
Currently in the disguise of a commoner Damian was passing through the streets of Dragonof in order to not inform anyone keeping an eye on the castle, since people who can fly in and out of the castle were very few and are easily recognisable.

After taking his time to walk around the streets without acting suspiciously, Damian reached the edge of the town which was being protected by huge walls.

He looked around for a while and seeing that no one was nearby he looked towards his Omnitrix.

"... Something less flashy would be good." muttered Damian as he fiddled with his watch.

And after finding a suitable transformation Damian pressed the dial and got enveloped in a blue light.

Soon enough a creature covered in a blue cloak appeared at the spot Damian was standing at.

The creature's cloak then opened up revealin a pair of wings and immediately after that Damian turned invisible and intangible.(Big chill)

He phased through the wall and then continued to fly in his invisible form so as to not get any attention from anyone and continued on his journey.

'...Should I check for Natsu and the other kids once again?' thought Damian as he got reminded of the cheerful pink haired boy while flying over a dense forest.

A small smile appeared on his lips as Damian thought about the kids coming up to him with smiles and wanting to play with him.

"Let's look for them once I am done with the main task." said Damian as he pressed the Omnitrix on his chest and transformed into Jetray.

Immediately after that Damian picked up the pace and rushed towards the location.

Soon Damian spotted the totally demolished battlefield showing no signs of battle going on.

Damian started lowering the altitude and soon frowned as the image of the ground became clearer and he noticed the dead dragon bodies that were present there on the battlefield.

Soon he landed on the ground and transformed back to his human form.

"...So this is where you were..." said Damian in a low voice.

Hearing his voice one of the dragon bodies lying in front of him opened its eyes and growled at him.

"...Just let me" said the dragon with a pained tone as he looked towards Damian.

"Maka-jii...." said Damian as he walked towards the old dragon.

"...I felt that you were coming here....glad I was able to last until then." said Maka as he looked at Damian.

Damian's eyes started tearing up a bit as he started feeling choked. His eyes then glanced at the Dragon's stomach which clearly showed how severely wounded the dragon in front of him was.

"Heh, this is just a flesh wound.....When I started to heal myself I barely had any flesh and bones below my wings....Well I am awesome to survive even after that kind of injury, right?" asked Maka as he grinned.

"Yeah. You are awesome. So awesome that you can heal yourself completely and will live well soo, right?" asked Damian.

But no response came from the old dragon. Both the dragon and Damian knew that the magic left in the dragon along with his body was dying and disappearing.

"...Looks like I am not that awesome." said Maka as he gave a sigh.

Damian who heard those words from the old Dragon pointed his hand towards him and used it to enhance his healing.

But Maka who felt the familiar magic looked at Damian and slightly shook his head.

"No need for that brat.....I know how bad my condition is." said Maka as he closed his eyes.

But Damian didn't say anything and continued to enhance his healing. He then moved closer to the wound and got even more horrified seeing that even the inter organs were severely damaged.

Damian moved towards Maka's head and took out all the crates of potion that he had made recently.

"Dragons are omnivorous right? Maka-jii have these potions as well." said Damian as he pushed the crates close to Maka's mouth.

"I don't have the strength left for that." said Maka as he looked at the crates and shook his head.

"Don't give me that crap!" said Damian as he opened a vial of potion and put it inside the dragon's mouth.

Maka seeing what Damian was doing said, "Don't waste the resources brat. I know that you are smart enough to know that those potions of yours will not help the injuries that I have right now."

But Damian didn't stop and continued to use the potions one after the other until finally all the potions that he prepared were finished.

"Shit!" cursed Damian as he got angered at himself.

" know....the day that I first heard of you....that a mage from other kingdom is trying to threaten our kingdom....I thought that you were a total asshole whom I could kill without thinking much..."

"The first time we met I thought that you were a pervert....and you actually are one." said Damian.

"Hahaha....Well I am glad that we met Damian....Thank you for saving my life back then....though even after that I wasn't able to get laid....that's a shame." said Maka as he gave a laugh.



Both of them then fell silent and Damian noticed that the dragon had closed his eyes. He clenched his fists as tears started flowing down his cheeks.

"... never thought that I will ever see you cry...heh what do you know....looks like I was loved by someone afterall." said Maka in a low tone as he glanced at Damian with his slightly opened eyes.

"...Maka-jii...." said Damian but stopped when he felt Maka's ethernano dissipating and disappearing from his body.

"Guess it's time eh...come closer you brat."

Damian nodded and walked closer to Maka and placed his hand on his head.

"...Stay strong and be happy...and make sure to tell your kids about how awesome and great dragon I was....Tell them my tales of how woman flaunted at me and all the awesome things I did....also take care of that little girl Irene."

"...I will..." said Damian.

"....And don't do things that will cause you harm....unlike me you have people who worry about you." said Maka.

"What the hell are you talking about. There are many people who feel that you are important. One is standing right here." said Damian as tears continued to flow down of his cheeks.

"Heh, I am glad to hear that....Also beware of that Acnologia....he is strong....and ruthless."

Damian wiped his tears and asked, "Was he the one who did this to you?"

But Maka didn't say anything and just gave a sigh.

"...yeah..." was the last thing that came out of his mouth before Maka stopped breathing.

Damian who realised that the old dragon in front of him finally died clenched his fists tightly and gritted his teeth. He then kneeled down in front of him and started just remained their for a while silently praying and crying for the dragon.