Day with the creepy friend

A few days passed by since the incident which involved Irene and Stella being suspicious of Damian.

Stella was still a bit suspicious and tried to get some info out of Damian from time to time, but Damian remained silent about what he was doing since he didn't want to involve others in the things he was currently preoccupied with.

And even though Irene said that she believed in him and that she will agree to his request and not probe much into the matter. Damian could still feel that Irene was slightly restless about the situation since Damian told her that the place that he usually visited was kind of dangerous.

Signing while having these and many other thoughts in his mind Damian soon arrived at his location.

"Welcome back."

"Oh, I am back," replied Damian as he waves his hand tiredly.

"You look very tired, are you alright? You should take a rest if you are feeling uncomfortable Damian."

"...It's alright. I am fine," replied Damian as he shook his head tiredly.

"...Well if you say so. Oh, please come with me I will prepare a special dish for you that will make you energized and happy."

Damian who heard the offer was about to say that it was not needed but before he was able to the person grabbed his hand and dragged him inside and without waiting for an answer.

"Sit here~ I will make something for you real quick~"

Damian who found himself in the dining room blinked his eyes in surprise as he looked at the person who dragged him inside, made him sit in the dining room, and started preparing something for him all of a sudden.

"...You know you are acting kinda bit creepy...Zeref."

Damian looked at the fellow black-haired mage who had a curse on him with a deadpan look on his face.

Zeref who heard Damian call out to him turned around and looked at him with a smile on his face.

Damian looked at the man who is supposed to have a curse of killing everything near him out of nowhere, wearing an apron and cooking happily for him.

"Well, It's the first time that I am making my special dish for a fire- no for my best friend so I am feeling really happy and excited." Zeref said as he looked at Damian with a bright smile on his face.

Damian looked at the mage in front of him for a while and wondered where the bland, expressionless, and self-loathing person whom he first met went. The Zeref who was in front of him was happy, cheerful, overly clingy, and annoying.

Damian sighed looking at the changed Zeref as he saw the black miasma which Zeref called the curse come out of his body and walked up to him.

Damian who was somehow immune to the killing curse touched Zeref's body and slowly the black aura around him dissipated.

"We really are fated to be friends of course," said Zeref as he smiled at his best and the only friend whom he had to not worry about killing accidentally.

Zeref who had been devoid of any love and affection for quite a long time felt happy whenever Damian was around him. He now had someone whom he could treat as a friend and could open up to.

Damian who saw the smiling Zeref just shook his head and thought, 'I know that I am not bringing Irene and Stella here, because of his killing curse. But I think that them seeing how we usually act here would damage me more.'


"Here you go, Damian. Now eat my food. Feel the bliss. And tell me how great is the dish filled with my friendship and talent is."

Damian looked at Zeref who was looking at him smugly as if sure that the food will be great and will definitely be liked by him.

"...You haven't added something suspicious in here, right?" asked Damian.

"Haha, you sure make good jokes Damian."

"...Seriously Zeref what have you added in it?"

"...You are hitting my feelings now."

Both of them stared at each other with serious looks on their faces.

"...Will you eat it?"

"...Its aroma is enticing."

"Fufufu I know. I put a lot of effort into this. I can guarantee that once you take a bit you won't be able to stop."

Damian looked down at the food in front of him and gulped. It looked and smelled great and he could feel that it was something extraordinary.

Finally, his stomach growled and Damian sighed as he picked up his spoon.

Seeing that Zeref smirked and gestured Damian to go on as looked at him with an amused look on his face.

Damian simply ignored his smug friend and took a bite.

But soon Damian's bored and fired face changed as his eyes widened with surprise as he began chewing the dish.

Ether nano but out of his body and even a second later Damian picked up the plate and started devouring the food without any shred of manners.

"I certainly didn't expect to see such a deep reaction. Looks like my effort was worth it," said Zeref as he saw his friend. He released a relieved sigh and just looked at Damian, or more specifically the ether nano that was swirling around him.

"The main purpose of the food is also achieved," said Zeref as he stood up from his seat to get some water for Damian.

After finishing his meal Damian placed the plate and spoon back on the table and looked at Zeref with an excited and shocked expression on his face.

"That dish was hella amazing!!!"

"I am glad that you liked it."

"Seriously man! It was a great experience. I never expected that you could make something that great."

"Haha, well I don't need to eat to live so food is not a necessity. I am glad that my skill wasn't rusted."

Damian who was now refreshed stretched his muscles and then sat more comfortably in his chair and looked down on the empty plate.

"It's really a waste that you don't appreciate how satisfying eating something great when you are hungry is. After all, hunger is the best seasoning."

"It doesn't matter much to me, though. I am happy as long as the person to whom I serve a dish is happy," said Zeref with a slightly melancholic look on his face.

"Make Natsu some of this. I am sure he will be hooked to the taste in no time," said Damian as he could guess that Zeref most likely came up with the dish for Natsu.

Chuckling a bit Zeref looked at Damian who guessed what he was thinking about and sighed, "You really are full of surprises Damian. Well so how are you feeling now, are you refreshed now, after all, I did cast a spell on it to help with that."

"So that's what the suspicious feeling I had, huh. *Sigh* Yeah, I am feeling great. Thank you."

"Don't mind it. So mind sharing what's been burdening you? I can help you with it if you want." said Zeref as he cleared the table and brought some tea for the two of them.

'...Well even though he is changed I guess it is not a bad change.' thought Damian as he looked at the cups that Zeref brought with him with one marked with 'D' and the 'Z'.

'Well, he is kinda creepy though.' thought Damian as he shook his head.