You sound like you're the boss of me.

Zhou Ling came out from the bathroom to see him deep in thought and decided to repay the earlier favour. She walked to him and silently dropped the bag now containing her dirty clothes on the ground gently and then put both her hands around his neck intertwining them thereafter.

To her disappointment, he didn't so much as flinch. Unbeknownst to her, he had already noticed she was in the room from the time she dropped the bag and he felt her breath on his neck.

He had wanted to flip her in a way that she would land on his lap but he refrained from it, no can only be lucky so many times in a day. He would take things one at a time to not arouse her suspicion.

" Alright I know you're done. Why don't you go to the other room to take a nap? You look like you didn't sleep a wine last night. "

" Something like that. But who is going to stay here with my parents? " She asked as she darted her eyes between both her parents and then letting out a sigh.

" Don't worry I'll stay here with them."

"Aren't you going back to the office? "

" I can always work from here, I'll just need to borrow your laptop. But you need to rest I won't feel assured unless I'm here to make sure of it. " He said softening his tone at the last sentence.

" Alright I'll rest a bit wake me up in an hour will you? "

" Sure I will. Now to take that power nap. "

" I'll go now. From tomorrow, the caretaker we hired will take care of them and we can always visit after work...."

"Stop talking and go rest already. " He said a little annoyance seeping into his tone. He just wanted her to have a good rest for her not to look so tired but here she was chatting him up.

" Fine I'm going. You sound like you're the boss of me. " She grumbled as she left to sleep in the other room.

Seeing that she finally went to rest, he went to the living room area which was directly connected to the patients room with the laptop he had just borrowed and also didn't forget to leave the door ajar in case of necessity.

He sat on a sofa and found a comfortable position before getting to work. A little over an hour later, he stood up, stretched a bit and went to check on Zhou Ling.

She was fast asleep on the bed. Quietly, he made his way to the bed, she was sleeping peacefully which made him unable to bring himself to wake her up. He decided to let her sleep for a while more. Bending his waist a bit, he gave her a peck on her forehead and stood up. Unable to control himself, he gave her another peck this time on her mouth before fleeing from the room so that he won't wake her up.

And also partly so that he won't be discovered.