.

Damian then brought the dragon in front of his face and said, "Now let's begin the show." and then opened his mouth and ate the dragon in one go.

The dragon fell inside his ribcage and was constantly burned in the blue flames which burned his scales and muscles in no time.


"Oh, I will call this the grill of hell. Cooks you to crisp." said Damian as he looked at the pleading Dragon who was now just a soul.

Seeing him Damian smirked and said, "Don't be too impatient, it is just the beginning, just wait till you see everything that you have done flash by your eyes and you experience first hand the suffering of all those you have killed...let's call it records from hell."

He then covered his exposed flaming ribcage and then let his tentacles pierce the dragon's body and brain and let him experience how it felt to be killed over and over again.

After two hours of continuous mind fu*k Damian let the dragon's soul out of his body which now just a ball of light.

Damian looked at it and could see that it had no will to live anymore, heck it was not even able to think about dying after what Damian did to him.

Damian just opened his mouth and sucked him in. The flames around him turned red burning the soul as well killing the dragon for good.

Damian transformed back to his human form and then got on his knees, "Shit, should have thought not to take that long.....I am still short on magic after the battle." said Damian as he took out a potion from his storage and drank it.

Once he recovered he stood up and said, "Well it was important.....he should know not to mess with me, and that bitch made me see Irene getting killed over and over again, like hell he would have a painless death.

Damian then went back to but stopped as he felt someone looking at him and said, "So you are the boss huh.....let this be a lesson for you as well. Keep in mind that even though my wife is hot...hell is even hotter." said Damian as he turned back and started walking towards the camp not thinking much about the one who looked at him from the other side of the battlefield.