Chapter 5: In a knick of time

A loud explosion was heard inside the compund of the DSWD.

Shit, it seems that the Juggernaut is in one hell of a situation. They really need our help. Come on we need to react fast. I said to my squad.

Blade find a position to deploy your K3 and pop all those bastard near the gate.

Malvar provide security for Blade. Markus, Spine and Castle come with me will assualt the compound and locate President's squad and extract them along with the trapped soldiers and civis. I commanded them.

Copy, we got you covered bros. stay safe alright? Malvar said.

And also Malvar, radio President that were going in hot. i added.

Copy. said Malvar.

Blade quickly climb a 10 wheeler truck and deploy his K3 and begun to open fire. Malvar found an acacia tree and climed on top of it radioed President and provided eyes and sniper fire.

Juggernaut this is disvowed, Beast and the rest of the squad is coming hot in the front gate, check your fire over. Malvar radioed president.

Disvowed this is Juggernaut, just in the knick of time were almost out of beer and we really need your help.

Dont worry President, Beast and the rest of the squad is almost at the gate clearing all the infected.

Any info about the trapped soldiers and civis, waht's there SITS? Malvar ask.

We got them here the squad we rescued has one casualty. a puncture wound on his left abdomen, we need to extract him as soon as possible, for the rest of the survivor there im good condition there giving us assistance in holding our position. President replied.

President this is Beast were coming in now, Pop one 40mm on the infected infront of you we'll also pop one here on our side. i said to President.

Got it Beast. Thanks for coming. we really need your help right now. President replied.

No worries Pres we always got each others back, and i still owe you 5 cups of coffee. i said to Pres.

Road runner pop one infront. President instructed Roadrunner.

Copy boss. popping one now. Roadrunner replied.

a strong explosion erupted and cleared the infected infront of them.

Markus pop one 40mm now, Castle and Spine open fire clear all the infected. I said.

As soon as the grenade hit its mark it erupted a loud explosion. followed by a volume of fire clearing all the infected in our area.

Pres move ass now. on the double. i instructed President and his whole squad and the rest of the survivor followed with there wounded. We provided cover fire as they move to our position eliminating the remaining infected in the area. We run on the double towards the gate and exiting the compound.

I radioed Blade And Malvar, Boc cover us were moving toward our point of entrance, point of exit.

Copy Boc. Malvar replied

were now moving tactically while shooting and moving at the same time eliminating the remaining infected in the area while Malvar and Blade provide cover fire to lessen the incoming infected to our direction.

Suddenly one infected cuaght me on my right foot causing me to loose my balance.

Ahh. fuck! i exclaimed.

it tried to bite my foot off good thing i was wearing our combat tropical boots which is one tough son of a bitch for a boot.

I instinctively kick the asshole twice smashing its head and splattering the remnants of its brain.

Markus aproached me and help me stand up.

Yow you good Beast. Seems you loose you temper on that one. Said Markus.

Fuck that one got me surprised. I'll make mental note on that one to avoid it from happening again. I said with pissed impression.

then i exclaimed, last man in?

the Juggernaut and my squad replied in unison last man in!!

Okay let's keep moving. I instructed Pres, Pres you'll be the rear security along with your squad, will take point, keep all the survivors in the center.

You guys pointing on the remaining soldiers we rescued can you still move and shoot? Were going to need your assisatance for us to reach the extraction point safely. I dont have any plans on lossing any of you in this mission. i asked the able bodied soldiers.

Yes sir. we can still fight. They respond.

Okay. i replied

Rhino this is Beast were now moving to your location for extraction whats your SITS?

Beast this is Rhino, we got few infected but there not going to be a problem for your extraction. What's your ETA?

5 minutes, if we dont bump into any infected. i replied.

Occasionally we bumped into some infected 2 to 3 infected but they did not become a problem with our movement. We keep on moving forward until the Simba was already in view.

I radioed Rhino.

Rhino, Beast. we can already see you were coming in were we enter earlier.

Copy, we have you in view.

the sun was almost up and its another new day. We have to return to base as soon as possible. i said to myself.

afterwards we reach the simba and the KM truck. we ensure that the survivor and the Juggernaut squad enter the truck safely. we provide security for them while the .50 cal of the simba provided cover fire.

Everyone in? i exclaimed.

everyone's in. Pres replied.

Copy. Ok, Disvowed mount up on the simba were leaving. I exclaimed.

When all my squad enter the Simba and i was the last one to enter and gave the signal to the driver.

Last man in, Lets get home. Mission success. I said while smiling. i took a seat on the side of the simba, holding my rosary again and thanking god for keeping us safe. Then i unconciously sing "country road" again making everyone to sing along with us. even the APC commander sing alonged. I radioed Pres.

Pres, Beast. everyone alright in your vehicle?

Yeah were good, the others are already asleep. Pres said

Got it Pres. I respond.

And Beast, we owe you big time. thanks. Pres said

No worries Pres. We always got each others back. hehe. I said while Smiling.

Lets dooze off for a moment Pres. we had one hell of a night. i said.

Copy, Boc. Pres replied.