14. Cooking with recipe

"Who said that?" Elder Kang walked in furiously.

Mina just shook her head. "Sorry. I was just thinking loudly. Ko Mea fainted just while ago and is awake now. But I don't let her walk around as I don't know did she hurt herself or not."

Elder Kang swiftly entered the side room and saw Ko Mea trying to stand up. "Mina told you to lay down so do so. Are you trying to make your condition even worse?"

Nagging and curses could be heard from inside while Mina calmly continued to clean the last batch of intestines. Just when she was done Elder Kang came out. ''How is she?''

As she said those words Ko Mea came out and smiled. ''Elder Kang is amazing. I already feel better.''

Mina just pressed her lips and pointed at rest of entrails. ''Come here let me show you how to cook this. Actually, there are many ways. If you have these you can make long-lasting sausages that can be eaten for a long time. There is a way to make blood sausage or blood tofu as well. But today I will teach you this. Take the pig head and put into that water. Now it is clean and you have to cook it with wild seasonings for a quarter of a day. If you start cooking in the morning by midday the whole meat could be taken off easily. After you took that off, put the rests back into pot and cook half of that time again. After that leave only the water as it could be used for soups or you can cook roots. It tastes amazing. Rest of meat, skin and ears you can just cook or fry as you wish.''

She went towards the kitchen while the two women curiously looked how she put pig head into dep put and covered it with water. ''Just keep cooking with low fire.''

then she took the entrails and inner organs and put aside. As she looked through the forest with kids they showed her few seasoning that villagers used to enrich their meals. She had them on the side and started adding this and that inside the pork head pot.

Elder Kang curiously sniffed and opened widely her eyes. ''Oh, the nasty smell is gone?''

Mina chuckled. ''Everyone in the village is using these seasonings. I put from each seasoning just a handful as this is first time preparing with these. But I found the smell amazing so I don't fear that it will smell and taste bad.''

She put the lid on the pot and checked fire and then pointed at the entrails and inner organs. ''They are very well cleaned. So half of it you will take home as I can't eat them all alone. Now cut thinly all the seasonings you like, add salt and some sugar or honey. If you don't have sugar or honey, its fine as well. On side prepare cooking oil on medium fire. You must be careful with fire. It is most important not to burn anything. It's a waste of good food.''

As she spoke she quickly cut thinly all the seasoning, mixed some oil, honey ( she had no sugar) and salt. Then she cut intestines in smaller parts and mixed it with the prepared mixture. While she did the oil was already ready. She put the intestines carefully into the hot oil, stirred it and then covered it with lid as well. ''It will take some time to fry. Now inner organs. You can prepare the same way actually. Some cook them then fry I just cut slices bit thinner and then mix them with all the seasonings and then fry them. I add vegetables inside as well as they help with the taste and smell as well.''

She took time to cut everything as thin as possible, made another mixture and let the inner organs rest while she checked on the fried intestines. She missed it a bit and happily smiled. ''Look how red it is. Soon they will be finished and you can taste it. She turned around and picked one of the bowls. Whit swift movements she picked up the precut intestines and let it in front of the two women while she added in the same oil a lot fo chopped onion and garlic.

After it was fried a bit she added the precut meat and lots of vegetables. Then she covered it and looked at curiously looking women that stared at the bowl filled with tasty looking intestines. She just shrugged and bit on one.

Her eyes lit up as she happily munched on the warm intestine. ''Indeed, these herbs are amazing. All the aftertaste and the smell are gone now. How amazing. By the way. These fried intestines can hold on for day or two and you can make amazing soup with vegetables with it. Can you help me with cleaning the pots and pans? If you do that I will give you some lard, seasonings and salt so you can make same dish when you get back home.'' She had no plans to cook it for them.

Elder Kang saw her munching on it happily and tasted it as well and suddenly her eyes almost popped out. ''This is so tasty!'' She grabbed already for another piece and munched without stop while thinking about the taste of inner organs. ''Will they taste like this as well?''

Mina checked the rice she started cooking and saw it was done so she gave each of the two the rice and smiled. ''Wait a bit let me see if it's done.''

As she opened the lid a cloud of tasty dish literally hit their faces and the two women almost drolled as they smelled it. They saw the whole process and knew that this dish might become quite a new thing in the city. Elder Kang smiled brightly at Mina and pointed at the pot.

Mina snickered and filled one bigger pot with the food and presented it in front fo two women that just waited for the food to arrive. They almost attacked each other as they plopped the pieces of food inside their mouths. Just a few moments later whole pot with the inner organs was gone.

Mina looked at them and started laughing but still filled another pot with stew and again in no time the food was gone. But she could see that both of them were already filled so she put a lid over the pot and gave them some tea.

Mina packed some seasonings, lard and salt a promised and gave Ko Mea with rest of intestines and inner organs. As she left she looked at Elder Kang's serious expression and chuckled. ''What is it now?''