Remus's girlfriend

"Their next target could be Aletros. I think they are planning something big, Remus."

"Kingdom Aletros (Louis's) isn't as weak as Kingdom Philion. So, they had to be cautious and that's why they aren't doing anything reckless" Brina said. 

"How could you be so sure it's Aletros? Anyone would attack the weakest first and later go for strongest" Remus argued. 

"Seriously?? You are asking me how am I so sure?!!" 

"Who will understand them better than me, Remus?" Brina scoffed. 

"It's where you all guys fall in trap! You think in typical fashion and think that they follow traditional rules of war. However, they are different, Remus! They don't see who is weak. They just grab the opportunity and strike for it." Brina said. 

"Of course..of course! You know them well. But, I think Kingdom Sophene (Penelope's Kingdom) will be next." Remus argued. 

"Why? I want an explanation" Brina asked.