Something really ain't right

A few days passed by since the day Damian and the others celebrated Stella's birthday. The things were going as they were supposed to which meant that the war was getting way out of hand of either sides because of the appearance of the mysterious black dragon.

Though this time they at least knew the identity or what was told to them by the dragon itself, who declared itself to be Acnologia a being whose mission was the annihilation of all the dragons and whatever comes in between the path of its mission will get destroyed as well.

Knowing this information the dragons who were creatures who had huge amounts of pride decided to fight this new enemy only to get slaughtered mercilessly and easily by the black dragon.

Damian who got this news wanted to keep this to himself, only to find out that the next day a huge crowd was gathered in front of the castle demanding to kill this unknown slaughter dragon.

He was really pissed off knowing that someone was purposely trying to cause a riot in the kingdom but wasn't sure whether it was someone from the inside or someone from the enemy kingdom.

Deciding to ignore the said preprator, Damian addressed the public wanting to tell them about the situation as it originally was for the both the battlefield and the kingdom which included the act of the nobles and the losses suffered at the war and about the preparations that they were making to improve their conditions. But as soon as he was about to speak the public rose a protest about wanting to see their queen and not the foreigner who ruined their kingdom's condition.

After hearing all the curses, insults and dodging all the projectiles that were thrown at him while also holding back Gryph and Phen who were about to attack the people for attacking him. Damian simply went inside and soon the beautiful and magnificent queen of Dragonof came out to take his place.

Though it was only Damian, Stella and Irene herself who knew that the one addressing the people was not Irene but her personal maid Zena who was used to taking her place from time to time using a magic tool.

After hearing the reality that came from Irene's (Zena's) mouth the whole public was silent as they were unable to believe how badly their condition actually was, though Damian knew that it was because most of them didn't understand half of what Zena wanted to convey since most of the general population of Dragonof was not actually smart enough to know what all those words actually meant, but Damian decided to keep that to himself as the queen and rest of the citizens of Dragonof might take that as an insult.....which it actually was.

The words that Damian decided to keept to himself proved themselves to be true as moments later the public decided to praise the queen for her hardwork even in such conditions since Christopher sent some of his knights disguised as the public in the group who started leading them to praise since he too knew that the public was very good at following the others without thinking much so it was relatively easy to control the situation.

Because of all this the blame that was being put on Damian reduced significantly but the people still had suspicions that Damian was at fault for their downfall.

In response to all those thoughts Damian just locked himself up in his room and focused on refilling his supplies of lacrima and potions and only taking breaks when necessary.

Irene's physical condition was also getting worse as her dragonification was still happening though it's speed decreased quite a bit compared to the beginning of the change.


Currently inside a pretty messy room, Damian was busy fiddling with some lacrimas while a complex setup of glass and liquids was kept at a distance from him where the potions were being extracted slowly and slowly into a container.

Various vials filled with different colours of liquid were kept in crates beside that setup signifying that he was successfully able to make some of his potions.

"...Damn because of that event I now need to supply the potions to the battlefields..." said Damian.

"Shitty people who just want to cause trouble for us." said another Damian who was sorting the potions according to the effects it showed.

"...If only we knew who that person was. I really want them to be from some other kingdom so that we can just destroy that kingdom in one go." said the third Damian who was filling up the vials with the potions collected in the big containers.

"It would be a bad idea since it will just make the idiots more wary of us." said the fourth Damian who was sorting out the lacrimas modified by Damian.

"And what's the problem with that." said the fifth Damian who was currently resting as he was done with his shift.

""""It will be way too troublesome."""" said the four Damians in unison as they looked at the one who was resting on the sofa.

The one who was resting looked at the four and though about it for a while and said, "Yeah that would be..."

"... Alright it's my turn to rest now." said the Damian who was fiddling with the lacrimas as he stood up.

"Eh? Already. Hey original let me rest more." said the resting Damian as he looked at the Damian who just stood up.

The original Damian just raised his middle finger as he made his way to the sofa and pushed the one resting off it and lied down.

"You slave driver!" said the clone who was resting as he looked at the original for a whole before he got to work.

"Hey go and check the situation outside. We haven't gone out for five days, you know? Who knows what all might be happening? Be at Irene's side for a while as well." said one of the clones hearing which the others nodded their head as well.

Damian got out of his room and started moving towards the room where Irene was kept in to prevent her from meeting others and let them know about her dragonification.

