Surgery, Dissection, Psychiatry

On the morning of the first day of training, Zhou Jiaqiang taught the five students ligation.

At noon they had a meal in the cafeteria of the training centre, took a break, then went back to continue the afternoon portion of training: ligation.

Ligation was also one of the most crucial fundamental techniques in surgery. The methods of ligation, also known as sutures, were mainly divided into intermittent and continuous. Commonly used methods were simple intermittent suture method, double intermittent suture method (8-shaped suture), simple continuous suture, running locking suture, relaxation suture, interrupted inverted sutures, continuous inverted sutures...

These different suture methods have different uses and need to be selected according to the type of injury.

"You must take note that when dealing with deep wounds, do not sew at the deepest level. You should only sew at skin level. This is the main way to avoid the formation of surgical dead space."