On the way to Kingdom Aletros

"Hey Sab, can you help me to get infor-" Remus was about to ask but got cut off in the middle when Brina snapped, "Never going to happen. I am no longer your partner." she said. 

"However, I will have you watched. I don't want this new, innocent and harmless Brina to get squashed by those cruel people." he mocked. 

"Try not to get caught!" Brina smirked. 

"As if your boyfriend is so capable of catching my people.. huh?" Remus snapped. 

"Those people used to work for me before you idiot. Indirectly you are praising my skills." Brina sarcastically chuckled. 

"Anyway, at the end of the day I am the one who is commanding them." Remus said. 

"Whatever! I totally lost my interest anyway. All I want is a simple life." Brina said. 

"If you become a Queen that's not going to happen, you know it, right?" Remus asked.