But on the way Damian realised that he was currently not that clean and hygienic. So changing his plans a bit, Damian decided to take a quick shower and decided to take it at the knights training field as it was closer to the place where was.

Soon Damian reached the training ground which hardly had any people there as most of them were appointed at the battlefields.

The soldiers who were still there were training as they were kept behind inorder to protect the castle in case of emergency. They greeted Damian as they saw him and unlike the other people from Dragonof who were not that fond of him, the soldiers were respectful to him as most of them knew and saw how the nobles and the others were dealt with and how it was Damian himself who worked to keep the kingdom stable. And even though some of the soldiers were salty about the fact that a foreigner like him executed the nobles of their kingdom, they still knew that the crime done by the nobles was way too severe to be just shrugged off like that.

Damian looked at the training that the soldiers were doing for a while, when suddenly his gaze fell on a person who just fell down down on his knees and gripped his head as he let out a painful screech.

Hearing that all the soldiers near him stopped their training and moved towards him to check what was wrong with him.

"Stand back!!!" yelled Damian all of a sudden hearing which some of the soldiers turned around to look at him but the ones who were not that respectful of the foreigner decided to help their fellow soldier.

"Stop!!" yelled Damian once again as he looked at the people who were moving towards the kneeling soldier.

'His ethernano is going haywire!!' thought Damian as he felt the sudden disturbance and increase in the man's magic power.

Damian just told the soldiers to move back a bit as he himself didn't know what would be happening just now. But still the some soldiers tried to help their friend as they tried to ask that. man what was happening to him time and time again.

All of a sudden the man looked up at the others near him seeing which the people near him got a bit relieved. But immediately after that the man's whole body started getting bigger and bigger as he immediately destroyed the clothes and armour that he was wearing. Grey draconic scales appeared all over the man's body and his humanoid body started to transform to that of a dragon.

'Ge was a dragon slayer?!?!?!' thought Damian with a shocked expression on his face as it should not be possible since all the dragon slayers were already deployed at the battlefields.


Once the transformation was complete the human turned dragon roared out loud as he swiped away all the nearby soldiers with its claws shredding their bodies without any second thoughts.

"Move back!!" yelled Damian once again making some of the soldiers to snap out of trance and follow his orders while the others just stared at the scene with a dumbfounded expression on their faces.

Seeing that Damian clicked his tongue as he he looked at his Omnitrix and decided to deal with the situation.

He started running towards the dragon while fiddling around with his watch and soon a blue light came out of his body as he started changing as well. Soon the light dimmed down as a green crystal humanoid figure appeared(Diamondhead).

Damian immediately jumped on top of the dragon and started attacking it from the top making the mindless dragon annoyed by him as he tried to shake him off his body.

Damian pointed his arms at the Dragon's body and started firing sharp crystal at it making the dragon roar from anger and pain.

Seeing that he was not able to shake the thing of its back the dragon followed it instinct and rolled over to crush Damian under its weight, only for Damian to expect what was going to happen as he jumped up in the air and avoided the attack as he land on the dragon's exposed belly.

"You are so dead." said Damian as his hands transformed into long and spikes which he used to stab the dragon's belly with ease.

The dragon screamed in pain as blood gushed out of its body where Damian pierced him.

Seeing that scene the soldiers gulped their saliva but still some of them wanted to stop Damian as he was killing someone who was their comrade not too long ago.

Ignoring the soldiers Damian jumped off the dragons belly and slammed his hands on the ground as a huge number of diamonds started coming out of the ground and covered the dragon's body making him unable to move.

The dragon who was now trapped tried to struggle out of the crystal cacoon, but before it was able to break the crystal Damian pressed his Omnitrix once again as he changed into another purple humanoid creature(gutrot).

Damian stood in front of the Dragon's face and yelled out loud, "Hold your breath and get far away from here!!"

And immediately after that a blue gas came out of Damian's body.

Understanding that it was meant for them, the soldiers held their breaths as they ran away from the training field just as Damian ordered them to.

Soon enough tge dragon who had sniffed enough of the gas stopped struggling and laid their unconscious but still alive inside the crystal prison.

Seeing that the dragon was asleep Damian looked around and sighed seeing that nobody was near them.

'It would have been awful if they would have smelled this sleeping gas meant to make dragon's asleep.' thought Damian as he made a barrier around the area to prevent the gas from leaking out and then transformed back to his human form.

'... Something really ain't right.' thought Damian as he looked at the unconscious dragon as he wondered what a Dragonslayer was doing here.