I want you now

Ning shyly nodded her head and said "Yeah"

Zen went closer to Ning. Their faces were just few inches apart. He softly put his hand on her waist and pulled closer. She moaned, held his hand tightly and placed other hand on his chest. His lips were just few inches away from hers. He went forward to kiss her.

Their lips met. Ning didn't want it to happen, so she did not return back the kiss. He noticed something was off and broke the kiss. By seeing directly into her eyes he asked "What happened? You fine?"

She nodded her head. Then he said "I am sorry, you look uncomfortable."

Ning: "No, no, I am fine. And it was not your mistake, you asked me and I said yes. But since it's my first time, I didn't know how to act to it."

Mo Zen chuckled and said "Oh! okay come let's have dinner."

Then Ning suddenly grabbed his hand and pulled him closer, her lips met his. He couldn't believe it but returned back with same intensity. It turned into a passionate kiss. They stopped when they were unable to breathe.

Ning: Come let's have dinner. I am very hungry.

Mo Zen: Yeah, I already said you to eat what I have, so you can eat my lips for some more time.

Ning gave him a look and hooked her hands around his neck. She said "But while eating, I will chew my food. So,.." she stopped speaking. She then suddenly bit his lips together and ran, before he could even realize what happened.

He came back to his senses when she said "If you want, come and touch me before I reach that table with food and eat the food." He chased after her. She was running very fast and was approaching the table. He was almost there when she already sat on the chair and she said "I am first."

He held her hand and later waist and made her to stand. He was about to go closer when she said "What? I already reached right."

He chuckled and said "What did you say?"

She thought and said "I said if you want kiss, come and touch me before I reach."

He smacked on her head and said "You silly girl". And he held her shoulders "My dearly Ning also said before she reaches the table and eat food on it. But you still did not eat and I already

touched you." he said and lifted her and started kissing. She returned back with same intense and passion. After a long time, he let go of her and placed her on the chair before sitting on the other chair.

They were having dinner. It is an awesome night for Mo Zen, he would never forget this day, it was his dream come true. He never thought that he could meet her when he saw her photo a year ago. He decided he should meet her then and there. And now she is in front of him eating happily without any knowledge of what is going on. He is glaring at her happily, watching the way she is eating and speaking to him. Finally he got what he wanted, he don't want to lose her. So, he returned back to make her his's forever. He knows that she won't agree but he had no other choice. According to him, he was right but he was wrong according to her. He is unaware of the outcome when she gets to know about it. It started to kick in, the drug which he mixed in her food. She was feeling dizzy and when she was about to fall, he held her, lifted her up and took her inside the cottage which he asked to empty it and decorate beautifully.

Inside the cottage, he slowly placed her on the bed. The drug which he put makes her half unconscious for at least five hours and later she slowly drifts into sleep. He wanted her to be conscious, so used that drug, but she will not remember anything after the effect of drug goes.

He even mixed high percentage of alcohol content in her juice as he wants her to initiate.

After placing her, he removed his suit and went inside the bathroom and started filling the tub with water. She was on bed speaking something. After setting the right temperature to water, he went to take her in. When he was about to lift her, she pulled him by his shirt. He fell on her, she started kissing him. He controlled the urge to kiss and said with sexy grin "Wait, there is still time for it. Come let's bath and then start." She said "No, right now.". He lifted her forcefully while saying "No, first bath. Let's bath together. You are a good girl right." She nodded her head.

He placed her beside the tub. And took out a small camera from his pocket and placed in the bathroom where it would be seen clearly. He went near her, he started undressing her. It was the first time he was seeing her naked body. She hugged him and started removing his shirt buttons. She removed his shirt and started unzipping his pants when he unhooked her bra. She was shy and hugged him to not allow him to see. He said "Come let's bath." He removed his pants and underwear. Now he was standing naked in front of her, she saw and suddenly kept her hands on her eyes. Then the bra which she was holding with her hands fell down. He went near her and slowly removed her underwear. Now even she was completely naked in front of him. Then he removed her hands from her eyes and put her inside the tub. It was big enough for both to fit. He then brought soap, shampoo and scrub. He slid beside her and started to apply shampoo on her head. He was doing everything very gently and lovingly not to hurt her. Then he was shocked when she started applying shampoo on his head. He washed her body and also himself. Then she grabbed him by his hand and said "I want you now." He grinned and was about to get up, she started kissing him on his red lips. Even he returned it with same intensity. She was holding him tightly not wanting to leave him. She asked for entry inside his mouth, he happily allowed and started exploring her mouth with his tongue. He increased his pace, she was unable to breathe and left him.

He got up and brought a large towel, he wiped her body and tied with towel. He lifted her and placed inside the room. He then took the camera and without pausing he kept it inside the bedroom. He took a hair dryer and was about to dry her hair when she suddenly removed the towel on her body and tied it behind him tightly. Since it was large it would fit both. He was drying her hair. After just a minute, she said "Enough" grabbed the dryer and placed it on the table. They held each other tightly and started kissing while moving. They fell on the bed, their kiss became wild. They let go each other when they were unable to breathe. He then removed the towel and throwed it away. He was exploring her body with his hands moving on her body. He was above. He started licking her collar bones and his one hand was on her chest making circles. She closed her eyes and let out a moan. He was moving downwards while licking. She was speaking 'It's a nice feeling. I want to experience everything'. He couldn't believe that it was her because according to what he knows she was different, she is not like this. He felt very bad for all this but he must do it or else he might lose her forever. He then stopped at her entrance and thought to himself 'I know I wouldn't be able to control myself so I used condom but what if she gets to know?' He was afraid and at the same time, he was unable to control himself when his beloved was below him naked and asking him more due to the effect of alcohol.