A big family.

After Nick saw this family reunion he at last felt his mind in peace (not heart though).

It is too painful for him to see Brina with another man and their families reuniting. He didn't harbour any bad intentions, but, he is sad. That's it...

As it became clear that she would never come back to him, he simply didn't see the point in staying back here.

Besides this, he needs to rush because Gabriel, the main villain, suffered a heart attack yesterday night.  

The more he delays, the more others will get suspicious. So, he left after informing Layla. 

Meanwhile, Brina saw her mother and she was very emotional. 

But her mother's doctors gave her hope that she might wake up if she was made to sense that her daughter and grandson are alive. 


"I am happy you married Edward," George said to his daughter. 

It's night now.  

After George insisted everyone, they finally decided to stay back in the mansion.