Charlotte and Eliina are actually not single!!

Shortly after noon, Eliina came to meet Brina. Her brother asked her to help Brina to disguise herself as they will be going on a date, like an ordinary, simple couple. By that time, Brina completed her shower and she was in a bathrobe, searching for a suitable dress. Eliina chuckled when she saw the mess her sister in law had made in the process of finding a dress. "Sister in law, I am your savior, see" she said as she handed a shopping bag.  It has denim jeans, a simple t-shirt and a jacket along with a cap and goggles. She even brought a few make up accessories along with eye lenses. "Yes, of course, you are, Elle. Thank you again" Brina said but after seeing Eliina's cute pout she laughed. "All right! I am taking back my thank you" Brina said, lifting her hands up, as a surrender. Eliina smiled, her eyes twinkling. Family never apologize or thank each other.  "Yep" she chuckled.