
Oblivious to Xue Lin's thoughts regarding her, Mo Ning finished removing her makeup and then picked up her bag containing her clothes from one of the chairs in the room.

Since it was late, she decided that there was no need applying a fresh set of makeup on her face. She knew that as soon as Shen Mucheng arrived to pick her up and drop her off at home, that she wouldn't bother about anything else but go to sleep directly because she had been up and about all day and she could feel her aching muscles threatening to detach themselves from her body if she didn't get any rest soon.

After sending the makeup artist out the door, she opened the bag in her hands and dipped the other hand into the bag to retrieve her clothes.

The instant she touched the clothes in the bag, she felt a prickly sensation on her skin.

It felt oddly like bugs crawling about on her skin.

The instant that thought registered in her brain, she let out an ear piercing scream, enough to shatter a window made of glass if there was any in sight, before trying to bring her hands out of the bag.

In her haste to quickly remove her hands, multiple cuts appeared on her hand and the prickly sensation intensified.

Any one who knew her well enough would know how much she was scared of the tiny creatures. It has always been so since when she was five years old and some of the children in school decided it was fun to leave a box filled with bugs open on her table while she was sleeping on said table.

She remembered waking up to the weird feeling of things crawling on her skin and when she was fully awake to understand what was going on, she came eyeball to eyeball with one of the tiny pests crawling towards her eyes. She had fainted out of fright that day and when she woke up, she was lying in a hospital and even though all the bugs where gone, there were red spots all over her body which didn't clear up until after a few hours and the feeling of bugs crawling on her skin didn't go away until after a few days. Since then, she had made sure to steer clear of them.

Although she wondered how the bugs got into her bag, that was in fact the last thing on her mind.

All she could think of was to try to pry her hands out of the bag but it was proving to be a hard mission. The more she tried, the more her hands got tangled and the more tangled it got, the more wounds appeared on her hand but she couldn't feel the pain from her hands right now. All she could think of was removing her hands from the bag.

She even began to wonder how the bag suddenly had so many compartments as compared to earlier in the day when she had left the the bag in the room.

She was on the verge of tears now and her blood had already dyed most of the interior of the bag red.