06. Going to the city

Mina sighed. ''I was lying about the price. It is indeed ice silk, but with proper embroidery, it would cost the highest one to two gold. That dress had no embroidery at all.''

Elder Kang came closer and knocked her head lightly. "Even on gold is a thousand silver. Are you dumb?"

Mina sighed and sat down. "I found it ridiculous. My whole life became the mess the moment my mother died. I was the oldest daughter of my family and should have had a better life, but then realized something. My mother was the first daughter as well, but that didn't stop her living and dying like a pitiful woman. Elder Kang, in this life I really hope I don't have to live with anyone. Alone? It's fine with me."

Elder Kang nodded and patted her head. "We did you wrong as we didn't stop her on time. I will make villagers repair your house for free. Trust me, they feel bad about this."

Mina sighed and nodded. "I will accept it. I must. That dress was my insurance in case I needed money. Now I have to save as much as I can. By the way, I will come to your house in the late afternoon. I must go first to the city to buy food. And look for work. You think seamstress will take my orders?"

Elder Kang became serious. "She is very picky but at the same time fair. If she let you do embroidery for her, she will pay you fully and fairly."

Mina smiled and nodded. "Then I hope she will like these." She opened one box and took out two handkerchiefs.

One was embroidered with flowers in the morning. Even the dewdrops could be seen on flower petals. The other had a fish swimming in the river while the water splashed around. Both were work of arts and Mina proudly showed it to her.

Elder Kang was looking at the two handkerchiefs with big eyes. ''They are truly beautifully done. If you don't find work you can give embroidery classes to young women.''

''I wish to live a peaceful life. All by myself. Please understand me. I chose embroidery as I can sit in front of my house and work in peace and quiet. For real embroidery you need concentration and I like my simple life. My house is perfect for me. High walls, big yard and house big enough for me. Tomorrow I will buy some food and if I get embroidery and writing work I can live calmly and happily. If I feel stuffy I can walk through the forest. Life here is not bad.''

Elder Kang patted her head and turned towards the door to go. But just before she left she saw Mina sitting down on the porch and sighing. With a heavy heart, she opened the door and saw a man standing there with a dark expression.

When they closed the Kang's residence door the man kneeled down and bowed. ''I didn't expect this situation after beating up that man. He was insulting you and I just...''

Elder Kang nodded. ''It seems people started forgetting how much they owe me. Rally them all. Tomorrow morning she will go to the city. Let's repair everything until she comes home. At least this much our village can do for her. But those people must be punished. Call your brothers and stop all trade with Baek and Won family. Let's see what can they do without my trade lines.''

The man in black nodded while the woman took out a small toy and smiled sorrowfully. ''Child, I wish you were here. I think you would have liked her. Such a proud and stubborn character is somewhat similar to yours. I miss you, my son. Where are you?''

Next morning Mina was awake before dawn and rushed with the basket on her back towards Lee's family household. Just when she was walking up the hill the big door opened and she saw the two Lee's preparing to leave.

Old Lee just nodded at her while his wife opened her hand and asked. ''One way or two ways?''

Mina held her money and looked at her with a smile. ''If I pay you to drive back all I buy, how much would it be?''

Miss Lee shook her head. ''Sorry child. It is not that I do not want, but our donkey is already old. I try to put as little stuff as possible on the carriage so he can last us a few more years. In city there are carriages you can rent for ten coins. Old Lee, you probably know a few of them, can't you help her find someone to drive her back?''

Old Lee nodded with a smile. ''Don't worry. I know a few people. Full rented carriages are ten coins on way. You probably want to buy rice and other things you need.''

She nodded. ''Yes. I need to buy many things, last night many things got broken...'' She sighed as she took out three coins and gave it to miss Lee with a deep bow. She put her basket with heavy pot carefully inside and rubbed her shoulders.

She appreciated that miss Lee was honest to her.

Old Lee sighed. ''We have no idea how would anyone come to such conclusion. I fear someone is doing this on purpose to anger our Elder Kang. Never mind. You did well to clarify everything. You will see. Our village might be small but people here are not that bad. Let children teach you anything. I heard you went with them to the forest.'' Changing the direction of the conversation he leads them to lighter stuff as she spoke about where they went and what they did.

On their way to the city, she realized that miss Lee might be quite a moneygrubber if anyone gives her the chance, but at the same time, she can be quite cute when she talks about this and that. She avoided talking bout other villagers and spoke about the house, her garden, her animals and her cooking. As it seems she was quite proud of her cooking skills.

As they spoke about this and that idea of cooking miss Lee found out that Mina was quite easy to speak to and exchanged with her some knowledge about cooking and surviving while they slowly approached the city.

As soon they got out of the forest a plane opened up in front of them. As they were driving on bit higher ground that city seemed in front of their reach but Mina could tell that it needed time to get there.

As the first golden sunlight stroke over the roofs of the sleepy town, a buzzing could be heard. Slowly the windows opened and people let the warm sunshine enter their homes and warm their hearts and bodies. Small birds chirped on the side of the road as the slow sound of hoofs resounded in hills that just started to wake up.

The closer they came to the city, the more people were on their way towards it. Some in carriages and some by foot. Mina looked at them with shiny eyes and big smiles. Small children would turn their heads towards her and wave at her if she smiled at them.

On end, their carriage was followed by chirping crowd of children that wanted stop to tell her something. ''Miss, you are going to town. We are going as well. Look my parents are from the next village and sell vegetables. If your want vegetables just find us.'' The little girl tried to praise her parent's goods.

Mina chuckled and nodded. ''I will walk a bit trough city this time. I will come by later. If you see me come to me.''

Looking at the long line of people she might not even see them in the crowd. But little girl seriously nodded. ''Don't worry miss. I will definitely find you.'' And then rushed happily to her parent's carriage.

The other children showed her pretty flowers on side of rad and explain to her about them. They would bring her this and that flower and she would carefully put it inside of cloth for later.

Lee's wife sighed and looked at the young woman that with patience listened to all their talk and shook her head. ''How can you be so calm while they speak at the same time?''

Mina turned her head and chuckled. ''I like children. One day when I get older will adopt a couple of children and raise them as my own.''

Miss Lee nodded. ''I heard your story quite fast. If you really made a serious choice of adopting children is not a bad idea.''

Mina just smiled and saw the city gate not far away so she turned her head towards children. ''Go, rush to your parents. In this crowd, someone might snatch you. Be safe. We will see each other another time again.''

The city gate came into her eyesight and she smiled. Let's see what is interesting here...