Will Katherine agree?

Katherine nodded her head, grateful for the motivation. However, deep down she knows that it is not possible in her case. 

Brina sighed. Understanding what's going on in Katherine's mind. 

"It's hard and they had to be stronger than you to inflict the pain in you. However, using your mind to trick them, turning their own game against them, will always do the trick here. Do they know your identity?" Brina asked. 

"No," Katherine said. 

"But you knew their identity so you were afraid," Brina said, for which Katherine nodded her head. 

"You know what, you are on advantage here. Use it to prove yourself" Brina said, packing her bag. 

And, before Katherine could ask Brina about anything, another person appeared, stopping her. 

"Beatrice, it's already night! Why are you here?" he worriedly said. 

"You came searching for me, Noah (Nickolas)?" Brina asked, exasperated.