Discussing about the new enemy

Damian immediately held Stella's hand stopping her from attacking Irene who was already prepared to blow the sword away.

Stella looked at Damian with shock but seeing him shaking his head, she looked down and let go of the sword.

"...I would have taken that as an attempt to attack against the queen of Dragonof, but I will ignore it this time. And I repeat this again but I don't know anyone who have that kind of powerful dragon slayer magic." said Irene as she looked at Stella.

Stella soon started crying as she covered her face with her hands.

Damian looked towards Irene who was looking towards Stella as well and sighed and glanced towards Damian who shook his head and patted Stella's back.

Stella glanced at him before she threw herself in his embrace and started crying loudly.

"...I will give you two some space....said Irene as she stood up from her seat and looked at Stella with pity before walking away, though she didn't move that far and was just in the next room so as to make sure that the things don't escalate.

'...I need to make sure what is happening. If what she said is true.....then Dragonof is in a huge danger.' thought Irene as she started thinking of way about dealing with the danger.


"...Are you fine now?" asked Damian.

It has been a few minutes since Irene left the two of them and Stella finally stopped crying.

"...I don't want to show you my current face." said Stella.

"It's fine at worst your eyes would be all puffy and snot should be coming out of your nose.....yeah that indeed will make you look ridiculous." said Damian as he chuckled.

Stella headbutted his chest and asked, "...Are you angry?"

"For what?"

"I tried to hurt your wife just a few moments ago."

"Oh that....yeah I am very angry at you. You should be sensible enough to not do that to a queen of another kingdom and considering how much I treasure my wife, you will get a very very serious punishment.....after all this is over so you don't have to worry for now." said Damian making Stella chuckle.

Soon both of them turned silent but after a while Damian said, "Okay, now move away from me." and tried to push Stella away.

"No! I am not showing you my face right now!"

"Move away."


"...Move" "No!"

"...Move" said Damian and immediately tickled her stomach making her grip loosen around him and then pushed her away.

"...Hahahahaha, it really looks weird seeing you like that." said Damian as he saw her face.

Stella got embarrased and immediately covered her face with her hands and ran away from Damian to clean her face.

Damian smiled seeing the princess running away but as soon as he figure disappeared from his sight he turned serious and started thinking about the situation at hand.

While he was thinking about that the gryphons who were there near him all this while got worried about him and then went away to look for something to cheer him up.

Soon Damian, who was busy, found a pair of hands wrap around him and something resting against his head.

Damian easily recognised who the person was and placed his hand on top of the ones wrapping around him and said, "Is something the matter Irene?"

"You enjoyed flirting around with her?" asked Irene with slight anger in her tone.

"No need to be jealous Irene, you know what kind of person I am." said Damian as he kissed her hand.

"Hmph, why would I be jealous. I know my husband well enough to know that he will not play around with other women." said Irene as she unwrapped her hands and let Damian go.

But Damian held onto her hand and pulled her to make her sit beside him and said, "I like the fact that you believe me this much but be a little jealous."

Irene widend her eyes a bit but soon a wry smile appeared on her face not knowing how to respond to that.

Damian sighed and said, "Let's leave that, and get onto the more important topic. What do you plan to do now about what Lady Stella said."

Irene turned serious and said, "...I am not quite sure...We cannot openly announce this because we don't know who that dragon slayer is or if he belongs to Dragonof. Not only will it cause unrest amongst the citizens the nobles and ministers will also feel threatened knowing that there might be someone else knowing how to make dragon slayers, and on a completely different level ones compared to ours at that. The other countries who are our allies might also point swords at us just like Lady Stella did today."

Damian nodded and said, "There is also no way that we can just leave the country or send an expedition to search for the enemy, there are chances of him attacking the country in our absence and him annihilating the expedition force making it totally useless."

"It's really troublesome situation. Not to mention the kingdom is still in a war against the dragons." said Irene.

"The troubles just keep piling up." said Damian.

Irene sighed and then placed her head on the table.

"...You alright Irene?" asked Damian.

"Yeah, just feeling tired." said Irene.

"Rest for a bit, I will wake you up when dinner's ready." said Damian as he stretched his hands.

"Yeah, and leave you totally unguarded for the girl, no thanks." said Irene as she looked at Damian.

"I heard that." said Stella who came back with her face back to her former glory.

"I apologize for what I did earlier." said Stella as she looked at Irene and lowered her head.

"It's alright, I can understand that your thoughts must be quite messed up after what you saw...but don't think I will let you do whatever you want to do with Damian." said Irene as she wrapped her arms around Damian's chest and hugged him tightly.

She looked at Stella with an expression which said, "Mine" seeing which Stella's brows twitched as she took a seat beside Damian and asked, "So do you know a way to take care of the current situation."

Irene narrowed her eyes as she noticed her sitting beside Damian in a way that it gave more focus to her 'assets' while she was sitting.

'...This fu*king Succubus!!' thought Irene seeing Stella's 'smile' directed at her.

Before any of them could say anything they heard a loud noise of the door being pushed open and turned around to see what it was.

Soon two gryphons came in their sight as they rushed towards Damian pushing the things that they had with them.

"Gryph? Phen? How did you two get covered bin blood." said Damian with a panicked tone as he totally ignored the two ladies beside him and rushed towards the two Gryphons.


The gryphons chirped inorder to gain his attention but Damian immediately checked their bodies and once he was sure that they were not wounded and that the blood on their bodies was not theirs he sighed and smacked the two gryphons on their heads, scolding them for worrying him.

Both of them got sad and looked down with some tears in their eyes but stopped once Danian hugged them.

"Don't worry me you two."

""Gweeeh"" replied the two gryphons.

"...Did the two of us got ignored because of those cuties?" asked Stella.

"Yes, yes we did." replied Irene as she was looking happily at the three of them.

The gryphons then showed the things that they brought for Damian which included some animals that Damian likes to eat and some flowers.

Damian looked at the things that the two of the brought and then turned his heads towards the gryphons who were standing in front of him with a proud look on their faces.

"...Did you brought these food items from the fridge and the flowers from my garden?" asked Damian.

The gryphons widend their eyes in surprise and looked at Damian who was looking back at them. They continued to stare at eachother for a while before the gryphons decided to make a tactical retreat and ran away making Irene laugh and Damian chasing them