
Evening came as Damian enjoyed his time with the gryphons and went to have a nap with them as well.

By the time the sun started setting Irene and Stella came in front of his room and knocked on the door. Seeing that their were no response from the other side they did it once again before Irene broke the enchantment and entered inside followed by Stella.

Once they entered they found Damian sleeping with the Gryphons curled up around him and sighed.

"Looks like he is sleeping well....now then Lady Irene, please go and wake him up." said Stella as she gave Irene a light push.

"Yeah, and make the Gryph and Phen angry towards me. No thanks." said Irene.

Hearing that Stella smirked and said, "Alright then if you don't want to wake him up maybe I will do it....in an intimate way."

Irene frowned after hearing that and stepped towards Damian without thinking twice about it.

Feeling the sound of someone approaching them Gryph and Phen woke up and looked towards Irene who was coming towards them and stared intently at her making the red head flinch.

She knew how much Damian liked the two gryphons but the fact that the two gryphons didn't like her much made her act cautiously against them so as to not make them angry. Even though she was confident that defeating the two gryphons was way too easy for her, but knowing that it will sadden Damian if something happened to the gryphons made her stop.

Gryphons who saw the expression on Irene's face stood up and got to the side of the room allowing Irene to do as she please.

"Hey, that was unfair." complained Stella as she looked at the two gryphons.

""And?"" asked the two gryphons as they looked at the blonde girl who just snorted and looked away.

Irene on the other hand smiled at the two gryphons and went towards Damian to wake him up.

Damian who suddenly lost the soft fur and warmth from the gryphons moved his arms around him and captured Irene in her embrace and slowly pulled her towards himself.

Irene who was suddenly hugged by Damian was surprised but seeing Damian's sleeping face just in front of her she stopped at stared at him for a while.

Staring at him for a while she caressed his cheek and hair before she hugged him as well and buried her face in his chest.


"...I never expected that waking someone up would be this torturous..." muttered Stella as she looked at the couple.

"Gryph, Stella is lonely?"

"Yeah, Phen she is."

Hearing what the gryphons said Stella took major damage and looked at the gryphons who were looking at her curiously.

'The fact that they are just kids who don't even know much about life makes what they said even worse.' thought Stella as she went towards the Gryphons and hugged them.

"Comfort big sister." said Stella.

"See, she is lonely." said Gryph which made the former princess groan in sadness as she headbutted Gryph.

"Hey what was that for." said Gryph as he hit Stella with his beak.

"Punishment for making fun of me." said Stella as she caught the incoming beak.

"Don't be mean to Gryph." said Phen as she tried to separate Stella and Gryph.


Meanwhile Irene who was in Damian's embrace was done taking in her Damian essence and pulled out her face from his chest and looked at him.

"Damian...wake up." said Irene as she tapped his shoulder.

"Damian..." said Irene again making Damian frown a bit.

Irene was about to call him again when suddenly she felt her butt getting squeezed by something.

Turning back she found Damian's hand on her butt and blushed a bit. She then looked towards Stella and found her playing with the gryphons and immediately placed a silencing and vision blocking barrier around the bed.

"Damian you are being naughty." said Irene as she looked at him.

"Don't tempt me then..." said Damian as he groggily opened this eyes.

"What's the matter, you finally stopped doubting me?" asked Damian with a smirk on his face as he removed his hands from her ass.

"Yea..." said Irene as Damian stared intently at her.

"....For the most part..." said Irene as she admitted under Damian's intent gaze.

Damian sighed and sat up on the bed as he scratched his head.

"Really thought that I had a better image.... atleast with you." said Damian as he remembered the words that the people of the town said to him.

Irene sat up as well and kissed his cheek.

"I trust you a lot Damian....just understand that I am concerned about Dragonof....and the condiy which it is currently in-"

"-is totally shit and since you have seen the documents with my signature and the 'evidence' that you got from who knows where made you accuse me as well." said Damian as he looked at Irene.

Irene flinched as he saw Damian looking at him after hearing what he said.

Damian sighed and said, "Well whatever, you got your evidence, I will show you mine. Just make sure not to break down after what you see and hear, afterall today I will show you the reality of the people whom you care about so much that you even did something I never thought you would." said Damian as he stood up from the bed.


"I have been accused and I will prove my innocence. No matter how ugly it gets." said Damian.

Irene looked down with a saddened look on her face when suddenly she noticed Damian walking towards her.

"And by the way, happy birthday." said Damian as he placed a box in front of her and kissed her forehead.

He then shattered the barrier around them and said, "Well then, you two. I and the gryphons prepared an exhibition for today, so let's go and enjoy it." He then looked at Irene and with a smile on his face said, "Specially you Irene."

Stella and Irene who saw Damian's smile knew something was going on and remembering what happened in the morning both of them were pretty sure that it is going to be something big.

Both the girls looked at eachother and just gave a nod deciding to follow him.