So, last chapter didn't go down very well because either you have fragile egos and can't bare to see the MC of a story get bodied, or because you can't read into characters and retain information given to you in past chapters.
Now to answer the more verbal comments in this update/chapter thingy.
Luxus_Logo said: "Honestly superman is stupid and blinded by his morality on more than one instance even with having such a high IQ he is a idiot. And as for what the author said they are heroes first of all kal can destroy planets he should learn how to keep his emotions in check second he is most literally being racist"
My answer: I agree. Superman is being blinded by his own moral compass but that's his character. I haven't changed a single thing about that in this portrayal. He's a man driven by his own morality and it gets in the way time and time again. Even if they're heroes, they're still people with emotions and opinions, and most obviously traumas (like losing your entire race kind of trauma). That shit doesn't go away just because they're obligated to help people.
Superman isn't being prejudice because he's angry either; he's terrified. In Kara's POV a few chapters ago I gave some pretty big news which should show you what timeline we're in. Lois Lane is pregnant. Now imagine you're Superman - you'd be destroying any threat that could harm your lover and your child, wouldn't you? And what if you find out a fleet of planet busters is on it's way to the planet your pregnant lover is on? You'd freak out as well.
Ezukejyll said: "yup as you said its a portrayal of what you think about them... so this bullshyt is on you the author and not the original characters... you could have wrote this whole thing better and could have even stop this situation in the first place but nope.... for the sake of your plot, this is what was written an if we are to be disappointed then we only have you as the author to blame. (and in reply to Luxux_Logo, he said): nope superman is only portrayed like this BECAUSE the fanfic author ISN'T a genius."
My answer: A group of planet buster-level aliens are on their way to your planet where your pregnant wife lives, what do you do when you find one of them in front of you? Leave it alone or subdue the threat before it can hurt anyone? Obviously you'd take the latter course of action because you'd be fueled by fear. Superman is being heavily affected by fear at the moment and if you can't see that...well, I'm disappointed in you, buddy.
P.s. I never said I was a genius. Also, I bet you'd have had no problem with Superman's reaction if the MC beat the hell out of him like an OP MC would. You'd probably have put a very supportive comment in the comment sections.
RedAlmond Said: "Theres only a few routes this story is gonna go forward with,the most obvious one which i assume author is planning seeing as how horrible he handled superman's reaction,the kid is gonna stay on earth being watched 24/7 trying to prove to them he is good w.e **** only to end up being ignored for the good he does do and be punished for the bad he did or is going to do.The rather eccentric route would be he actually tapes into the prejudice and helps his empire rise lol but either way he cant be a white or grey anymore haha first time ive seen a story end from one chapter."
My answer: Wrong. Seriously, don't try and point out how I'm trying to built the plot to my own story. To others you might look like you're on the mark but to me, the guy who knows the plot, you just look like an ass who's making a lot of assumptions.
MC isn't gonna try and prove shit. He's just gonna get on with his life and help stop the Viltrumites when they arrive. He doesn't care if the Justice League don't invite him to their little club get-togethers. Plus, the rest of the League won't hold the same opinion as Superman because they don't have the same level of prejudice against the MC. Batman for sure will know to think otherwise and outside the box, and so will Diana/Wonder Woman.
The only reason Superman is acting the way he is, is because he's worried about the life of his child. You'd be worried if a bunch of people who can crack planets open like eggs, were coming to your planet where your pregnant partner lives. His reaction is perfectly acceptable in my opinion.
And of course he can still go the hero route. To be a hero you just have to save people and help the world - you don't have to care about people's opinions. For the majority of his active time being Batman, Bruce was seen as no better than the villains he put away and was treated like a freak despite helping Gotham. But did that stop him? No. A hero is decided upon his strength of character, not his popularity with the public.
Also, who's to say that Superman won't realize he acted like an idiot and come and apologize to Jacob? He humiliated a 19-year-old kid and lost his temper with him simply because of his race - that'd make the big ol' boy scout in blue feel absolutely terrible about himself. Most of the Justice League would no doubt think he'd gone too far as well. Superman, of all people, knows what it's like to be jeered at for being different so he'll no doubt see he was in the wrong.
Anyway, what I'm trying to get across is that you guys need to look at it from Superman's and Kara's perspectives:
Jacob is a Viltrumite. Viltrumites are a race of warmongering killers who commit genocide on a daily basis. Superman has a lover/girlfriend who's also pregnant with his child, so to hear that the Viltrumites - something that would no doubt be told as a scary bedtime story about mythical monsters in the Krypton data base - are coming to Earth, he'd be overridden by fear. His prejudice and fear are what made him act how he did in the last chapter. Not me messing with his character itself but instead giving him realistic reactions to things.
Kara's a bit simpler, honestly. She's just found out that she's feeling such things like lust and attraction to someone who are a part of the race that helped destroy her home planet (in turn, killing her family). She's no doubt incredibly confused right now and just needs time to think to herself.
If you, the people who've been complaining, had tried to think this far in the first place, you'd have probably come to similar conclusions and I wouldn't have had to spend my time writing this to address your complaints. But most importantly, if you don't like this fanfic, don't read it! This is a fanfic, so it'll have my own personal touches here and there, you should've realized this already. Just because it's not an OP MC going around face-slapping people and fucking hot women doesn't mean it's a bad story, okay?
Anyway, I need to go to sleep, so hopefully this made things clearer to some people. If not, I can't really do anything more. You're just a lost cause at this point.